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» Muscle Tone (Go to post)04-05-2015 @ 21:44 
Cuddles said:It does seem pretty clear though that most oly lifters have a decent amount of flexibility and it doesn't seem to have hurt their 'muscle tone' all that much.

From what i get from Klokovs vids and words, he recommended to stretch only if you aren't flexible enough for the lifts, and from his warm up vids, he just does mobility drills to maintain this.

I would think most olympic lifters gain the flexibility needed while they are young, rather than when they are already fully developed as i am. Their muscle tone would always be high with the volume of lifting.
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)04-05-2015 @ 20:19 
PhillippeHalter said:Are you in the competition phase of your training currently then?

If not then it sounds like you have a balance to address rather than a yes or no

I will have your book mate!

I have another month still. Was hoping to gain flexibility by then but i just don't think im cut out for it. I've always walked like the terminator, i'm just very rigid. At least i learned something from this.
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)04-05-2015 @ 20:00 
I've found some information on this, though it was related to sprinters.

Higher muscle tone gives more power. But if the tone is too high, the muscle takes too long to contract, giving less power.

I've read that stretches, deep massage, saunas can relax this tone, as well as easy exercise. I've been doing lots of the first 3. I've read that in a big competition, sprinters won't do much treatment at all, just superficial massage to keep the tone high.

In my case, i haven't stretched/rolled in 3 days now and i did a very easy 150 power clean today which tells me i'm good for 170 still. Which was alot quicker than a 140 last week, and a failed 160 a couple of week ago. I did some squats 2 days ago and didnt roll/stretch after which may have helped build up the muscle tone. Things were easier before i read how important it was to be supple. I'm gonna burn this book
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)04-05-2015 @ 07:45 
unit94 said:Klokov stretches all the time, there's videos showing his normal warm up!

Was it the video of him moving through different ranges for short periods rather than static stretches? More like dynamic stretches?
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)03-05-2015 @ 18:45 
McMuffin_Gains said:Something I like to know is why I can train hard and heavy for months on end, only performing the bare minimum amount of stretching/mobility I need to prevent injury and feel absolutely fine most of the time yet stop training for longer than a fortnight and start to feel like I'm falling apart with aches, pains and tendonitis aplenty!?

With the tendonitis -
Tendons like big weights to strengthen and harden them. Tendonitis is usually tendinopathy, which is damage to the tendon rather than inflammation and rest will not heal this. Rest will make your tendons weaker quickly though. Weaker tendon that still has damage will hurt when you walk around at 145kg

This is just an educated guess
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)03-05-2015 @ 18:33 
PhillippeHalter said:Interesting

It would be great to find conclusively what the case is here then

When you do please post up on here!

I'll stop stretching and massage for 2 weeks and i will test my lifts. I hope someone has a solution to this. Some of us need to be loose enough not to hurt, or are trying to get into new ranges to better our performance, but performance drops.

What's the answer. Mobility drills, instead of kettlebell massages and stretches? Are all strong guys very tight and need to be that way?
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)03-05-2015 @ 18:10 
Post Edited: 03.05.2015 @ 18:11 PM by HUGE_GUY
PhillippeHalter said:I have missed something here...?

Has stretching absolutely definitely 100% lead directly to your lack in overall performance?

Is there any other external factors such as a change in supplementation which could also contribute to a decrease in strength and power?

No, no steroids/gh/slin whatever else there is out there involved. Although i thought i was taking too many multi vitamins at first. It's not just basic stretches. Quite intense massages to loosen out tight spots, for me its hips, quads, calves and glutes. Multiple stretches that Kelly advises to do for 3-5 minutes each stretch. I'm researching now, so i might understand this wrong, but it switches off the nervous system when you stretch, and low muscle tone makes you lose the ability to switch on all the fibres quickly? I train very simple and find it very easy to maintain my strength levels all year round, for many years now. I did start the AMH way of training, but gave up pretty quickly.
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)03-05-2015 @ 17:59 
I'm doing more research myself.

So does high tone mean that the muscles should feel hard/dense in a relaxed state? A physio told me my quads were far too hard, that they should feel like dough. After taking Starrett's advice, my quads are very 'doughy' and i'm not very good at anything, although flexibility is slightly better. I did this to open up my stance on squats and to try to sprint with higher knees. Pause squat went from 225-210. Power clean 175-160.

