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» 3 BIGGEST MYTHS about STRONGMAN (Go to post)29-10-2013 @ 17:47 
Thank You again for taking the time for reading.

Not my first time here. First time posting an article from our website. It mostly written for people new to the sport looking in from the outside so it may be a dull read for competitors "in the know"

Obviously there are many deeper and concerning MYTHS within the sport of strongman concerning PED's, Politics, Promotion and Bias. These are not things I anticipated the normal fan wanting to hear.

Perpetuating myths is a confusing accusation ? Feel free to clarify maybe after you finish the article Happy

» 3 BIGGEST MYTHS about STRONGMAN (Go to post)29-10-2013 @ 16:05 
Hello from across the pond.

New article from IRONMILL - 3 biggest MYTHS about strongman.

Thank you all for reading. We appreciate the time. Hopefully will have time to start contributing a little more now.

» MHP Liberty Classic: Independence Day (Go to post)11-01-2013 @ 14:00 
Thing said:
awesome looking comp.

Were excited to host the UK Team ! Change up the format.
» MHP Liberty Classic: Independence Day (Go to post)11-01-2013 @ 13:51 
Post Edited: 11.01.2013 @ 13:54 PM by LouisCosta
adamkeep said:I've actually competed at the MHP Liberty Classic when the 105 class had their pro nationals at the same time (competed on a broken foot and did crap!). Anyhow, it is a really good time and prizes have been good generally. I will say however, there are nowhere near 10,000 at the stadium for the baseball game, let alone the strongman events. The stones on the diamond has been the classic thing since 2005 or whenever it started and you might have 3-400 max still there as the event goes on. That aside, the contest site is pretty cool and the format sounds like a lot of fun! Good luck to those who do it! Maybe I could even compete for England as a sort of Benedict Arnold! Haha!


Since MHP Liberty Classic Stones Series was switched to the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs Baseaball stadium and we finish off the stones before the fireworks we had atleast 8,000 last year and probably closer to 10,000 as there wasn't even standing room.

Dont take my word for it. Take a look. Not a person left their seats -

From wiki - The Iron Pigs Stadium since being built in 2008 seats up to 8,100, with a capacity of 10,000, We had every bit of that filled to the brim this year ( granted they stay around for the fireworks after the stone series.)

The year before without the fire works and different venue it was a tad bit disappointing. Probably closer to your estimate.

And traitors die a slow strongman death Happy haha....
» MHP Liberty Classic: Independence Day (Go to post)11-01-2013 @ 13:27 
Post Edited: 11.01.2013 @ 13:28 PM by LouisCosta
A LW and HW Team would be good idea. But due to the time constraints of changing the weights and having an extra 2 sets of all the implements it will have to be just an Open Class for now.

That ^ And the crowd wants to see big bad beasts duke it out at huge weights for Strongman supremacy Happy


Your guys better get strong to make a go of it and not have to relive the pain of defeat all over again Happy
» 2012 LOGLIFT CHAMPS (Go to post)22-11-2012 @ 15:56 
Great Vid. Thanx!
» Patella tendinitis cures/rehab (Go to post)22-11-2012 @ 14:36 
Our own Physical Therapist just wrote an article on Quad/patella tendinitis. Hopefully this helps you out!
» 2012 N.A.S. Nationals Video and Write UP (Go to post)20-11-2012 @ 13:45 
Rodger said:
7th Martin.
Nice write up.
Well done mate great axle, fast on the yoke/frame
Is this the equivalent of Englands Strongest Man over here (or UKs)

No this is actually only the American Amateur Nationals. I do not know how that would stack up against UK's Strongest but the US Pro's have a separate America's Strongest Man. I believe Mike Burke Won that this year. Unfortunately it is always held the same time as WSM, so a top to bottom field involving the best guys never quite takes shape.

I was top 3 all day until that godamned duckwalk! Brutal!
» 2012 N.A.S. Nationals Video and Write UP (Go to post)20-11-2012 @ 12:29 
Mark said:Excellent write up fella and well done Happy
cracking sound track too lol

Huge field! No wonder they were running so many people together in those events!

