» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 15-07-2012 @ 21:54 | ||
Martin_Jones said:Well done Si, Kelv and Rob. I called in to watch the first two thirds of the comp, good set up. Very busy and lots of stalls for food, supps and Mark was there for Vikingr (good to see you mate). Comp started an hour late.. but probably best as it filled up by then. Alot of time had gone it to the prep of the comp from Alex. But I do have a pretty big negative. As I've mentioned previously the comp was way too heavy for a few events for the standard competing. Some of the guys didn't move the yoke at all and most, bare two moved the frame. The deadlift had a few no lifts, but I do believe the weight was right on that as Simon got 7 strong reps. Unfortunatley the comp was a little painful to watch due to the no lifts. Wasn't good for spectators and being as it was being films I'm not sure whether there is much to show. I just hope that the organisers can see that the strength in depth is not here in wales. I understand your reasoning behind it but there will always be a big divide for the next few years. Please see my comments as constructive. I've seen the talent in wales for many years and you will have strong fields like last year and not so strong fields as this year. Although all competitors put 100% in and that was clear to see so very well done for that. Thats all you can ask for. Unfortunately due to the very heavy events this showed how new some of the guys where. I wish the organisers will tailor the comps to the current standard and not get to far ahead. Also I wish Ross a speedy recovery, shame you couldn't compete. Great venue and good organisation. Thanks for your comments Martin, appreciate them and I've learnt since we last locked horns, to take constructive criticism and learn from it. I took a gamble and on some events I think it paid off. I disagree with the yoke, because I thought some guys did tremendously well and to think Ed Hall struggled with a 400kg yoke at BSM and we had Hywel Owen Thomas in his first Open event do 3/4 of the course and Simon Johnston complete the course. And when Terry Hollands whispers in my ear" that was impressive", that's good enough for me. The frame was a gamble that didn't pay off, I admit that, but the 2 strongest guys in Wales broke the floor and walked with it. Had they not, my plan was to swallow my pride drop it down and everyone go again. As for the TV coverage, we had lots of praise and the producer said that the no lifts on a couple of events actually helped to cut down the footage to make it into an hour long programme. As for the fire engine pull, no names mentioned, but at least 4 competitors mentioned when I said we had a choice of a 8 ton unloaded truck or a 12 ton fully laden truck, they all said it had to be 12. There was a very slight dip in the floor which didnt help and had it been lighter, would have been pulled out the dip. With all the injuries and pull outs to competitors, I think a field of 10 guys, many of them new, just goes to show that we DO have the strength in depth in Wales and there are more new guys coming through. Was nice to meet you yesterday for the first time and would be even nicer to see you back competing next year. With the likes of yourself, Rich Smith and Ross Stone added into the mix and if we could tempt Dale back, think of that line up next year! | |||
» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 11-07-2012 @ 17:47 | ||
siovrhyl said:It's just been confirmed Wales strongest man is being televised on challenge tv As Simon just said our qualifier is being filmed, possibly for it's own hour length special, if not, as part of one of the other qualifiers. I've been working on this for a while, sorry I couldn't announce it any sooner as I had to wait for Glenn to give me the nod. Can all competitors try and get there for 9am now, to have interviews and snapshots for the cameras for all your profiles. Exciting times, no added pressure!! | |||
» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 01-07-2012 @ 18:45 | ||
Thanks to the guys who were able to make it down yesterday to test the van deadlift and have a feel of the new kit that we've had made. Big thankyou again to Simon Thomas for making it all in a short space of time and also thankyou to Mark Stead for bringing the kit down in his van. | |||
» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 23-06-2012 @ 18:54 | ||
kelv said:Me n Helz r def up 4 the MMA as long as I can have a shower n freshen up somewhere!! Nice one mate, I'm pretty sure there's a shower in the new toilet area inside that hadn't been finished for Celtic Carnage. I've also got Rob Bush plus one, so now the ball's rolling! | |||
» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 23-06-2012 @ 16:52 | ||
