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» THE DRAGON 2.0 (Go to post)24-03-2012 @ 15:12 
slimsim said:
I'll forgive the zumba because of the jerks.........but only this one time mind! Wink
Admit it, you did it to show Huge Guy who the daddy really is, didn't you?! Grin
I knew you'd spank him at BSM u80's (and so did he, hence him jibbing)
Did you not get a video of the 150kg? I'd love to have seen it. Happy

f**k you. 150 overhead doesnt show me whos boss, prob from rack? You knew he'd spank me at u80's? Your acting like i went and lost. Ive got bigger fish to fry.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)24-03-2012 @ 14:10 
When my best power clean was 160, i did a 1 off 110 power snatch, not hitting hips into the bar, just rip from the floor until it's over head.

I warmed up today trying to work on technique on light weight. 1st hit my bo***cks and really hurt, 2nd hit my hip bone and really hurt. Then i gave up and did my normal session. Cleans i hit my hips through as hard as i can mid quad.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)22-03-2012 @ 16:13 
Might be hard to fit everything in. I have 2 days a week to learn snatch and jerk. And probably full cleans soon as well because im sure my overhead will catch up quickly to my power clean. I can front squat decent numbers anyway so the last bit won't take so long.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 19:59 
brocerslrd said:Just a couple of things interest me here. If you make 160 look that easy to power clean at anywhere near 80kg bodyweight shouldn't you maybe look towards a really push at oly lifting?

I thinking about it. I havent trained for athletics specifically in years because of ankle problems, but i think i can get to world class if i can get injury free.

Weightlifting on the other hand, seems like us Brits don't and never have stood a chance against the best. Ive got my achilles op in the summer either way. I'll see what i want to do after.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 18:33 
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll do the Donny exercises in warm up. This was actually a slightly wider grip for me but i was thinking of going wider. Whats the downside to it, harder to keep stable but less bar travel? I think i bottled it a little aswell tbh.

Whats the trick some lifters use with the whip of the bar? It looks like some guys try to bounce the bar a little before they go.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 15:18 
Post Edited: 21.03.2012 @ 15:19 PM by HUGE_GUY
Who actually stretches here and is quite flexible? Ive been stretching but not much has happened. Once a day, 30 second holds, pain level about 5/10.

I recently read you can be very tight if your diet is much more acid than alkaline, and all my food was on the acid side.

EDIT - "I AM ..... ducking out of BSM u80kg" Very f**king funny. Change it to something good.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 15:10 
Ben_F said:Impressive clean. Is the jerk not a dodgy lift to attempt with an injured achilles?

It's a bone spur, its been injected and scraped around it 3 weeks ago. That gives me about 2 months to train before i hurts too much again. So im hoping to do athletics in May/June. This hurt but no where near as much as when i did the yoke.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 15:07 
Gra_Bul said:Im not an expert but it looked alright to me, some big weight too! ive lost a few heavy jerks at lockout for no reason, the bar may have ben slightly out in front of you a little at lock out??

Thats what i thought. But my arms just won't go back. Shoulders killed after this session, must have really stretched me out. I've torn a pec on gymnstics rings before because of lack of flexibility.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 15:02 
Made me re-count it. Yea, black is 20kg, rest is more obvious.
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 14:59 
sexymikehowarth said:160 mate?

It's 160kg yea. Do you doubt the weight?
» Learning to jerk with 160kg (Go to post)21-03-2012 @ 14:53 

Second time i've ever tried to jerk, first time was the push and pull comp few days ago. Might be the start of me trying to be a weightlifter. Any pointers? This was the only vid taken.
» GYM 1 Luton Charity Push Pull Event 17th March (Go to post)19-03-2012 @ 13:08 
Gra_Bul said:Nice to see James hitting some big numbers on the radar Happy good pull on an axle is that, also thought huge guy was injured as he couldn't do BSM u80?

Im too injured to do strongman ie running with yoke or farmers, but can do static lifts.
» GYM 1 Luton Charity Push Pull Event 17th March (Go to post)18-03-2012 @ 13:31 
MrSmall said:Your overhead looks pretty solid, any vid of that?

My overhead is s**t, i wanted to jerk the whole way and bottled it because ive never done it before. Pressed to 130, then started jerk at 140 very shaky, then locked 150 overhead but the bar was too far infront. I'm gonna work on them though. If there's a vid, it's probably a random guy in the gym, on his phone.
» GYM 1 Luton Charity Push Pull Event 17th March (Go to post)18-03-2012 @ 13:26 
Poeple had their phones out when Karl was lifting and that's all i saw.

I hope someone got my 260 dl attempt on vid, was so close.
» GYM 1 Luton Charity Push Pull Event 17th March (Go to post)18-03-2012 @ 13:19 
I can fill some of the results

Karl 190 and 300
James 130 and 250
Joe 140 and 240
Andy 140 and 220?
Michael 115 and 235
Naz 130 and 210

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