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» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 22-08-2012 @ 09:05 | ||
21/8 Bench Bar x 6 60 x 4 85 x 3 100 x 1 100 x 1 107.5 x 3 107.5 x 3 107.5 x 3 107.5 x 3 Dips 32.5 x 6 32.5 x 6 32.5 x 4 Strict Press Bar x 6 40 x 6 52.5 x 6 52.5 x 6 52.5 x 6 Bicep curl w/ fat gripz Bar x 5 40 x 5 40 x 5 40 x 5 External rotation 3 sets 6 x 9 Cuban press 3 sets 6 x 9 Lat 3 Raises 3 sets 6 x 9 Soundtrack |Nile took me right back to bloodstock, terrifically heavy and took a lot of effort from me not to chant in the middle of the gym when 4th Arra of Dagon came on. Felt awesome, shame about the dips but the bench was fairly straight forward. Everythnigs going alright and I have no further interruptions until the comp so hopefully I can start running through the weights stack. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 21-08-2012 @ 07:51 | ||
20/8 Deadlift 70 x 6 120 x 4 155 x 4 155 x 4 155 x 4 155 x 4 175 x 2 195 x 2 155 x 8 Low Box Squat Bar x 5 60 x 5 100 x 5 100 x 5 100 x 5 Chins bw+10 x 5 bw+10 x 5 w/ fat gripz bw x 5 bw x 5 Cable Rows (rope attachment) 38 x 6 38 x 6 38 x 6 Soundtrack Hatebreed memorable songs with lots of attitude. Every song is an anthem, reminded me at Bloodstock just how good of a band they are. All felt straight forward enough, the cable rows at the end were a weight I was comfortable with lifted in a controlled fashion with a pause at the contraction. Its been a while since I’ve done anything not explosive and it felt decent. Should help me concentrate on keeping tight during squats. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 17-08-2012 @ 08:08 | ||
16/8 Bench Bar x 6 60 x 4 85 x 4 100 x 1 100 x 1 105 x 3 105 x 3 105 x 3 105 x 3 Dips 32.5 x 5 32.5 x 5 32.5 x 5 Strict Press Bar x 6 40 x 6 52.5 x 6 52.5 x 6 52.5 x 5 Thick bar bicep curl Bar x 6 37.5 x 6 37.5 x 6 37.5 x 6 Cuban Press 6 x 8 6 x 8 6 x 8 Lat 3 Raises 6 x 8 6 x 8 6 x 8 External Rotations 6 x 8 6 x 8 6 x 8 Soundtrack Beneath the Massacre Tech death with lots of lovely breakdowns. Perfect when you just need that extra little boost. This felt good although the weights were dialled down. Explosiveness on the bench was decent. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 16-08-2012 @ 08:35 | ||
15/8 Medicine ball hip thrusts 8 8 8 Squat Bar x 8 70 x 4 95 x 4 120 x 4 120 x 4 120 x 4 120 x 4 135 x 2 150 x 1+fail 120 x 4 Stiff leg deadlift 70 x 6 110 x 6 110 x 6 110 x 6 Dumbell calf raises w/ fat grip 30 x 8 30 x 8 30 x 8 Soundtrack Burn the Priest Lamb of Gods very early stuff and I think its their best. Really technical. I should have known, I have been in a field for the past week, drinking, not eating properly, pitting and just generally not been keeping up to my routine. I tried to go back in at the same weight and no wonder I failed. Bloodstock will have cost me a couple of weeks but it was absolutely worth it. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 16-08-2012 @ 08:35 | ||
Post Edited: 16.08.2012 @ 08:35 AM by Appetite BloodstockWell Bloodstock was awesome, as this is a training log I will just list the pit bands Friday Sepultura Saturday Benediction Dripback Hatebreed Testament Machine Head Sunday Evile Anaal Nathrakh | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 09-08-2012 @ 08:46 | ||
8/8 Bench bar x 6 70 x 4 85 x 3 105 x 1 105 x 1 117.5 x 1 117.5 x 1 117.5 x 1 Strict press bar x 5 40 x 5 55 x 5 55 x 5 55 x 5 Dips 35 x 5 35 x 5 35 x 5 External rotations 6 x 8 6 x 8 6 x 8 Lat 3 raises 6 x 8 6 x 8 6 x 8 Cuban press 6 x 8 6 x 8 6 x 8 Soundtrack Electric Wizard Deep doomy and psychedelic. Not my traditional workout choice but just a very good band. All felt good, i am gradually getting stronger. In the next few weeks i expect to really test myself on the heavy bench. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 07-08-2012 @ 07:59 | ||
6/8 Deadlift 70 x 6 120 x 4 155 x 4 155 x 4 155 x 4 155 x 4 175 x 2 195 x 2 155 x 8 Low box squat Bar x 6 70 x 6 107.5 x 6 107.5 x 6 107.5 x 6 Chins 12.5 x 5 12.5 x 5 Barbell Rows (with pause at the top) 70 x 6 70 x 6 Soundtrack Death god farthers of death metal and to this day not equalled DL went up easy, box squats felt light, chins are on their way up. Good workout overall. Building up to hit a PB at deadlift in a couple of weeks. The paused barbell row I hope will help me keep my back tight during squats as this is one of the areas I need to develop. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 06-08-2012 @ 08:03 | ||
