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» Your size and other people (Go to post)12-04-2014 @ 14:59 
I understand what OP is saying.

Also on people recognising you, I'm only 80kg which is nothing but the amount of time I'e had people comment on my biceps is a lot. One thing I get all the time is random people, who I've never even seen before on a night out come up to me and saying you were deadlifting 5 plates the other day or you train at such and such a place, as my gym is a very busy student gym.
» training in stoke (Go to post)06-04-2014 @ 22:20 
Post Edited: 06.04.2014 @ 22:28 PM by AMG
There is a lot in stoke, I live in the area but don't train in stoke itself. I've been down to give me strength gym in Meir which is quite good for strongman.

Edit: oh there is strength asylum in stoke too.
» Chalk (Go to post)28-03-2014 @ 19:14 
I only use it if my hands are sweaty.
» Why do bodybuilders get mad when? (Go to post)25-03-2014 @ 19:25 
LessThanLuke said:I have never ever encountered this.

Okay more particular, average gym rats who perceive to be bodybuilders, that have been training for 4 years who can't even bench 100 yet.
» Why do bodybuilders get mad when? (Go to post)25-03-2014 @ 19:18 
Post Edited: 25.03.2014 @ 19:19 PM by AMG
Cross fitters have a better physique than them and then call them gay? I think it's ironic that it's bodybuilders, to think it's not gay to idolise a naked man in a thong.

Just a none bias opinion.
» Would you want to be as big as big heath? (Go to post)22-03-2014 @ 19:58 
Post Edited: 22.03.2014 @ 19:59 PM by AMG
I know this is powerlifting forum and you may lift more or weight more but would you want his physique.?

I was conversing with my friends about it, I was like yeah man, I would but it is never going to happen.
» What was the last thing... (Go to post)21-03-2014 @ 19:36 
"Inspection and Test Plan"
» loal at gym carpetbaggers (Go to post)20-03-2014 @ 17:31 
Post Edited: 20.03.2014 @ 17:31 PM by AMG
This gym actually happens a lot where I go, it full of bodybuilders/powerlifters and then students just come in and basically act like tools.

The amount of FB status i've seen people put like "back on the 60kg dumbbells" when I've just seen you struggling with half rep 35's. Never do I comment on their status or call them out though. The people who don't brag normally lift the most.
» Rowing (in a boat) (Go to post)19-03-2014 @ 18:39 
dr_hazbun said:I rowed at university throughout undergraduate medicine (1998-2001).

Becoming a 'boatie' is kind of all or nothing.

I'd say this, I purely go as I want to learn how to scull. If you have just started you will row sweep in a 8 man boat.

It's hard on recovery rowing and weight training.
» Going between highbar Oly and lowbar powerlifting squat? (Go to post)06-03-2014 @ 19:54 
Post Edited: 06.03.2014 @ 19:56 PM by AMG
slimsim said:
Out of interest, how long has it taken you to get to your current high bar poundage compared to your low bar 1rm?
I've always squatted high bar apart from toying with it in a few sessions as I thought the hip/glute involvement may help my clean and snatch pulls. It was not only so uncomfortable on my hips but also my shoulders that I quickly sacked the idea off. Even 100kg felt awful.
I thought (and could well be wrong) low bar squatting was more popular in equipped lifting so maybe it's days could be numbered based on rise of raw competitions? I certainly don't think it's a movement which most people automatically feel comfortable with whereas high bar, is a fairly natural, athletic movement.
Have I gone completely off topic?

I don't even know man roughly 6 months as I went to down to doing 140kg for 4 sets of 12 then I was moaning in the gym my legs were small and my gym owner who is a reputable bodybuilder recommended 125kg for 4 sets of 20.

I then thought fawk this due to nearly passing out every leg day and jumped straight 170kg for 3 sets of 5 but missing a few on the last set. I'm currently going to move up 2.5kg next session.

In the squat the back is always the limiting factor, never the legs unless it is high reps. Then legs can go before back hence the reason (i think) behind keeping my strength. The only reason I fail now is due to back strength not leg strength.
» Going between highbar Oly and lowbar powerlifting squat? (Go to post)05-03-2014 @ 21:21 
upon discovering what a low bar squat was I started to squat low bar, and squatted 210kg at 78kg. I then switch as it put a lot of pressure on my lower back and just felt like high bar squatting again. Im currently high bar squatting 170kg for 3 sets of 5.

As it happens last training session, I wanted to squat low bar, I couldn't even pick 140kg up in the warm up as it just felt so unnatural after not low bar squatting in 6 months.

In my opinion I could high bar squat maybe 200kg now but could not low bar squat it even though I have in the past unless I worked my way up again. However, If i have carried on low bar squatting my squat would have been a lot higher squatting low bar than high.
» Any Students ?? (Go to post)25-02-2014 @ 13:57 
Killelay said:
Aha, probably not :P Nahh I do referencing as I go on. I hope you exaggerated 9 hours on referencing ahah.
And whoever does History & Politics, Probably cos you do an easy degree :P

It just very time consuming, for instance I know so I could afford to take some time off. However, i'm working 9-3 today... then going the library to print some slides off then of to the gym. Not spending 3 weeks of my life working 8 till 10 every day to get work in as I left it too late, it's all about time management. The thing is sometimes you can't do the work until you have the lecture.
» Any Students ?? (Go to post)24-02-2014 @ 18:23 
Killelay said:9 hours in a library
I can write a 2000 word essay in half that time haha

Might not be any good though, aha, spent over 9 hours before just referencing.
» Any Students ?? (Go to post)24-02-2014 @ 13:41 
So much more difficult at University. Not to mention the lack of sleep due to noise, not enough rest.... I find if I spend 9 hours in the library I'm mentally drained before I even get to the gym. If I'm honest I have more time on my hands in a full time job. There is so much more structure in your life unless you are working away a lot.

I mean lecturers put so more additional learning material on a VLE, how are you suppose to have time to read all that, attend lectures and do assignment/revise on top of shopping, washing, f**king ecttt.... First year fair enough but second and third year you don't have time to s**t.
» arched back when deadlifting (Go to post)19-02-2014 @ 21:26 
I hurt my back trying to use 'correct' form. never got hurt with an arch.


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