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» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)15-04-2016 @ 13:48 
Yesterday's session:

Week Three Session Two

Bench Day with assistance work
bar 3x10

1x3 on 60kg

1x8 on 70kg

1x8 on 80kg

1x5 on 90kg

Work Sets

5x3 on 105kg paused, very easy and smooth reps vds to follow

1x10 on 90kg

1x8 on 90kg

DB Palm Facing Bench Press

4 Sets;

10 x 22.5kg

8 x 25kg

6x 30kg

5 x 35kg
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
4x15 on 14kg
Chest Support Rows 4 sets of 10 reps bodyweight.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)11-04-2016 @ 09:07 
Week 3 Session One

bar x 2x10

1x5 on 40kg

1x3 on 60kg

1x8 on 70kg

1x8 on 80kg

1x5 on 90kg

Work Sets 5x3 on 105kg paused Videos below

1x15 on 70kg

1x12 on 70kg

Close Grip Max sets to failure

85kg x6


85kg x4

Incline DB Bench Press

25kg x12

27.5kg x10

30kg x8

34kg x3

32kg x6

Skull Crushers

5 sets increasing weight each set

25kg x12

30kg x8

35kg x8

35kg x3

Dumbbell Flyes
4 sets of 10 reps on 10kg

Lat Pulldowns
4 sets of 10 on 40kg each arm
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)05-04-2016 @ 15:59 
Week Two Session Two Bench Day with assistances

Bench Day with assistance work

bar x10

1x3 on 40kg

1x3 on 60kg

1x8 on 75kg

1x5 on 85kg

1x3 on 95kg

Work Sets ( 4x2 on 105kg Paused) 80% it's feeling comfy really won't be long until where I was.

1x2 on 105kg

1x2 on 105kg

1x2 on 105kg

1x2 on 105kg

2 sets to burn out or as close as can be with no spotter

1x11 on 85kg paused

1x6 on 85kg paused

Incline Bench

5 sets of 3 reps on 70kg paused

DB palms facing bench

1x10 on 27.5kg right arm

1x10 on 27.5kg left arm

1x8 on 30kg right arm

1x8 on 30kg left arm

1x6 on 32kg left arm

1x6 on 32kg right arm

1x5 on 22.5kg left arm

1x5 on 22.5kg right arm

Basically 4 sets increasing weight each set.

Fatbar chest supported rows

4 sets of 10 reps

DB Tricep Extensions

4 sets of 15 reps on 12.5kg

Hammer Curls
4 sets of 10 reps on 12kg

Notes: Fairly happier I don't think I'm miles away feel I have lost a little bit of strength on higher rep work but not entirely sure, going to have good few days off now before benching again give my body maximum recovery time. Lots of eating recovery, improve sleep hopefully and most importantly give my MT a good use over next couple of days.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)03-04-2016 @ 16:54 
Week Two ( Sesson One) Bench Day


bar 2x10

1x3 on 60kg

1x8 on 70kg

1x5 on 80kg

Work Sets 5x3 on 90kg paused all reps

1x3 on 90kg

1x3 on 90kg

1x3 on 90kg

1x3 on 90kg

1x3 on 90kg

Notes: Speed is feeling a lot better and it's starting to come back my muscle memory from surgery over a month ago now.

2 Max sets to failure on 80kg

1x12 on 80kg

1x10 on 80kg

Close Grip 3 sets to faulure on 75kg

1x10 on 75kg

1x9 on 75kg

1x6 on 75kg

DB Incline Bench Press

22kg x11

24kg x9

26kg x8

18kg x6

18kg x5

DB Flyes

1x10 on 12kg right + left

1x10 on 10kg Right+left arm

2x10 on 8kg Right+Left Arm

Lat Pull Downs ( Isolateral)

4x10 on 35kg each arm

DB Hammer Curls

2x10 on 15kg

2x10 on 12.5kg

Couple of exercises passed on but will hit them in my next session just to not run before I can walk literally still.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)28-03-2016 @ 18:37 
Week One Session One


bar 3x10
1x5 on 40kg
1x3 on 60kg

1x8 on 65kg
1x5 on 75kg
5x3 on 85kg paused

1x6 on 90kg
1x6 on 90kg
1x5 on 90kg
1x5 on 90kg
1x4 on 90kg
Two Sets to Failure

1x10 on 72.5kg
1x7 on 72.5kg

Close Grip Bench Press

1x6 on 70kg
1x6 on 70kg

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

20x12 on right
20x12 on left
22kg x9 on left arm
22kg x9 on right arm
1x8 on 16kg right arm
1x8 on 16kg left arm
1x6 on 16kg right arm
1x6 on 16kg left arm

Dumbbell Flys

4 Sets of 10 on 8kg

Lat pull downs
3x10 on 25kg
1x10 on 40kg ( Left)
1x10 on 40kg (right)

Bicep Curls

3 Sets of 10 on 15kg

Skull Crushers on ez bar

10 on 25kg
12 on 30kg
1x5 on 40kg

Notes: Very happy with session today, looking forward to it and building up a big bench.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)26-02-2016 @ 08:55 
Week Two Sessions Three:

Last session yesterday so made it count.