I said:Just to let everyone know, each open competitor will have a VIP seat and a plus one for the MMA in the evening. Please inbox me or text me to let me know definate numbers, each VIP table holds 10 and is worth £450 with use of the VIP bar and area. There'll also be a taxi rank parked outside the shed to take you back to hotels end of the night. I take it none of you are coming to the MMA night then!! Had no replies at all. Just to re-cap for you lads, IT'S FREE!!!! Just need numbers to put a table to one side. If I don't hear by next weekend,then there won't be a table, as it has to be a minimum of 10. You've all got my mobile or should have it...07875579122. It's also gone ever so quiet on here, seems to be either b**ching or nothing at all! | |||
» CRAYFORD MAZDA CLASSIC NOVICE STRONGMAN SHOW. (Go to post) | 15-06-2012 @ 07:28 | ||
bigdave30 said:der halotestin or cheque drops r kicking in 4 some of u!!!!!!!!! c u sat boys.. get the talking done then!!! Do they charge extra to take trophies back across the bridge Nath? Think we'd better check mate!! | |||
» CRAYFORD MAZDA CLASSIC NOVICE STRONGMAN SHOW. (Go to post) | 14-06-2012 @ 20:53 | ||
seankamo said: I was having a wind up too many people taking this comp way too serious... Word of advice lads do your best and give it everything but don't forget to enjoy yourself its what its all about Maybe, but if you don't take a comp seriously and prepare thoroughly, be it a novice, open, inters, whatever, that's when you're going to get injured. And at the end of the day, I don't put myself through hours of training a day and travel 5 hours just to have a laugh!! All strongmen start somewhere and there are a lot of novices that want to go further in the sport. | |||
» CRAYFORD MAZDA CLASSIC NOVICE STRONGMAN SHOW. (Go to post) | 14-06-2012 @ 14:24 | ||
Lads! Man up! Everyone I've seen complaining about a 350kg tyre flip has about 5 stone per person on me. I've practiced hard for the stones myself, but if it's a tyre flip, it's a tyre flip. It's strongman at the end of the day, you lift heavy s**t that's put in front of you! As a promoter myself, I know full well that kit breaks last minute and you just have to make do with what you've got. This is a UK qualifier, so do you really think a 110kg stone over a yoke is a tough enough final event. This might sort the men from the boys, also, if there's 18 competitors, head to head on a tyre would speed things up and make a great decider for the top two guys. Probably gonna get filled in for this now!!lol. Just my opinion. | |||
» CRAYFORD MAZDA CLASSIC NOVICE STRONGMAN SHOW. (Go to post) | 13-06-2012 @ 06:47 | ||
Who is up for this then??!! Gone very quiet on here with just a few days to go, wanna know what I'm up against! I myself can't wait, not expecting much, just gonna enjoy every minute of it. | |||
» bristols strongest man novice/inters comp (Go to post) | 08-06-2012 @ 22:18 | ||
Vid1982 said:I'm just saying, as the three 'car' deadlifts i've done i have managed to knock out 30+ reps. the first was a axle loaded to 260 strapped onto a cardead frame, 33 reps, the second was a VW golf with 200kg in the boot, 39 reps, the third a Vauxhall Corsa, 200kg in the boot, 36 reps. the last novice comp i did at PSF, we had a 220kg olympic bar deadlift for reps, i managed 10 reps. 230 from 18" for a high end i stil think is very light. 39 reps in 60 secs??!! | |||
» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 07-06-2012 @ 14:41 | ||
Just to let everyone know, each open competitor will have a VIP seat and a plus one for the MMA in the evening. Please inbox me or text me to let me know definate numbers, each VIP table holds 10 and is worth £450 with use of the VIP bar and area. There'll also be a taxi rank parked outside the shed to take you back to hotels end of the night. | |||
» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 03-06-2012 @ 13:15 | ||
Post Edited: 13.06.2012 @ 06:53 AM by gibbynutrition Here's an updated list of all Open competitors and there will be more to add. Nice to see some new faces willing to rise to the challenge.1.Mark Jeanes 2.Ross Stone 3.Rob Bush 4.Kelvin Gardner 5.Ben Bruning 6.Simon Johnston 7.Jamie Redwood 8.Wayne Morris 9.Hywel Owen Thomas 10.Cris Davies 11.Anthony Griffiths If I've missed anyone off or if you know of anyone else who wishes to enter, please let me know. A great line up so far and is definately anyone's for the taking. The countdown is on Gents, 6 weeks to go! | |||
» Wales' Strongest Man u90kg 2012 (Go to post) | 02-06-2012 @ 05:48 | ||
Lewisg said:Can I give the money to Simon when I see him next, or shall I send a cheque? pay on the day Lewis | |||
» Wales' Strongest Man u90kg 2012 (Go to post) | 02-06-2012 @ 05:47 | ||
RDubz said:Where and who do cheques go to? money comes to me lads, Simon has just helped me organise the events, it's still all part of the celtic carnage weekend. No cheques, postal orders or cash on the day is fine | |||
» Wales Strongest Man 2012 (Go to post) | 01-06-2012 @ 07:09 | ||
Predictions lads? |