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» Long Term Goals? (Go to post)02-07-2013 @ 22:56 
At this junction perhaps you can consider options outside the 4 walls of your local gymnasium. While strength training does have a degree of self improvement in that you need good willpower and discipline there are other avenues, endurance being one. I stopped lifting completely around this time last year, took up running, and because I had that inherent drive to better oneself, I got hooked on seeing how far I could run before I felt like throwing up my spleen.
» IPF WORLD CLASSIC (Go to post)14-06-2013 @ 13:31 
When I first got into all things powerlifting Steve Manual was the benchmark in the weightclass I was looking at. I don't know him but good on him.
» New Scottish U90 Deadlft Record (Go to post)08-04-2013 @ 22:57 
Are there many 300kg+ u90 pullers in Scotland?
» anyone selling a deadlift suit? (Go to post)25-03-2013 @ 10:16 
Would you fit in a size 38 Velocity?
» On your CV (Go to post)04-03-2013 @ 13:39 
JohnGym said:
If you say so mate.
However, it should be noted that I have progressed through the ranks of the fitness industry from Fitness Instructor to National Manager, and every role in between, without ever mentioning my hobbies or interests once.
Furthermore, I have recruited for every single role in the fitness industry, from Cleaner to General Manager and not once looked at a persons hobbies or interests.

..and while your life story is riveting, I think a sample size of 1 is about as much relevence to this discussion as candidates hobbies & interests are to you.
» Thinking of getting a classic car... (Go to post)14-02-2013 @ 13:21 
but who was logic?
» 839 KG Raw total @ 90 kg bw, in IPF affliated Federation (Go to post)14-01-2013 @ 14:02 
Steve said:
But it's not a World Record?

Why question it when you already know the answer? Your time is probably more suited handling cock then a keyboard.
» Retirement (Go to post)25-09-2012 @ 18:22 
Post Edited: 25.09.2012 @ 18:22 PM by Frio3535
I think for some peple the more ingrained they are within the strength community the more difficult it gets. 'Retire' and all of a sudden you'll miss out on 3-4 evenings with your mates.

I've been more focused on my career over the past year and I haven't touched a weight in 3 months. I don't miss it. I never had a proper training partner or lifted with mates.

Those that compete (with themselves or others) have that streak inside them and for me thats the thing I find most difficult to ignore. So while I haven't been lifting, and will probably not step foot on the platform again, i've been competing against myself in other ways and it won't be long before I'm entering another competition in the future.
» Coan Routine over 8 Weeks (Go to post)17-05-2012 @ 14:16 
Are guys squatting heavy while following this routine?
» Macca's Log of Power! (Go to post)10-04-2012 @ 15:48 
JC said:Nice work mate...well done

Bit of a shame that you at only 50-60% can still win your class at British Unhappy Grin

This lol. The 82's in the bdfpa isn't competitive at all. Everyone knows you're the best 82'er, go up a class to the 90's with more competition.
» Training in Aberdeen (Go to post)19-03-2012 @ 13:56 
I used to train at results but it's small and the equipment isn't the best. I train at ASV and there are a few of us that are serious about strength training, including myself.
» Dream Holiday (Go to post)08-03-2012 @ 11:12 
One of the things i'd love to do is prepare a Defender for an expedition and drive from Aberdeen down to South Africa.
» suited deadlifting (Go to post)07-03-2012 @ 19:46 
For me its a case of as going as tight as possible without letting the suit dictate how you pull.
» Unemployed (Go to post)06-03-2012 @ 21:57 
Post Edited: 06.03.2012 @ 21:59 PM by Frio3535
Tar sands. Companies are now investing more and more in it, high oil price etc. Prior they would invest elsewhere. Something crazy like 70% of the world tar sand reserves lie in Canada.

In the UK I'd look into recruitment consultancy. I see a lot of those type of jobs at the moment.
» 320kg deadlift @ 84.5kg (Go to post)20-02-2012 @ 21:45 
Post Edited: 20.02.2012 @ 21:46 PM by Frio3535
Vid of the highest deadlift at yesterdays BDFPA British singles. Skip to 45 seconds for the lift.


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