» Wierzbicki Deadlifts... (Go to post) | 27-07-2017 @ 14:58 | ||
Crazy strong but yeah soft lock out IMO from that and then other video I watched. Maybe better side view closer to what the refs would be would make a difference. | |||
» World's Strongest Junior 2016 (Go to post) | 07-09-2016 @ 09:53 | ||
unit94 said:Tom had a bad deadlift hold and dropped him down to 4th, Cheik Sanou 3rd massive Canadian powerlifter, I got 2nd and Nick Hadge won with a brilliant performance. Best comp I've ever done and it should make good tv! Well done! Do you know is it to be aired anywhere? Seen a few videos posted on Facebook etc but would be good to see it televised. Do you have the full results or know how Matthew McCoy got on? | |||
» World Deadlift Championship Predictions (Go to post) | 29-05-2016 @ 19:15 | ||
Worst I have is 10% they are Bodypower plates. Of the 4 20's I have in that brand the weights were 18, 19.8, 20.3 and 20.6. I am assuming some of the brands are more accurate than others. I added a bit of weight to the ones that were under. | |||
» Powerlifting in the Pub or a Fun comp! (Go to post) | 27-04-2016 @ 11:37 | ||
Made me think immediately of Benni and this - http://www.sugdenbarbell.co.uk/forum/Benedikt-MAgnusson-487.5kg-attempt..-5850 From memory I think I posted something about it on the old PLUK site and the story was he put 487.5ks on the bar as that was all the weight that was at the competition. | |||
» Odell Manuell - 430kg Squat (Go to post) | 13-04-2016 @ 10:51 | ||
Appears to be wraps and singlet. So many big squatters around these days. | |||
» Insula catches up with Ed Coan (Go to post) | 25-01-2016 @ 10:08 | ||
Boar said:If you are asshole enough to cheat in the first place 'f**k my competitors and f**k their chance at a title' then why ever let that sort of person back ??? we hear stories of disappointed athletes (in many sports) wondering if they could have made it onto the podium ... if not for XXX .... oh, hi ! welcome back !! aren't you a lovely person. This is something the NIPF have been actively working on to try and ensure that if somebody is to come back after a ban that they really have paid the price. A two year ban before was practically pointless but at least 4 years now is a bit more of a chunk of a lifting 'career'. Now lifters returning from bans will have to pay back the federation the cost of the test if they want to become a member again. Also they have to return any trophies they may have won at the competition in question. Both these are required before a banned lifter can apply for membersship. The NIPF also erases ALL records (not just ones set at the competition in question). | |||
» Good collars for loadable dumbells (Go to post) | 03-12-2015 @ 11:46 | ||
I got a pair of these and they have been my best purchase in a long time. They may be a little on the wide side for what you need with the dumbells but grip well and are dead easy to get on unlike the spring clips at times. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x-Olympic-2-Barbell-Lock-Clamp-Collars-CrossFit-Dumbbell-Bar-Spring-Exercise-/252153478713?hash=item3ab584be39:g:fTQAAOSwjVVV3SUi | |||
» which IPF legal belt is the best? (Go to post) | 21-09-2015 @ 14:34 | ||
Fatpete said:I dislike Lever belts as they seem to be very frequently over-tightened. Pronged belts, either standard or quick release are not so easy to over-tighten. I consider this a plus. I found the quick release type belts to be brilliant but a nightmare to source an IPF legal one at a reasonable price. Ended up going for a strength shop lever belt. Happy enough so far but only had a couple of sessions in it. | |||
» which IPF legal belt is the best? (Go to post) | 02-09-2015 @ 10:54 | ||
Anybody know the best place to source an IPF legal quick release prong type belt at a reasonable price? I love the one I have but there are no markings on it so not even sure what make it was so not IPF legal. Something like this - http://www.pullum-sports.co.uk/belts/powerlifting-belts/titan-longhorn-quick-release-belt/prod_1009.html - only in stock. (and cheaper would be good but I know probably not likely) | |||
» Which WSM competitors have you 'competed' against? (Go to post) | 13-08-2015 @ 11:28 | ||
Post Edited: 13.08.2015 @ 11:30 AM by rabn21 unit94 said:I'll beat you in a car hold in a minute! When did Irwin get to worlds? 2005 edit: kirkynick beat me to it | |||
» Which WSM competitors have you 'competed' against? (Go to post) | 12-08-2015 @ 09:03 | ||
Post Edited: 12.08.2015 @ 09:04 AM by rabn21 Carl Waitoa and Brian Irwin though was competing against them in powerlifting. I use competing in the loosest sense of the word. | |||
» 352.5kg bench. (Go to post) | 01-08-2015 @ 22:27 | ||
McMuffin_Gains said:Sickening numbers! That squat was a right bloody grind too. What ply is this? Double ply AFAIK | |||
» 352.5kg bench. (Go to post) | 28-07-2015 @ 13:13 | ||
kirkynick said:Massive weight. Can't imagine holding that in my hands above me chest. Ben who? I'm actually surprised to see a bit of equipped lifting as it seems to be on the downturn (in the UK at least). Ben Loughrey. Under 125kg lifter. Hit 440kg squat and 360kg deadlift for 1152.5kg total. | |||
» 352.5kg bench. (Go to post) | 28-07-2015 @ 13:12 | ||
Madjock said:Isn't that Ed Coan judging on the left? yep he is over in Ireland for a couple of seminars. | |||
» 352.5kg bench. (Go to post) | 28-07-2015 @ 11:54 | ||
Not sure but might be a new unofficial British/Irish record? I don't think it was a sanctioned event but could be wrong. Big pressing by Ben non the less at under 125kg. |