» Do-Win Shoes, any good? (Go to post) | 17-02-2012 @ 11:34 | ||
Cheers for the feedback guys. RE where I am, and a better gym, I'm in Bideford North Devon (so the backend of nowhere lol!)so if anyone doe sknow of a better gym let me know! I currently use Michelle White as its accross the road from my office so I can sneak over for an hour at lunch, but it is more fitness oriented with some free weights. | |||
» Best films of 2011? (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 16:24 | ||
Anyone know where you can watch these movies for free online streaming without all this crappy sharing files etc and downloading it? | |||
» Do-Win Shoes, any good? (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 15:59 | ||
Ben_F said: Just skimmed your journal. Okay, its not a joke... you don't have a rack or stands in your gym. Is there no gym in the area that has? Or maybe consider a set of stands, bar and plates for home? If not, then perhaps take Drews advice and clean the bar and front squat? I am not against Smith machines per se as they can be used to good effect but if you must use it for squats I would recommend front squatting on it rather than back squatting. Yeah I know its not good form, something at home is a great idea, don't have room inside but do have a load of hard standing out the back, maybe I could get a used rack from somewhere, would be great for the pressing too. Im going to have a look about. I need to improve my squat badly as legs are well behind so it needs the extra effort to sort out of the gym | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 15:41 | ||
MMM did not get on with squats today! Although my weights matched previous weeks I have been setting PB on everything else and the squat is static. Felt alot in the knees today, duno if its these new training shoes or that trainers work better with the smith machine as it forces a certain path of movement. I need to find a weight trainer close to teach me sqautting free weight and help me get it up its lagging so far behind at mo! Squat free weight 40kg x 10 2 sets to warm up, these felt good. Moved to Smith Machine 100kg x 6 100kg x 5 100kg x 5 100kg x 4 100kg x 4 was sticking here as just wa snot going smoothly 110kg x 2 120kg x 1 dropset to 60kg x 6 60kg x 6 Leg Press 200kg (machine max) X 10 200kg x 10 200kg x 10 Left a bit pissed off, got to sort these crappy legs! | |||
» Do-Win Shoes, any good? (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 15:35 | ||
Just did a legs session with them, duno if it was me or the shoes but could not goet on today, felt alot of pressure in kneees on sqauts. But then I am using a smith machine, my free weight warms ups felt fine. See how it goes with deadlifts, and pressing tommorow. | |||
» Do-Win Shoes, any good? (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 14:13 | ||
Cheers, she said she saw feedback they come up small so got me a 12 rather than 11 and they feel nice and snug! | |||
» Laptop charger (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 14:12 | ||
Don't get a universal, Ive gone through 2 in 4 months! | |||
» Dave Meer 180kg x 4 Push Press (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 14:11 | ||
Unreal strong! | |||
» Do-Win Shoes, any good? (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 14:08 | ||
Post Edited: 16.02.2012 @ 14:09 PM by NoClue My birthday yesterday and my dear wife suprised me with some Do-win training shoes.She had heard me say I was taking my trainers off to deadlift and wanted something firm soled for sqauts and she did some research and found these. I'm going to try them today, but has anyone else used them? | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 16-02-2012 @ 12:34 | ||
Popped in gym Tuesday for a quick bit of a workout. Was aching good so just did a bit of bicep and forearm work. All weight KGs Seated Bicep Dumbell Curls (per arm) 20kg x 10 22.5 x 6 25 x 5 27.5 x 3 27.5 x 3 Dropset 20 x 3 Dropset 15 x 8 Seated Concentration Bicep Curl (per arm) 15 x 10 17.5 x 5 17.5 x 5 17.5 x 5 Forearm Curls 30 x 14 35 x 6 35 x 5 35 x 5 20 x 10 Left it there. Heading in today to Squat Want to get Shoulders or Chest in this week too then leave it til Monday. Want to set a new Press PB really this week , htats a bit static at mo. | |||
» Vytautas Lalas squat 380kg x 2 (Go to post) | 13-02-2012 @ 16:25 | ||
Jeezus!! | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 13-02-2012 @ 16:22 | ||
New PB on deadlift today , 198kg so that up from 187kg a month ago. Keeps me well on track for the 220kg I wanted by the end of the year. i do think that I could prob do 200kg now if I had someone else pushing me but Im training alone at the moment. Back Workout Deadlift 110kg x 8 110kg x 8 150kg x 4 170kg x 3 180kg x 1 190kg x 1 195kg x 1 198kg x 1 150kg x 3 110kg x 3 Rows 65kg x 10 80kg x 6 85kg x 5 90kg x 3 95kg x 3 100kg x 2 dropset to 80kg x 4 65kg x 4 I had been an hour now and had to get back to work so left it there. As always any advice/tips appreciated. | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 09-02-2012 @ 15:08 | ||
Back in gym today. Chest aching good from yesterday and legs also from Monday. Still cant get rid of this bloody cold been 2 or 3 weeks now, loads of crap in my lungs! Shoulder today and pleased to set another couple of PB's. Barbell Standing Press 20kg x 15 40kg x 6 50kg x 6 60kg x 4 70kg x fail 70kg x 1 now legs started getting involved so bit of a push press 73kg x 1 New PB 76kg x fail 60kg x 3 60kg x 3 Standing Dumbell Press 35kg x 7 (4 left 3 right) 40kg x 1 (left) New PB Left it here the right arm was playing up and could not get any decent sets Seated Machine Shoulder Press 65kg x 10 75kg x 6 85kg x 4 95kg x 3 New PB 100kg x fail 50kg x 8 | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 08-02-2012 @ 21:21 | ||
Post Edited: 08.02.2012 @ 21:22 PM by NoClue Started day with 45 min jog then hit the gym in afternoon for chest and tricep workout.My legs ache alot from Monday, so saving deadlifts for Friday. Pleased as the personal trainer there offered to spot so I was able to go for a new PB on bench and I got it ,by 10kg so nice jump! So my total is up by over 20kg in the last month. Bit bad that my PB bench is the same as my squat! Needs sorting! Bench 20kg x 20 60kg x 10 80kg x 8 90kg x 6 100kg x 5 110kg x 1 120kg x 2 could have done more (old PB) 125kg x 1 felt easy 130kg x 1 135kg x fail but very very nearly, ill get this next time! 100kg x 4 60kg x 8 Close Grip Bench (didnt feel so good so did not go heavy today) 3 sets 60kg x 6 reps Incline Dumbell Press, and alternated a set of dumbell tricep extensions inbetween each set with 15kg dumbells 32.5kg each x 5 32.5kg each x 5 35kg eachx 5 40kg each x 2 Tried flyes but was too knackered 27.5kg x 2 x 5 reps Dumbell Pullover/Skull Crushers 40kg x 10 45kg x 5 Stopped short was totally shattered now Finished with Tricep Pushdown 60kg x 10 70kg x 6 80kg x 4 90kg x 2 dropset straight to 50kg x 10 | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 06-02-2012 @ 21:46 | ||
Legs today and my attempt to make up for years of neglect! Squat 20kg x 20 reps 60kg x 10 reps 70kg x 10 reps 80kg x 8 reps 90kg x 8 reps 100kg x 6 reps 110kg x 4 reps 120kg x 3 reps 120kg x 2 reps dropset 100kg x 4 dropset 60kg x 6 Leg Press (machine only goes to 200kg) 200kg x 12 reps 200kg x 10 reps 200kg x 10 reps TO be honest was shattered now so just did a little half hearted leg extensions! 60kg x 8 70kg x 6 80kg x 4 Dropset 40kg x 6 |