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» Carol Vorderman (Go to post)22-03-2012 @ 19:54 
I would.
» Champions of The Future 2. (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 20:13 
Nice one for the vid's, great to watch. Well done again everyone look's like you had fun
» Champions of The Future 2. (Go to post)18-03-2012 @ 18:46 
Well done to everyone who took part, sound's like you had a good day!
» New Beast (Go to post)17-03-2012 @ 17:16 
Eek Proper beast
» Telford (Go to post)07-03-2012 @ 17:36 
I read in january that there would be a giant's live at the Telford international arena in october i think it was. Doe's anyone know if this is definately on? And where to buy ticket's etc, Cheer's
» Training times (Go to post)05-03-2012 @ 18:00 
I get up at 4.30 and am in the gym for 5.15ish. Not the best time to train your hardest and have noticed when i have the odd day off and go later in the day i seem to have a much better session. And like what's been said, it can depend on how good a night's sleep you've had and how fresh your feeling, that's why i try to be in bed by 9 at the latest the day before training. Know it's sad but got to give meself the best chance of getting out of bed. It's so easy to wake up, have the slightest headache or think to yourself how you've had a bit of a rough night because the kid's have been restless etc etc to just go back to bed.Then later on in the day your kicking yourself for not going because you feel fine nowGrin
I think it take's a lot more commitment to train early morning than on an evening, might not be getting the best of yourself though
» NEW MOVIE (Go to post)04-03-2012 @ 19:21 
Look's good, will have to get it
» arnolds pro (Go to post)04-03-2012 @ 09:50 
Nice one for those ursus, and everybody else who's posted new's/video'sWink
» arnolds pro (Go to post)04-03-2012 @ 08:37 
Massive well done to Jenkin's, absolute quality.
How come Ortmayer's so far off the mark? Quite surprised at that, unless the number's have just got too high for him?
Well done Tez and LozHappy

Nice to see Misha back tooHappy
» Maxing out (Go to post)01-03-2012 @ 18:47 
Yeh doing them seperate day's mate cheer's. I thought it'd be just me got to get me stamina up a bit i guess, nice oneWink
» Maxing out (Go to post)01-03-2012 @ 18:28 
When doing say 5x5 on excercises such as deadlift, what kind of percentage weight should i be doing? Or is it just whatever you can do 5 set's of 5 of? I was doing it today and on deadlift in particular by the time i'd finished it( first excercise i done) i was wrecked and just stumbled through the rest of my session. I've been like this the last couple of week's on dealift day, although i did miss brekkie this morning and only had a shake before gym so felt a bit light. Should i lower the weight or is it just me been a puff and got to get use to it? I'm guessing it's the latter, but just thought i'd ask, cheer's
» Girl eats sponges and soap (Go to post)01-03-2012 @ 17:56 
Wouldn't want to get hookworm thenEek
» finally pulled 600lb deadlift pb! (Go to post)27-02-2012 @ 16:21 
Nice one pal, good lift
» Premier League (Go to post)22-02-2012 @ 19:21 
I don't go to my local game's very often but it's around £40 ticket. I do watch the game's, just down the pub usually.Then catch up with all other game's on MOTD.
Premier league's probably the best league in the world. Just hope Wolves don't get relegated from itRoll-Eyes
» big z db (Go to post)20-02-2012 @ 18:40 
Didn't look far off a strict press to be fair lol, hardly used his leg's man!

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