70 2x5
1x3 on 100kg
1x2 on 120kg

Work Sets: ( Work Sets 4x10 on 140kg)
1x9 on 140kg
1x10 on 140kg
1x10 on 140kg
1x10 on 140kg

Paused Deads

2 sets of 10 on 110kg

Back Raises to finish

several sets of 10-15 reps
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)24-02-2016 @ 19:59 
Week Two Session Two Squat Day with assistances

Squats 25x2x10

1x5 on 50kg

1x3 on 80kg

1x2 on 100kg

Work Sets: ( 4 sets of 10 reps on 125kg)

( Beltless)

1x9 on 125kg

1x11 on 125kg

1x11 on 125kg

1x10 on 125kg

Notes: Also this looks like 120kg it is not it's 125kg as I am using the squat bar which is 25kg plus 5kg with the Olympic collars so makes the bar 30kg.

Leg Press

183kg x15

233kg x15

283kg x15

Romanian Dead-lifts

70kg x5

100kg x3

Work Sets

120kg x7

120kg x5

110kg x5 Furiously losing my grip on these for some reason.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)23-02-2016 @ 20:09 
Post Edited: 23.02.2016 @ 20:10 PM by strengthathlete
Week Two Sessions One Bench Day


Bar x2x10

1x5 on 40kg

Work Sets:

1x10 on 80kg vid paused

1x10 on 80kg

1x10 on 80kg

1x10 on 80kg

These were very comfortable every rep and set easy!!

Max Reps on 70kg two sets.

1x16 on 70kg vid to follow

1x12 on 70kg

Lat Pulldowns ( Isolateral)

5x10 on 40kg right arm

5x10 on 40kg left arm

Dumbbell Front raises

3 sets of 10 reps on 8kg right arm

3 sets of 10 reps on 8kg left arm

Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

2 sets of 10 reps on 16kg right arm

2 sets of 10 reps on 16kg left arm

1 set of 10 reps on 14kg right arm

1 set of 10 reps on 14kg left arm

Bicep Curls

2sets of 10 reps on 17.5kg

These were very tough after all the volume on bench I did.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)21-02-2016 @ 11:05 
Week One

Session Three

Dead-lift Day

Work Sets
1x10 on 130kg
1x10 on 130kg
1x10 on 130kg
1x10 on 130kg

Paused Deads

2x10 on 100kg

Back Raises

3 Sets of 10 on Bodyweight!
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)21-02-2016 @ 11:04 
Week One
Session Two:

Squat Day

Bar 3x10
1x5 on 60kg
1x3 on 100kg
Work Sets ( 4x10 on 115kg)
1x10 on 115kg
1x10 on 115kg
1x10 on 115kg
1x10 on 115kg

Leg Press
1x10 on 100kg
Work Sets:
1x10 on 220kg
1x10 on 220kg
1x10 on 220kg

Legs feeling pretty beaten up.

Romanian Dead-Lifts
1x5 on 60kg
1x3 on 100kg

Work Sets
1x10 on 110kg
1x10 on 110kg
1x10 on 110kg a rest after 7 reps then had to reset.

Fair bit of volume slowly building back into it, the the freshest I have been but feeling good considering and fighting through.

Dead-lifts tomorrow Game on!!!
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)18-02-2016 @ 20:33 
First session back after competition Bench day With Assistances it hurt!


bar x2x10
1x10 on 45kg

Work Sets:
1x10 on 70kg
1x10 on 70kg
1x10 on 70kg
1x7 on 70kg

b) Too max sets on 65kg to failure
1x20 on 65kg
1x10 on 65kg

Lat Pull Downs ( Iso-lateral)

2x10 on 40kg right arm
2x10 on 40kg left arm
1x8 on 40kg left arm
1x8 on 40kg right arm

2x10 on 25kg right arm
2x10 on 25kg left arm

Dumbbell Front Raises:

3x10 on 8kg right arm
3x10 on 8kg left arm

Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

3x10 on 14kg right arm
3x10 on 14kg left arm

Bicep Curls too finish several sets.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)16-02-2016 @ 17:41 
Write Up form Competition on the 14th of Feb below:

