» Starting Out (Go to post) | 02-03-2012 @ 20:51 | ||
Took a couple of days off with the sun being out to work on my old Alfa's so only got in the gym today. So today legs where well over due. As soon as I started I could tel something was not quite right, sweating buckets and felt really uncomfortable Squats on Smith Machine (again as there is no rack) 20 x 20 60 x 10 70 x 8 80 x 8 90 x 6 100 x 4 110 x 1 , was horrible rep knees came in took ages to go up. So decided to just grab the 40kg fixed short bar and do some real deep squats out of the smith machine 30 x 10 40 x 10 40 x 10 40 x 15 Sweating buckets now Leg Extentions 50 x 10 70 x 10 70 x 6 Leg Press Horizontal 200 (machine max) 10 reps, again not easy and sweating buckets I can noramlly do 3 sets of 10+ So let gym pissed off and was prompty sick just round the corner on way to the car!! The chilli I had 2 hours earlier came out my nose lol as well as mouth! Duno what issue is, I have recently dropped my food intake by having much smaller portions as I wanted to lose body fat. | |||
» THE DRAGON 2.0 (Go to post) | 29-02-2012 @ 09:51 | ||
Wierd, I can eat cheese fine (and pizza lol!) but have any milk (or chocolate)at all and my throat closes and feel like Ive got a lump down there. And if I take a protien powder or bar the same happens, yet I can down a whey protien shot fine. | |||
» "im the one to watch because im the smallest here" (Go to post) | 29-02-2012 @ 09:47 | ||
Awesome benching! | |||
» THE DRAGON 2.0 (Go to post) | 28-02-2012 @ 16:07 | ||
shanejer said:I had 3 Pizzas on Sunday lol. Dairy allergy destroyed me! Will be strict for a while so enjoying myself whilst I can lol Great stuff on the video mate! Noticed your post on the Dairy thing, i hav ethe same can you recommenda Protien Powder you get on with (if at all!) Cheers | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 28-02-2012 @ 15:50 | ||
Just looking at other journals and was wondering if I should be doing less exercises per body part and fitting more body parts into a session if that makes sense?!? Like a leg and shoulder session with just squat and standing press rather than 2 workouts where I do 3 or 4 different exercises per body part. | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 28-02-2012 @ 15:41 | ||
Went in to do Legs today but the Smith machine was tied up all the time I was there so ended up doing a Chest and Tricep workout. But another personal best on Bench so pleased (especially as I have dropped my food intake to try and drop body fat). Bench KG 20 x 20 70 x 10 90 x 6 100 x 5 105 x 3 110 x 2 Did not have spotter so decided to stick here 110 x 2 120 x 1 felt confident to do this without spotter Then a friend who had just finished offered to spot - 125 x 1 130 x 1 this was my personal best to date. My friend decided it went up so easy I should go straight for a 140 and would not accept anything else lol! 140 x 1 PB! Well pleased, show the differenc ehaving someone to push you! Strat to work down not planning to do some higher reps - 120 x 4 100 x 5 60 x 10 My spotter left now so went lighter on excercises I did not need a spot on Close Grip Press 60kg x 8 60kg x 7 60kg x 6 Dumbell PullOver 35 x 10 50 x 4 50 x 4 50 x 4 35 x 8 Tricep Pushdown 70 x 10 80 x 5 80 x 5 80 x 5 dropset to 50 x 6 | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 24-02-2012 @ 20:55 | ||