Thanx Mark,

We like to keep the sound tracks interesting as well Happy How much "Disturbed" can people listen to before you become numb????
» 2012 N.A.S. Nationals Video and Write UP (Go to post)20-11-2012 @ 12:28 
VanillaGorilla said:Great write up Lou, well done buddy!

Sounds like a well run competition too, 53 competitors and 4 at a time head to head? Awesome!

I have been critical of N.A.S. before for subpar locations and suspect event set up, but this time it was as well run a contest as I can remember. It was great competing with so may strong people! Women included.
» atlas stone training without stones (Go to post)20-11-2012 @ 00:33 
Hey guys.

We just posted an article that can help if you don't have access to Atlast stones.

Hope this helps!
» 2012 N.A.S. Nationals Video and Write UP (Go to post)20-11-2012 @ 00:30 
Listen to the sweet sounds of Electric 6 and watch people pick up heavy sh*t.

Any feedback is welcomed.
» AWESOME NEW ARTICLE ON IRONMILL STRONG! (Go to post)07-11-2012 @ 18:27 
Have any of you thought about starting up a facility that trains athletes or offers that outlet to the youth ?

Seems like there may be a strong need for it. If your willing to spend the extra time scouting out cheap equipment, find a low overhead facility and good area It's amazing what you can do on little money.

Wish I could put an Ironmill over there! Anyone want a partner Happy
» AWESOME NEW ARTICLE ON IRONMILL STRONG! (Go to post)07-11-2012 @ 12:47 
JC said:
Personally, I think sport for the 11-17 year olds is MASSIVE in schools in the US....and with being a good sportsman cames a certain standing (as in movies give the indication that "jocks" are very popular in high school)
In the UK, being a success in sport at 11-17, isn't necessarily a route to being popular. And in general, sport isn't given the same imp[ortance in UK high schools, as it is in the US

I would have assumed being strong, handsome and dominating any field of sport for an athlete would be universally accepted as popular in any society ?

What characteristics do you guys ( gals ) place on becoming popular/successful for your youth?

Obviously the US is highly competitive and ultra erect about our sports. (I've learned to be a much more passive fan than my younger more rabid years.) Infact I can hardly stand half of the fans I watch games with anyways.

But! I have seen the appetite for Soccer or Football ( Its still confusing to me how to refer to it correctly ) from you fans and I have to is equally voracious!

To the comment about money. Yes. I agree 100 percent.


One thing that is trending over here with the economy going on 5 years in the tank is public funding for weight rooms, strength coaches ect have decreased dramatically in the public sector almost back to zero. We are eliminating many programs/teams/coaches/funding as well.

That pushes a lot of athletes if they can afford it into the private sector of training such as Ironmill and the countess other facilities / philosophies / schools ect.

Which is of semi concern to me because I would rate our training as conservative with an emphasis on the fundamentals ( explosive jumping, squatting, bounding) It scares me to see the methods incorporated by some of my counterparts to be honest!
» AWESOME NEW ARTICLE ON IRONMILL STRONG! (Go to post)07-11-2012 @ 11:59 

Great article. Glad to have you contributing with us at Ironmill!

it's fascinating to me to read the differences in training and even the replies on this board considering training.

We specialize in youth athlete training because there is an incredibly large market base for it! You guys are absolutely correct.

The US DOES place a large emphasis on athlete development from a young age for all sports. Soccer is much larger in the youth realm than you would think in the US!

There is a large population of parents that will actually only let their children play soccer now with the concussion/injury statistics coming out in Youth American Football.

One thing I believe in is that any child learning to control their body more athletically at the earliest stage through jumping/squating/hand eye coordination/ motor neuron development will create better athletes as adults.

Why do you guys feel there is less emphasis on that youth development in the UK ? Maybe Europe in general if that is not being too presumptuous ?
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