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» World's Strongest Man 2017 (Go to post)28-05-2017 @ 20:10 
MuscleDemon said:
If that last rep should have counted then indeed Thor could have been WSM 2017.

Only if Eddie, who was going after him, didnt do more than 15. Which a lot of people are confident he would have. So Thor would not have been WSM 2017
» All Beard and no arms (Go to post)11-11-2014 @ 20:02 
It is usually old people, but I guess Im special lol! Its not hereditary, but the neurologist is interested in the fact that my mum has MS. There isnt a cure unfortunately, but I would be happy to get something to lessen the symptoms - its a nightmare shaking like an idiot for hours on end, its getting to be a pain in the arse!

On the plus side, it gets me out of having to do stones again!!!
» All Beard and no arms (Go to post)11-11-2014 @ 19:18 
Well that all went tits up. Havent trained since the post in this journal, have spent half the time in hospital and the rest seemingly led up suffering.
Health fell off a cliff face, and right now Im not even able to lower myself into a squat position unaided.
CT scans, MRI scans, lumbar punctures etc all leading towards a diagnosis thats looking more and more like Parkinsons.
On the plus side, shaking non stop and muscle spasms for hours on end means im finally getting the elusive abs!!!

Better start a new journal based on me trying to get back into a gym, yet alone trying for numbers!!!
» Worst events to referee (Go to post)04-10-2014 @ 23:46 
Anything thats timed. Thats a nightmare as a judge or a competitor - nothing worse than having a video of an event which start to finish is over a second shorter than the time given by the ref!
» All Beard and no arms (Go to post)03-10-2014 @ 21:32 
Seem to have been bitten by the bug again recently, so I have decided to keep a log.
There wont be any big numbers, or witty anecdotes, but I have a f**king awesome beard and some short arms that apparently help with pressing stuff. Apparently.

First session back in the gym after a comp last week, so some bench and overhead to get the arms moving again.

Flat Bench
100 x 10
120 x 10
120 x 5
120 x 5
120 x 5
120 x 5
120 x 5

Viking press Strict
80 x 10 strict
Viking Push press
100 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5

Barbell push press
60 x 10
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5

Then some tricep work til I was ruined.

Aiming to do the Yorkshire Strongest Masters at the end of November, looking forward to a comp where im not at least 10 years older than everyone!
» New beard wearer, some observations. (Go to post)22-08-2014 @ 16:21 
Trimming a beard? What is this nonsense??

Wash it each day, pat it dry, dont rub it harshly with a towel. Brush it through.

If its on a grade 4/5 clipper, its not a beard, its just aggressive stubble!
» New beard wearer, some observations. (Go to post)21-08-2014 @ 09:48 
September 13th in Bath is the British Beard Championships. If you have a beard, be there!
» Suffolks Strongest Man novice and inters 2014 (Go to post)04-08-2014 @ 12:18 
Can you put Mark Fowler down for the Novices, cheers
» Suffolks Strongest Man novice and inters 2014 (Go to post)01-08-2014 @ 11:05 
Is there a date for this comp?
» food timing for max gainz! (Go to post)15-05-2014 @ 10:30 
Neil, just be pleased you have a girlfriend, we never thought it would happen!!
» Steroids in elite Crossfit (Go to post)06-03-2014 @ 08:16 
JohnGym said:
In my experience, people very often grossly underestimate their Bodyfat percentage.

The first time anyone cuts for a bodybuilding comp, they realise that whatever they think their bodyfat level is at, the reality is nearer double lol!
» Charity Squat Attempt (Go to post)02-02-2014 @ 10:13 
That's going to be tough. It's definitely possible, but he needs to have prepped for it. Doing it in 5s is a wise move, and keeping it on the minute will ensure equal rest time.
» Blue Light Novice Strongman Competition 2014 (Go to post)27-01-2014 @ 14:10 
Mark said:
Since when did that matter in strongman? this isn't powerlifting with its wilks formulas :P
Also this idea that a heavier person should be stronger is ludicrous, especially at novice level.

I agree its not used in Strongman, I was simply saying that pound for pound they are stronger.
» Blue Light Novice Strongman Competition 2014 (Go to post)27-01-2014 @ 12:25 
unit94 said:
If a 90kg guy gets 3 reps on a 100kg log and a 140kg guy gets 4 reps then by definition the 140kg guy is stronger.

On a pound for pound measurement, the 90kg guy is stronger.
» Blue Light Novice Strongman Competition 2014 (Go to post)27-01-2014 @ 05:55 
I think BW log is a brilliant idea. I havent done many comps, but the ones I have done have turned slightly comical when the 140+kg guys turn up to do a 90kg log.
Yes, they may be novices from an experience perspective, but they should be a lot stronger than a 90kg guy. If a 140kg guy cant overhead bodyweight, but can do 100kg, why should the 90kg guy be expected to lift 10kg MORE than bodyweight overhead just to save the ego of the bigger guys?
If I got 3 reps on a 100kg log at 90kg, and the 140kg guy got 4 reps on a 100kg, surely I would be by definition stronger than him? But he would get more points on that event.
BW log is great, keep it in.


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