3/8 Bench Bar x 6 60 x 5 80 x 3 100 x 1 100 x 1 112.5 x 2 112.5 x 2 112.5 x 2 Strict Press Bar x 6 40 x 6 52.5 x 6 52.5 x 6 52.5 x 6 Dips 32.5 x 6 32.5 x 6 32.5 x 6 External rotations 6 x 7 6 x 7 6 x 7 Cuban Press 6 x 7 6 x 7 6 x 7 Lat 3 raises 6 x 7 6 x 7 6 x 7 Barbell Curls (w/ fat grip) 25 x 6 37.5 x 6 37.5 x 6 37.5 x 6 Soundtrack Anaal Nathrakh Beautiful British grind. The last 112.5 only just went up. Still its all moving in the right direction. Chuffed that I finally managed to get 32.5 up for 3 6s on the dips. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 03-08-2012 @ 08:03 | ||
Post Edited: 03.08.2012 @ 08:04 AM by Appetite 2/8Medicine ball hip thrusts 8 8 8 Squat Bar x 6 70 x 4 95 x 4 120 x 4 120 x 4 120 x 4 120 x 4 135 x 2 150 x 2 PB 120 x 8 Stiff legged deadlift 80 x 6 120 x 6 120 x 6 120 x 6 Dumbell calf raises (w/ fat gripz) 30 x 9 30 x 8 30 x 8 Soundtrack Getting ready for Bloodstock with a bit of Behemoth. Just an awesome, technically brilliant death metal band. Demi Gods album is an absolute classic. It’s a definite sign that I am getting stronger. Took my previous 1rm and pushed it twice. My upper back gave out at the end and the second rep was sloppy but it went up. Really happy with this, had one of the staff at the gym do a depth check so sure they were to parallel. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 01-08-2012 @ 11:26 | ||
Boxing Fairly straight forward session this. Condition is decent enough. i lost a kilo last week so going to have to watch that. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 31-07-2012 @ 08:57 | ||
30/7 Deadlift 70 x 4 110 x 4 150 x 4 150 x 4 150 x 4 150 x 4 170 x 2 190 x 2 150 x 8 Low Box Squat Bar x 5 70 x 5 107.5 x 5 107.5 x 5 107.5 x 5 Chins 10 x 5 10 x 5 W/ fatgripz Bw x 5 Bw x 5 One Arm Cable Rows (w/ fatgripz) 33 x 5 33 x 5 33 x 5 Soundtrack Whitechaple Im just going to come out and say it, I like Deathcore, and I love breakdowns. I love breakdowns from breakdowns, I love it when its broken down so much they only play a note every 20 secs. I love when Crowbar break down from a really slow riff to a really really slow riff. That is all. The extended warm up really works, by the time I was hitting my working sets the weight was flying up with a lot of speed. 190 went up for a very comfortable double. Everything else felt fairly comfortable. Part of me is getting a little impatient with moving through the weights so slowly but I know a sudden jump could land me straight in a plateau. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 30-07-2012 @ 09:17 | ||
28/7 Bench Bar x 6 70 x 4 85 x 2 100 x 1 100 x 1 107.5 x 3 107.5 x 3 107.5 x 3 107.5 x 3 Strict Press Bar x 5 40 x 5 52.5 x 5 52.5 x 5 52.5 x 5 Dips 32.5 x 6 32.5 x 5 Before my third set the chain came loose and dropped the plates on my foot. So no more of these. External Rotations 6 x 6 6 x 6 6 x 6 Lat 3 Raises 6 x 6 6 x 6 6 x 6 Cuban Press 6 x 6 6 x 6 6 x 6 Soundtrack Amon Amarth I’m not usually a melodeath fan but Amon Amarth pull it off well. The guy has one of the best growls around. Bench felt good, not back up to where I was yet but finally feel to be getting somewhere. Could go higher on strict press but again, slow and steady and all that. My foot hurt a lot, its better now. Still not sure what happened but gotta make sure that dip belt is properly fastened in future. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 27-07-2012 @ 14:12 | ||
JackRevans said:Hatebreed and deadlifts is a combination of men Very true, i am a little reticent about seeing them in a couple of weeks at BOA though. Its Hatebreed, Testament and Machine Head back to back. I dont expect to survive. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 27-07-2012 @ 08:00 | ||
26/7 Medicine ball hip thrusts 8 8 8 Squat Bar x 4 70 x 4 95 x 4 117.5 x 4 117.5 x 4 117.5 x 4 117.5 x 4 132.5 x 2 147.5 x 2 117.5 x 8 Stiff leg deadlift 70 x 6 117.5 x 6 117.5 x 6 117.5 x 6 Dumbell calf raises w/ fat gripz 27.5 x 10 27.5 x 10 27.5 x 10 Calf raises 3 sets. Soundtrack Exodus Old school thrash legends, right up there as one of the top thrash bands of all time. This new routine really has taught me how to squat. I am now far more confident going to depth, I don’t slow down as much towards the bottom and I power out of the hole a lot better. I think this is the area where I can make a lot of progress over the next few months. Stiff leg just keep getting stronger and stronger, I think I am going to change my DL routine to match the squats, I should be getting a lot more weight in both lifts by December. | |||
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post) | 26-07-2012 @ 07:45 | ||
Tell tale signs of over train last night. Felt really run down. A quick nap and a rediculous amount of food set me some what back right but i will have to keep an eye on that. I know it has to do with how the boxing sessions affect recovery. |