Went in Gym for Shoulders today and had a good one, bust through my personal bests bit time for pressing! Standing Olympic Bar Press 20kg x 20 40kg x 10 60kg x 4 All strict Now push press 70 x 4 PB! 75 X 1 PB 75 X 4! PB 78 X 3! PB My previous best from last week was 73kg x 2 so well pleased. Reconn a single 80 was a cert but I simply could not jeck it to shoulders from floor! I tried several times but it was not happening for some reason as as there is no stands in gym had to give it up. So dropped down to do some more strict stuff 60 x 4 60 x 4 Single Arm Dumbell Press 35kg x 3 per arm 40kg x 2 left and 1 right 45kg fail (wish there was a 42.5 dumbell) Thought Id do a bit of conditioning with higher reps Seated Dumbell Press (per arm) 27.5 x 6 27.5 x 6 27.5 x 6 Had enough of shoulder then and thought Id do a bit to keep biceps in check - Alternate Seated Dumbell Curls (per arm) 27.5 x 5 27.5 x 4 27.5 x 4 Dropset 15 x 6 Seated Concentration Curls (per arm) 20 x 6 20 x 5 20 x 4 Dropset to 15 x 4 Good week with PB in everything but Squats. | |||
» VOS TV - T Hollands/L Shahlaei/R Frampton - Seminar-Farmers Walk (Go to post) | 23-02-2012 @ 21:58 | ||
Love these videos, great stuff! | |||
» Shankle doing what Shakle does (Go to post) | 23-02-2012 @ 21:42 | ||
Lol! Lifting is mad!! | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 22-02-2012 @ 16:34 | ||
Well sorted my self out and got in gym and set a new PB on deadlift again so chuffed (especially considering a load of kids turned up from local scholl and where all over the gym pissing about and effing me off!) Deadlift 110 x 8 110 x 6 130 x 6 150 x 3 170 x 3 190 x 1 200 x 1 PB 150 x 3 110 x 6 Row 65 x 8 85 x 6 90 x 6 95 x 4 PB 100 X 3 PB 105 X 2 PB 85 X 6 Dumbell Shrugs (weight per hand) 50 x 6 50 x 4 50 x 3 dropset to 35 x 6 | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 22-02-2012 @ 13:43 | ||
Need a kick up the arse, need to go in and deadlift today, but struggling to get motivated! Chest still aches good from Monday! | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 20-02-2012 @ 17:13 | ||
Monday Workout - still a little sore from last workout round the shoulders decided to do chest and hit Deadlifts tommorow. Bench (had no spotter today so did not go for any PB etc) 60 x 20 80 x 8 100 x 6 110 x 1 120 x 1 as high as I was going to go without spotter 100 x 3 100 x 4 100 x 4 Incline Dumbell Press (weight per arm) 27.5 x 6 32.5 x 6 35 x 6 40 x 5 45 x 3 drop set to 27.5 x 8 Dumbell Pullover 40 x 8 45 x 8 PB 50 x 5 PB 50 x 4 Have not dropped any weight but I have not gone up so I assume I have replaced some fat with muscle as my PB have done up, Im defo stronger, and thicker around the chest, shoulders and back | |||
» Starting Out (Go to post) | 17-02-2012 @ 17:02 | ||
Post Edited: 17.02.2012 @ 17:03 PM by NoClue Shoulder workout today.BARBELL PRESS 20 x 15 40 x 10 50 x 6 60 x 4 all strict then with push - 70 x 3 NEW PB 75 FAIL! 73 FAIL! 73 X 2 NEW PB 75 FAIL 60 X 3 20 X 15 DUMBELL PRESS 32.5 4 LEFT 3 RIGHT 35 X 4 LEFT 3 RIGHT 40 X 2 LEFT NEW PB FAIL RIGHT 40 X 1 LEFT SEATED PRESS MACHINE 60 X 10 75 X 6 85 X 6 NEW PB 90 X 4 NEW PB 100 X 2 (MACHINE MAX) NEW PB DROPSET TO 50 X 6 & 30 X 6 Weekend rest then Monday chest. PB in everything but squat his week so need to focus on that badly! | |||
» What training videos do you enjoy watching for inspiration?? (Go to post) | 17-02-2012 @ 11:42 | ||
Post Edited: 17.02.2012 @ 11:42 AM by NoClue Wife bought me the Pumping Iron DVD the other day, havent seen it yet | |||
» Best films of 2011? (Go to post) | 17-02-2012 @ 11:35 | ||
Boar said:good lord no !! even if we did , and some of these criminals will ...we cant condone that sort of thing on here !! Lol , of course, what was I thinking! |