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» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)21-01-2015 @ 12:35 
Thank you for pointing out a mistake I made almost 2 years ago to the day
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)21-01-2015 @ 11:38 
'twas only light..

and a long time ago..

But I think I may have meant 5 sets of 5..
» How big do you have to be before your name gets prefixed with 'Big'? (Go to post)21-01-2015 @ 10:24 
I've been Big Phil as long as I can remember, amongst the other usuals. Slim, tiny, lurch, hightower. None of these bother me TBH

What does bother me, because it's so unoriginal and tedious is meeting a new customer or gym rat for them to say

'you're a big lad!'

Like, f*ck me, I hadn't noticed. Thanks for pointing it out Sherlock..
» What an effin weirdo! (Go to post)06-03-2014 @ 12:47 
Errrm....who filmed it? Confused
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)16-02-2014 @ 11:46 
60kg x 10
100kg x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

60kg x 10
140kg x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

3 x 10

Push downs
3 x 10

Preacher curls
3 x 10
» What the actual fck? (Go to post)19-08-2013 @ 12:18 
Only in South Yorkshire, they'll be related to each other too no doubt..

Ross will probably know them Grin
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)15-08-2013 @ 23:23 
Cheers Ross, gonna start Bench and DL twice a week got my eye on an inters comp but thinking I should just bust nuts training rest of this year and jump to opens

Only prob is my squats shocking, well more shocking than the rest of my liftsGrin
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)15-08-2013 @ 18:56 
Thurs 15th August

60kg x 10
80kg x 10
100kg x 10
140kg x 2
140kg x 2
150kg x 1
100kg x 12

Incline bench
100kg x 10 x 4

4 x 12

Dip machine
4 x 10

Push down
4 x 10

Rope pull down
4 x 10

Got post holiday blues and a case of the can't be arsed. Feel a bit better now I've trained
» "im the one to watch because im the smallest here" (Go to post)15-08-2013 @ 11:00 
good luck sir
» Jack mcintosh jailed (Go to post)15-08-2013 @ 07:59 
No good can come of this thread.
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)13-08-2013 @ 19:00 
Yeah defo, it's just finding the time mate, it's an hour there and an hour back from Halifax. Will make the effort in the next couple of weeks for sure
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)13-08-2013 @ 18:51 
Tues 13th August

Done a few sessions while on hols, nothing heavy. Back to work now and back into the routine

Seated row
4 x 12 increasing

Bent over rows
60kg x 12
80kg x 10
120kg x 10
120kg x 10

12" deadlift
60kg x 10
100kg x 10
140kg x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

Lat pull down
4 x 10 increasing

Preacher curls
4 x 10 increasing
1 x superset probably 50 reps total

Hammer curls
40lb db 4 x 10

Felt comfortable, but felt like I grafted
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)25-07-2013 @ 18:57 
Thurs 25th July

60kg x 10
60kg x 10 paused
100kg x 5 paused
120kg x 5 paused
140kg x 10 pb
160kg x 2
170kg x 2
180kg x 1 had to fight like f**k with it
185kg x F took it down bit too slow me thinks

Incline smith
60kg x 10
100kg x 10
100kg x 10
120kg x 6

pec dec
4 x 10

Preacher curl
4 x 12

Hammer curl
4 x 10

Push down
4 x 10

Rope pull down
4 x 10

Been missing sessions due to being busy at work, break up for my hols tomorrow and off to Dorset for a week camping. Once I'm back I'm getting to get my s**t in order and get into a proper routine. Not done any event training in nearl 2 months
» Ross's training life (Go to post)23-07-2013 @ 08:14 
Lots of volume on bench, you can't be far off 200kg 1RM now

Better not get there before me c**t Grin
» Twice the size of a normal man but only half the strength (Go to post)22-07-2013 @ 10:20 
Sat 20th July

Lat pulldowns
4 x 10

Seated row
4 x 10

Bent over rows
4 x 10

Shoulder press
4 x 10

Lat raise
4 x 10

1/2 hr circuits miixing plank, medicen ball sit ups and cross trainer


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