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» Push press + knee pain (Go to post)04-05-2012 @ 17:46 
Resting probably won't cure it, I've had it for a few years and rested months at a time. I had a scan and i think it was blood vessels or some sort of vessel that built up on the tendon. Had it injected with a few things and made it about 50% better. More injections could cure it fully.

You can also cure it by doing slow eccentric squats with heel on a plate, maybe 2" high, and roll out/massage quads a lot to keep the tendon from being stressed more.
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)03-05-2012 @ 22:26 
I think Tom's secretly going back to sprinting with all this power stuff.

JRPG's all the way!
» Milk is bad for you? (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 23:03 
slimsim said:
Why? I'm asking this not to infer that Shane is lying but just to infer that he probably isn't looking at his exclusion of milk in isolation to other reasons why he may feel better.
For example, Shane used to be a good bit heavier than what he is now. Does he feel better simply because he has lost weight? He does a shedload of cardio/conditioning work as well these days. Does he feel better because he is generally fitter than when he was heavier, less well conditioned and drinking lots of milk?
There could be 101 reasons why Shane feels better now, which just happen to coincide with the period when he decided to stop drinking milk. Plus he also says he was drinking "loads of milk" and generally having loads of any one thing isn't a good idea.

Well, he might be one of the 75% that is LI. But after reading about this nutrition stuff this coach sent me for the past few hours, im going crazy. Theres always something good and bad, always contradictions. Shane, soy milk raises estrogen doesnt it?
» 160kg push press behind the neck (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 22:47 
Post Edited: 29.04.2012 @ 22:49 PM by HUGE_GUY
Do you do athletics Luke?

Harry aa. I don't believe he has massive power really and think hes been hyped up too much.

We've seen his power clean vid, and almost double bw is pretty decent but not unheard of at all, plus he's short. I've heard of his other power tests like standing broad jump and overhead shot, and they just seem decent, nothing special. As an overall athlete he's awesome though. Not many guys can be so fast, lift decent etc.

Shock training, i did that for a month before my pbs. Squats and depth jumps Deffinately works.
» Milk is bad for you? (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 22:41 
lol, you almost sound proud of that. That's the same arguments homeopaths, psychics and ghost hunters use

I see what your saying, but in this case i think it's logical to trust what Shane said as fact.
» Milk is bad for you? (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 22:26 
I won't just take his word for it, that's why ive been reading up about it. I won't ask people for research papers for evidence either though, i take experiences over that any day.

If Shane said he felt better then that's enough proof for me. I read somewhere loads of people are lactose intolerant and don't even realise it, 75% of people. I think it's worth a try at least, and if i don't feel better or cut any wasted weight then i'll go back to drinking milk because its more convenient and makes protein taste nicer.
» 160kg push press behind the neck (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 22:12 
Ben did box squats (still half i know). There's a vid of him doing them just a couple of years ago. Most top sprinters now do general weight training and like i said they are on gear while doing speed work, so that's where they get their specific speed power from, not converting weights to the track like i was trying to do.

In general, i would only ever do full squats. Half squats is more weight and puts more stress on patella tendon, and generally to balance you need to lean forwards, taking the weight off the glutes a little. Oh and more weight means more cns fatigue in squats? Weightlifters can oly squat everyday, i couldnt see any powerlifter doing the same, but maybe im wrong.
» Milk is bad for you? (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 22:02 
Slim, the guy that told me is a national jumps coach. There's only a few paid coaches by uk athletics and normally means they are good.

I get 200-250g everyday. To keep 80kg'ish @6'0 i don't have a lot of cals, so keep protein high.
» Milk is bad for you? (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 21:58 
shanejer said:I honestly think it is terrible and since cutting out dairy I feel alot better and healthier.

I got sucked into the whole strength training thing of drink loads of milk! Wish I never did !

So what do you have in your tea/coffee/cereal? If you have any of them. Do you still have whey protein?
» Milk is bad for you? (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 21:57 
I should of asked if other milk is good, like coconut or almond milk otherwise what will i have with my oats?! After doing some more reading im put off by cows milk.

I might try pea protein isolate as well for a while, nothing to lose.
» Milk is bad for you? (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 21:13 
I was told to change my diet to get rid of waste in my body to make me feel lighter/better, and taking milk out of my diet was 1 of the suggestions.

Firstly the guy said milk creates mucus that is everywhere inside you, it's just dead weight and tightens you up. Also milk actually takes calcium away from bones. Few other bad things here

I said i will look into it, then realised whey protein is from milk and i get 150g of protein a day from that alone. Is milk really that bad? Im talking cows milk btw, i wouldnt touch soy or goats.
» 160kg push press behind the neck (Go to post)28-04-2012 @ 15:24 
Most athletes i have spoken to build up reasonable strength in the off season with full squats, but nearer the season are scared to keep lifting incase their reactive strength goes down which is bo***cks. If they squat its quater which does nothing and they won't lift more than 80% on cleans and regularly do 60-70% and call it 'speed' work. Cleans are too slow for speed work, and that's too light to maintain power.

Here's a good way to find out if what we do works for track - im getting a jumps/sprints coach after surgery and a good one. If next year im top few in the world, we'll know the power to weight is very important and it does transfer even with limited specific training.

Interesting point someone made on that forum a while ago. If sprinters are on gear while doing max speed work (which they do), they create muscle fibres and tendon stiffness perfect for speed which is otherwise impossible to obtain.
» 160kg push press behind the neck (Go to post)28-04-2012 @ 14:20 
Tom, I've had enough of them on that forum. They're all 'experts' and only listen to what they want to hear. I am far too strong apparently, and don't have a clue what im doing in the gym. But it's funny how i dont even do jump training and im as good as them guys. It's obvious we are more talented than most athletes when it comes to strength though. I lift twice a week and short sessions. Some guys train much more to reach their 110 p.clean, but can use all of their strength efficiently whereas I/we? waste loads of energy with s**t form, and we're not black.

I was talking to 2 uka coaches just the other day about this, 1 guy says the sky is the limit, keep getting stronger, power to weight is the foundation everyone wants. The other says i can perform just as well from a 140 clean. You never know though, if you actually trained for sprinting again under a good coach, you could be in for a good pb. Speed just takes much longer to develop than strength. Long answer to a short question...
» 160kg push press behind the neck (Go to post)28-04-2012 @ 10:40 
Yea, by sprinters standards you are pretty big! Even my size, i have a little bit of quad and back muscle so everyone asks if im a rugby player and say im too big to jump. Gets annoying.

I forget, what i think is big some of the behemoths here will laugh at.
» 160kg push press behind the neck (Go to post)28-04-2012 @ 10:00 
I improve by about 10kg a year at most, you've gone 40kg in no time!

Don't think you can call yourself skinny anymore.

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