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» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)08-11-2012 @ 09:14 

Bar x 8
60 x 6
80 x 3
105 x 1
105 x 1
127.5 x 1 (overloaded was meant to be 117.5 then 127.5, slight spot although still not convinced I needed it)
110 x 3

Shoulder press
Bar x 6
45 x 4
60 x 5
60 x 5
60 x 5

Dumbell Press
30 x 5
35 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5

Soundtrack Black Dahlia Murder supposed to be a bit of a scene band but I’ve got to say I really like what these guys do. Marvellous newer style death metal.

That overload was a b**ch, plus I just don’t think there are many spotters with the confidence to let a man fight through the sticking point on a 1 rep max. I really need to know if I’ve got this or not to know whether I can list it as my 2nd attempt at contest.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)07-11-2012 @ 08:22 

75 x 9
90 x 7
107.5 x 5
125 x 4
132.5 x 4
140 x 4
140 x 4
140 x 4
132.5 x 5
115 x 7

Tried to do some assistance work after this but the squats just took the piss out of me so I called it a day.

Soundtrack Suffocation Still my favourite band of all time.

Really chuffed to have hit all the sets here. That’s a tough little pyramid and I really ground it out. Might try for a new PR next week.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)05-11-2012 @ 12:15 
Double post
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)05-11-2012 @ 12:14 
JackRevans said:ohhh no way you saw Winterfylleth?

Seen them twice this year. Very good live which I find is quite rare with Black Metal bands.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)05-11-2012 @ 12:14 
JackRevans said:ohhh no way you saw Winterfylleth?

Seen them twice this year. Very good live which I find is quite rare with Black Metal bands.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)05-11-2012 @ 09:13 
Post Edited: 05.11.2012 @ 09:14 AM by Appetite
Good to see you back training boss.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)05-11-2012 @ 09:08 
Cheers guys

Damnation festival

Told my self it would be stupid to go in the pit less than a month out of competition but showed my usual lack of self control in these matters.

Pit Bands
Extreme Noise Terror
Gamma Bomb
Pig Destroyer

None Pit Bands
My Dying Bride

Didnt drink and no major injuries, just a few bruises to recover from. Damn good day.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)03-11-2012 @ 09:29 
bar x 8
60 x 6
80 x 3
107.5 x 1
117.5 x 1
127.5 x 1 (cant claim it as a PR because the spotter just helped me through the sticking point, despite me asking him not to)
110 x 3 (felt weak)

60 x 6
100 x 4
140 x 4
195 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 1 PRthats the great think about deadlift PRs, there are no questions or half measures, it either goes up or it dosnt.

Reverse hypers
3 sets

soundtrack Extreme Noise Terrorif you haven't heard the track None Believer Genocide by ENT i suggest you look it up immediately.

Bench felt bad but i think that could be because its too soon after my last bench session. Not helped by the thick spotter. Deadlift felt excellent, 215 was ground out and ill do well to get any more. But still a nice PR.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)02-11-2012 @ 14:11 
Just put a full chicken and a pack of Co-op value pitta breads down me. If thats not PR fuel i dont know what is. Going to try for Bench and Dead PRs today.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)01-11-2012 @ 16:14 
Straight Edge
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)01-11-2012 @ 08:46 

bar x 8
60 x 6
80 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 1
120 x 2
105 x 6

60 x 8
90 x 4
110 x 2
110 x 2
125 x 1
135 x 1
145 x 1
155 x 1 PR
132.5 x 5

Calf Raises
3 sets

Soundtrack Ex Deo Roman themed epic death metal. They have self confirmed for Bloodstock so thought I would try them out and am very impressed.

6 months of work is starting to come together now for the comp. 120 went up very quickly for 2. Squat PR at 155 also went up quite quickly and I definitely felt like I had more.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)31-10-2012 @ 13:32 
JackRevans said:
It hasn't got better atall

You recon you'll be 100% for the comp?
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)30-10-2012 @ 08:04 
bar x 8
60 x 8
80 x 4
100 x 2
110 x 4
110 x 4
110 x 4

bw x 4
bw+20 x 4
bw+20 x 4

One Arm Rows
60 x 6
60 x 6

Shrug Machine
50 x 6
50 x 6

Soundtrack, the new Testament album. Its very good, by this point the band know exactly what they are doing.

I have some tendonitis in my wrist and my bicep tendon has flared up again where it inserts into the shoulder. It causing me problems at lock out and I am using wrist supports but once I was all warmed up 110 went up quite easily. Hopefully I can just get through the contest and then take some time off after to fully heal. I realise now that my bench doesn’t really have the endurance for high volume and I think when I come back training bench little and often will make far more sense than hammering out sets with an increasingly exhausted chest.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)29-10-2012 @ 08:52 

100 x 9
120 x 7
145 x 5
165 x 5
177.5 x 5
177.5 x 5
177.5 x 5

Soundtrack Nile Annihilation of the Wicked.

Don’t know what went wrong here. I haven’t deadlifted for 2 weeks while my hand has been healing, I decided to add in some volume so as not to go too heavy on my first day back and this just killed me. I had a full workout planned but had to call it a day here. Back tomorrow for some bench and to do all my deadlift assistance.
» Blood, sweat and heavy metal log (Go to post)25-10-2012 @ 08:15 

Bar x 8
60 x 6
80 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 1
122.5 x 1
122.5 x 1
122.5 x 1
102.5 x 5

Bar x 9
72.5 x 9
90 x 7
105 x 5
120 x 4
137.5 x 3
145 x 3
145 x 3
130 x 5
97.5 x 8

Glute Ham Raises
4 sets

Soundtrack Napalm Death Smear campaign, what a brilliant album.

Its amazing how I can have some terrible workouts over the last week and then sometimes it just all falls into place. 122.5 went up easily for all 3 sets. I may not make my 130 target but I should get close. The squats at 145 felt hard but I was never in doubt. Hand has healed up so next workout I start peaking toward the 220 dead.

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