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» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)26-01-2020 @ 07:59 
danbaseley said:You'll be ripped by summer!!!

I had a mate who got the same diagnosis. He was snacking a lot between meals. Not eating junk food, but getting sandwiches and boiled eggs as appetisers to his three squares a day.

Yeh quantity of food maybe I need to change, I have a good 5 healthy ish meals a day, but maybe it’s the quantity that’s becoming a problem. Hope not cus I’m bloody starving all the time now never mind cutting it all down lol!
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)25-01-2020 @ 12:04 
danbaseley said:You're probably going to have to lose bodyfat.

A lot of people store fat 50/50 between around their organs and under their skin: others have more around their organs and less under their skin.

Changing your diet can help, but it's still plenty easy to keep your body composition exactly the same - only now you are eating "clean" foods.

Thanks for the input mate, much diet really isn’t bad at all, all whole grain foods/eggs/white meats etc. Only thing really is my evening meal I obviously have what my family have. Just have to change that too I guess, be eating like a bloody pro bodybuilder at this rate lol
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)24-01-2020 @ 18:25 
Wayne_Cowdrey said:Good luck with it.

I'd highly recommend losing weight, just for the feel good factor of it!

Thanks Wayne, will see how I go for a few months, then may well do that if I don’t get anywhere.
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)24-01-2020 @ 17:24 
PeteHodgson said:
I 'think' AMH means 20 grams

Yeh thought that too, cheers
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)24-01-2020 @ 16:13 
danbaseley said:How much do you weigh - at what height - and what sort of bodyfat percentage are you?

115kg at 6ft. Don’t know body fat percentage but probably isn’t amazing, although the doc said herself I don’t have much belly fat. It’s been caused through long term use of co-codamol prescribed for my back, messed up my insides. Have stopped all pain relief for 6 months now but it’s hard with arthritis in my lower back!

I know the biggest help would be to lose 10-15kg, I just want to see if I can improve things through diet/remedies/exercise without doing it first
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)24-01-2020 @ 16:09 
AMH_Power said:
I have a two heaped t-spoons; you want 20mg a day (I've seen some capsules with very low quantity).
Also worth mentioning it increases power output, so 100% worth taking with creatine.

My capsules are 500mg per capsule, the packet recommends 3-4 capsules a day? Strange
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)23-01-2020 @ 16:46 
AMH_Power said:
No worries mate. Save you puking, put it in apple juice and you can't even taste it.

Oh right lol, I can imagine. I’ve ordered it in capsule form so hopefully won’t taste anything
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)22-01-2020 @ 16:29 
sprange67 said:I had it, this was predominately due to catching Epstein-Barr virus (a common virus that causes glandular fever). Made me feel s**te for a long time, best part of 2 years. All I did was watch what I was eating and cut right down on the beers. Basically last year I did Veganuary and Dry January together. That sorted my liver out

I’ve been told I’ll have it forever. I don’t drink, so definitely not caused through alcohol. My diets already pretty clean so other than losing 10/15 kilo I don’t know how to go, which I don’t want to do if I can help it
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)22-01-2020 @ 16:27 
AMH_Power said:Spirulina as been shown to outperform medication for this. Check on for the study references (search spirulina, then go down to human effect matrix).

Save your fingers:

Thanks a lot for this mate, have ordered some, every little helps!
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)22-01-2020 @ 04:39 
Thankyou mate, will have a read
» Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (Go to post)21-01-2020 @ 18:34 
Anybody got this? If so how have you dealt/lived with it? Just wondering if there are any simple tips other than losing loads of weight?
» WSM line-up (Go to post)06-05-2018 @ 21:50 
Didn’t have much lines but I thought he was ok in the Kickboxer film, quite a big part, compared to anything else strongmen have ever done anyway
» Starting a fresh (Go to post)06-05-2018 @ 21:48 
Thanks mate, not enough volume, but log felt good considering lack of consistency. Keep telling myself I’ll get there in the end
» Starting a fresh (Go to post)06-05-2018 @ 14:40 

5 mins bike

Strict log
Bar x 12 x 2
40 x 6
80 x 10 x 3 sets

Bar x 15
60 x 10
80 x 5
100 x 5
120 x 5
» WSM line-up (Go to post)01-05-2018 @ 19:24 
Post Edited: 01.05.2018 @ 19:29 PM by beza
Gutted there’s not brits in the final. Not right how it’s worked for Luke and Felix (By the way how awesome would it have been for Luke to make the final!?)
What’s the hells happened to Oberst this year? Must have improved massively, I can’t have been the only one wondering why he was even there? Were quite a few strongmen better than him who didn’t get an invite.
Having said that Belsak is a brilliant strongman imo, and fully deserved to be in the final last year, hope he does well. Massive achievement for Johan Els too, again hope he does well.
Biggest hope is I hope Licis smash’s the s**t out of it!

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