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» Andys log (Go to post)10-02-2013 @ 19:13 
Started training for the RCFOS in april my first comp! I live on the outskirts of sheffield so im gona get down to the gym in town that stocks strongman equipment nearer to the time to train some event stuff.
Ive also barely got any free time on the run up to this as me and the wife are in the middle of building a house Happy
The focus then is to get as strong as i can in the time ive got, ive changed my training up a bit to achieve this.

Monday Bench 70kgx15 90kgx10 115kgx2 115kgx2 115kgx2
Rows 70kgx15 80kgx10 105kgx2 105kgx2 105kgx2
Squat 140kgx8 170kgx4 180kgx2 180kgx2 180kgx2 (piss easy)
FTOH press 70kgx5 5 sets fast
Deadlift 140kgx3 5 sets fast
Start and finsh with core training always

Wednesday FTOH press 70kgx6 85kgx4 95kgx2 95kgx2 95kgx2
Deadlift 140kgx5 170kgx3 180kgx2 180kgx2 180kgx2
Bench 85kgx5 5 sets fast
Rows 80kgx5 5 sets fast
Squat 140kgx3 5 sets fast

Saturday 15 inch deadlift ( two concrete blocks as platform Grin )
170kgx5 190kgx3 210kgx1 210kgx1 210kgx1
incline shoulder press with dumbells 5x30kg 5 sets

Thats it for this week everything feelin good lookin forward to next week
» arnold strongman classic 2013 (Go to post)27-01-2013 @ 15:49 
Mark said:Poundstone for me with those 4 events.

No frame though? That was always good up the incline

wierd int it, f**k knows whats goin on
» arnold strongman classic 2013 (Go to post)27-01-2013 @ 14:53 
Im a bit gutted aswell started gettin into watching strongman about three years ago and always looked forward to the arnold...not this year. Somebodys gona have to get the bullet for organising this s**t. Still enough of being a morbid bas***d it'll probly be really good. Who's gona win it then, Lalas or poundstone for me
» arnold strongman classic 2013 (Go to post)27-01-2013 @ 14:08 
just an update if nobody knows, felix is in and their only doin 4 events austrian oak, dumbell, deadlift and stone which i thinks a little strange. Think theres alot of s**t gone on behind the scenes this year
» Royal Counties Festival of Strength 2013 (Go to post)25-01-2013 @ 19:02 
sorry to be a pain craig ive sent my entry form off with a cheque but want some of them dvds now, is there anyway i can get them before the comp. Or do i have to just stop being inpationent (i know thats not how u spell that lol)
» Lalas 350 x 5 squat (Go to post)24-01-2013 @ 20:35 
martinb said:I suppose without Z, Lalas is the favourite for the Arnolds?

duno mate events ant even been confirmed yet, i think its gona be really close. poundcake shaw radz and lalas could be top four in any order, think lalas might just tip it thou ( i know folk always hate on poundcake but u gota admit he's a proven force in the arnold, just suits him i guess )
» Royal Counties Festival of Strength 2013 (Go to post)24-01-2013 @ 16:27 
how much are the dvds craig???
» Aiming for a lifting glory (Go to post)18-01-2013 @ 17:39 
Had a exercian ( i guess ive spelt that wrong lol ) headache bout three weeks before crimbo so had to have two weeks off. Im around 4kgs of the weights i was moving before the injury so should be there by end of the month.
Just entered the royal countys festival of strength comp in the 90kg class, think im gona mix my training up a bit about 10 weeks out from that. In the middle of building my house aswell so gona have to get the most benefit from my training with the little free time im gona have leading up to the comp. Any ideas for a programme any one, or shall i just freestyle it??
» Royal Counties Festival of Strength 2013 (Go to post)18-01-2013 @ 15:19 
just sent off mi entry form! Whats stones snooker???
» Royal Counties Festival of Strength 2013 (Go to post)15-01-2013 @ 19:45 
VanillaGorilla said:
Whichever one you like I guess depending which matches your strength levels best. Personally I'd say whichever is the heaviest / most competitive.

sweet mate, get me in the 90s please craig!
» Royal Counties Festival of Strength 2013 (Go to post)15-01-2013 @ 19:40 
err im a novice but weigh 90kg, which one do i go for????
» arnold strongman classic 2013 (Go to post)12-01-2013 @ 16:31 
just been on arnold classic website an it says same events as last year but poundstones put on twitter he's been trainin stones. Whats appnin ???? Confused
» arnold strongman classic 2013 (Go to post)12-01-2013 @ 10:16 
Craig_Pfisterer said:Supposedly Bennie is getting Z's spot. Events are:

Hummer Tire DL
Manhood Stones
Circus DB
Austrian Oak Log. This is from the floor this year.
Plus one more event TBA.

where did you get this info mate?
» arnold strongman classic 2013 (Go to post)10-01-2013 @ 21:54 
MrSmall said:Probably a combination of injury risk vs doing another 4 comps in the 2 months after and getting paid well (along those lines anyway), and having to put on a load of bodyweight and then lose it for SCL/WSM comp performance. He's won it enough times, if he doesn't want to do it he doesn't have anything to prove to anyone. New athletes and strongman title contenders appear all the time, as in all sports, you can't expect the old warhorses to be as active as the young guns all year round.

true, really opens things up aswell
» arnold strongman classic 2013 (Go to post)10-01-2013 @ 21:48 
Bod said:Z is out.

man thats propa s**t, the increasing weights what makes the arnold differnt. Think something must have gone off between him and the organisers, probly to do with money


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