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» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)23-10-2012 @ 08:17 

bar x 8
60 x 6
80 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 1
117.5 x 2
117.5 x 2
117.5 x 1
100 x 5

Got up to 140 then hand hurt too much, I will give it another week.

Awful workout, couldn’t get a decent spotter so despite telling people I want them to help me take it off the rack and then leave me to it they get really nervous whenever the bar starts to slow down and grab it off me. Happened more than once. Hand still hurt too much to put a proper deadlift up and to top it off the lid came off my protein shaker in my bag which now smells like gone off milk. FML
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 16:22 
JackRevans said:
gbpf north west something something?
it will probably not make me a champion

Actually if you look at your weightclass in the unequipped in may you might be suprised.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 11:43 
JackRevans said:
i will do today. according to the internet they have some kind of connection to my dying bride (another that iv never heard) but they are from halifax/bradford and therefore have some kind of geographical advantage

I love MDB, its sounds like doom metal with the lead singer from Joy Division. A little bit emo but with some cracking riffs. If you are going to check it out get the new EP 'the berghast o' witby'. Its 28 minutes long and absolutley crushing.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 11:38 
JackRevans said:
no, infact iv never heard

Any Katatonia? Try it out. Its sit back and chill sort of metal but its just really well made.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 11:31 
JackRevans said:
ok fair enough, well its brilliant so brace yourself

Cant wait mate, you got the new Katatonia?
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 11:21 
JackRevans said:
i will enjoy that Happy we will be able to discuss Dethalbum III
allow me to give you a sample

I havent seen any of series 4 yet. I need to buy a tele before the DVD comes out. I really want to see the series before listening to the album.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 11:08 
JackRevans said:
yes fam Happy

I'll see you there bud. Should be a right good day.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 10:48 
You going for the NW comp on 2/12 Jack?
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)22-10-2012 @ 10:42 

bar x 8
60 x 8
80 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 1
117.5 x 2
117.5 x 2 (with a spot)
117.5 x 1
100 x 5

75 x 9
90 x 7
105 x 5
120 x 4
130 x 4
137.5 x 4
137.5 x 4
137.5 x 4
130 x 5
112.5 x 7

Soundtrack Sodom No frills pure thrash, thrash like it used to be.

Bench was hard, the weight just doesn’t seem to be shifting and it looks like at this rate I’ll be pushing a similar weight to last time. The set of 5 at the end felt really good, I’ll have to include this more often.

Squats went really well, it’s a knackering work out but I am really enjoying it. I think my squats are starting to move again.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)18-10-2012 @ 11:31 

bar x 8
60 x 6
80 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 1
112.5 x 3
112.5 x 3
112.5 x 2

Shoulder press
bar x 5
40 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5

Sountrack The Rotted not as good on album as I remember them live but still decent. Punky death metal if you can imagine such a thing.

Nice quick one so as not to knacker myself out for the job interview tomorrow. Disappointed I couldn’t make the 3x3 but the shoulder press is climbing quite nicely. Hopefully stronger shoulders will = stronger bench.

Cant deadlift until my hands better so going to be concentrating on squat and bench for the next 2 weeks.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)18-10-2012 @ 11:30 
JackRevans said:Deadlift pb of peace! Well done

Cheers mate, hopefully more to come.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)16-10-2012 @ 09:24 

60 x 4
100 x 4
130 x 4
165 x 4
165 x 4
165 x 4
165 x 4
185 x 2
212.5 x 1 PR
172.5 x 8

(break to clean and cover ripped callous)

Low Box Squat
bar x 6
80 x 6
110 x 6
110 x 6
110 x 6

bw+20 x 5
bw+20 x 4

One Arm Rows
55 x 6
55 x 6

Shrug Machine
40 x 8
50 x 8

Soundtrack Hatebreed Just pure attitude, I love this band.

Disappointed I couldn’t make 2 reps here. The first rep didn’t feel great and came up quite slow so the second just didn’t go. I’ll hit it next time though. Other than that went well, chuffed that the low box squat is coming up. My hand looks a bit of a mess today, hope I can get back to deadlifting quickly enough. To be honest a short break wont do me any harm.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)16-10-2012 @ 09:23 
brocerslrd said:
Well normaly just but ipod on shuffle. So today had Megadeth, Maiden, Metalica,Led Zeplin, Disturbed think thaqt was it

Me and the Mrs are Maiden fanatics, went to see them in Prague last year and it was awesome. Final Frontier is a cracking album.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)15-10-2012 @ 14:34 

bar x 9
72.5 x 9
90 x 7
105 x 5
120 x 5
130 x 5
130 x 5
130 x 5
120 x 5
105 x 7
90 x 9

Stiff leg deadlift
60 x 6
100 x 6
132.5 x 6
132.5 x 6
132.5 x 6

Thick bar curls
3 sets

Calf Raises
3 sets

Soundtrack Gorerotted Excellent UK grind with some tongue in cheek lyrics.

Really good workout, my Saturday morning sessions are working really well, though I think that has to do with the 2 days rest before hand. Going to start heading towards peaking on the squat now so next week is a little heavier with a few less reps.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)15-10-2012 @ 14:33 
brocerslrd said:Just dropped in. Some nice work going on and although not familier with all of your sound track, some very good choices in there

Cheers for dropping by. What sort of thing do you listen to?

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