Yesterday's Competition:
Well I travelled down on the Saturday in a hotel 1.2 miles away from the venue, did lots of walking and viewing Brighton as never been there before.
Sunday soon came around weighed in first one to do so 108.9kg, started lifting around 12 noon, my coach Delroy kindly came along to support me as did MassageTech warm ups on Squat bar x10, 60kg x 5, 100kg x3, 130kg x1 , 150kg x1, 170kg x1,
...Opener: 190kg Good Lift 3 White Lights
2nd attempt: 200kg Good Lift
3 White Lights 3rd Attempt: 210kg
Good Lift 3 White Lights Comp PR by 7.5kg

Bench Press: Bar x10 60kg x5 80kg x3 100kg x1 110kg x1
Opener: 120kg Good Lift 3 White Lights
Second Attempt : 125kg 3 White Lights 2.5kg comp pr
Attempt 3: 130kg 3 White Lights 7.5kg comp pr

Deadlifts 60kg x5 100x3 130kg x1 160kg x1 190kg x1
Opener : 210kg Good Lift 3 White Lights
2nd: 220kg Good Lift 3 White Lights
3rd Attempt : 227.5kg 3 White Lights
At last in the 500 lbs club 501 lbs
4th attempt: 232.5kg 512 lbs to increase comp pr and total.

Pretty good day happy with result 9/9 and 572.5kg total. 27 white lights 7.5kg PR in comp on bench, squat, deadlift. 22.5 kg comp total PR. Now for my 2016 goals. Video Footage below Exclusive coverage by my amazing coach Delroy Mcqueen.

[url=] [/url]
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)26-01-2016 @ 20:50 
Week 10 Session Two Bench Day:

Bar 3x10
1x6 on 45kg
1x5 on 65kg
1x3 on 85kg
1x1 on 95kg
1x1 on 105kg

Work Sets ( Videos of all Three singles)

1x1 on 115kg Paused felt really smooth
1x1 on 125kg Paused Very smooth and comfy for a 2.5kg pr
1x1 on 120kg paused

Focusing on very long pauses so I don't get any shocks come competition time.

Close Grp Bench

3x3 on 100kg paused

Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

3x8 on 34kg right arm
3x8 on 34kg left arm
1x10 on 34kg right arm

3x8 on 34kg right arm
2x8 on 34kg left arm

Tricep Dumbbell Extensions

4x8 on 14kg right arm
2x8 on 14kg right arm

4x8 on 14kg right arm
2x8 on 14kg left arm

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press:

3x8 on 20kg right arm
1x16 on 18kg right arm

3x8 on 20kg left arm
1x16 on 18kg left arm

Hammer Curls

6x8 on 10kg right arm
6x8 on 10kg left arm

Notes: Very pleased with this pb week 10 so far has been good, squat pr on Sunday under weather, and also bench pr got important dead-lift session end of the week.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)24-01-2016 @ 15:00 
Week 10
Session One:
bar 2x10
1x5 on 60kg
1x5 on 100kg
1x2 on 120kg
1x2 on 140kg
1x1 on 160kg

Work Sets
1x1 on 180kg this is aa PR beltless

1x2 on 200kg This is a big 7,5kg pr on Squat, depth was just about right, possibly hindsight could of gone fractionally lower, but been very under the whether last couple of days and this was very psychological too.

1x1 on 190kg

Paused Squats 3x3 on 145kg
1x3 on 145kg
1x3 on 145kg
1x3 on 145kg These were very comfy.

1x5 on 60kg
1x4 on 90kg

Work Sets:
1x8 on 110kg
1x8 on 110kg
1x8 on 110kg

Good Mornings:
1x10 on 25kg
1x10 on 45kg
1x10 on 65kg
1x10 on 65kg

Notes: This is going the right direction, few things to work on technically as you can see on the vid, should be on track on 14th of Feb for my 210 target.
» Matt Ward's Powerlfting Journey (Go to post)21-01-2016 @ 21:45 
Week 9 Session three ( Peaking Phase to Competition on 14th of Feb)

5 Minutes on the bike

...2x5 on 70kg
1x5 on 100kg
2x2 on 120kg
1x2 on 150kg

Work Sets:
3x2 on 180kg

4 inch block pulls (3x3 on 180)
1x3 on 180
1x3 on 180kg
1x3 on 180kg

Squats Explosive
3x3 on 100kg

Hamstring leg curls
6x10 on 10kg right leg
6x10 on 10kg left leg.

Videos to follow: Notes: I will be skipping last session of the week tomorrow as I am feeling run down, I don't want it ending up even worse for the coming weeks. I am going to rest the next 3 days and eat and sleep like a dream. Tomorrow it's a day at the shop getting lots of fruit and recovery stuff to get me ready for coming weeks.

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