Starrett says if you massage anywhere and it hurts (bodyweight on a ball for example) then it's too tight. For strength/power athletes, should we ignore this?
From watching Klokov's vids, his massages seem soft, just a flush out. He states that he never stretches. But he is still very flexible and a powerhouse.
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)03-05-2015 @ 11:45 
I hope there are responses. I notice sundays are quiet on here.
» Muscle Tone (Go to post)03-05-2015 @ 09:54 
I've purchased The Supple Leopard recently by Kelly Starrett. The thing i was most interested in was hip flexor mobility. In a video Kelly demonstrates how high he can bring his knee to his chest in a cold state and this is a weakness of mine because i barely get it to parallel.

Since doing a lot of the massage and stretches he recommends, i'm weak. I feel like my fibres arent firing as they usually do. I thought i was over training so i have rested, i've even put on some weight to get stronger, but i'm still lagging behind on every lift a good 7-10%. My throws and broad jumps too.

Then i was reading about muscle tone, and how it needs to be kept high to perform well. So how do you gain more flexibility and keep high tone? Hard massages and long stretches a no-no at all times?
» Peaking... (Go to post)22-04-2015 @ 09:36 
Why is it better to have low exercise tolerance? Mine is terrible and i can usually improve from such little volume. Its example, squat twice a week, day 1 - build to max triple, day 2 - 2-3 sets of 80% doubles.

I tried to use your principles and 80% was getting pretty slow after a few sets, and usually i lift 95% quite fast. My legs shrunk even though i upped the calories to adjust to the volume increase, and right now im 15kg down on my squat with an inch lost on my legs and glutes. My sprints and cleans are down too. I guess this works for lifting only
» Shot putter starts logging (Go to post)15-04-2015 @ 20:52 
remco51092 said:
I go to Vila Real every year. The bars aren't great! But f**k it, still will do heavy cleans there Tongue
The shot area is ok for me even after the rain Tongue
The main water spots are before the area my shot lands Tongue
Especially when you have the circle at the trees or the one in the middle of the sun.
The only circle impossible to throw in then is the one all the way on the left. On the side Tongue

I guess it's not rained that bad near the summer? When i was there it rained heavy the whole day. I tried to use all the circles and my best overhead shot with 7.26kg is 19.02m, and my shot was landing in a big mess every time and i didn't bring a towel! But the deep puddle was only up to 10-16m...but was flooded for 8 days!

The bars for cleans are good, i equaled a pb there! I don't suppose you would mind telling me where you will be staying and price? I want to visit the place again, it was too cold to enjoy it over xmas.
» Shot putter starts logging (Go to post)15-04-2015 @ 09:43 
I went to Portugal for couple weeks over xmas. Vila real or albufeira?
If it's vila real, be careful, i bent a couple of bars. They don't handle 300kg well. And if it rains heavy once, the shot area is a nightmare for a week.
» Bench Press (Go to post)09-03-2015 @ 12:40 
AMH_Power said:"It's always been my worst lift, and no matter what I do it doesn't seem to increase"

This will always be true if you truly believe that.
So many amazing lifters train in so many different ways, but the one thing that unites them is self belief and mental drive.

However, if you feel you have lots of mental drive and are simply stalling; I recommend more benching, heavier benching and benching more often. But, in particular....

Week 1: 60 lifts @ 80% of 1RM
Week 2: 40 lifts @ 85% of 1RM
Week 3: 20 lifts @ 90% of 1RM
Week 4: 10 lifts @ 95% of 1RM
Week 5: 20 lifts @ 65% of 1RM (speed/deload)
Week 6: New pb.

Do this however you want. Sets, reps, days are all irrelevant as long as you achieve with good form. Your strength and neural development is dictated by overall tonnage and average intensity. Hypertrophy is more biased to what reps/sets were achieved, but building muscle as a drug free lifter can be like pissing in the wind dependent on genetics and fiber types. Getting strong is more like improving your Call of Duty killstreak; it's a skill and not a physical attribute... the brain learns to recruit more fibers and have stronger contractions once the golgi tendon dampens through practice alongside improvements in rate's all mental aspects.

People are always shocked when the answer is do more of what you want to get good at....

Anyway, your technique is fine looking at the video. Take or leave my advice, but I will eat my squat shoes if you follow that to the letter and not hit a pb providing you are eating and sleeping enough.

Copying this for the future. I've been training kinda similar to this lately, but at about 25% of this volume, no wonder it's going nowhere. I squat better from just a simple 1 set of max 5's or 3's
» Who here can do 100kg squat for 30 reps (Go to post)20-02-2015 @ 13:01 
Wiegieboard said:
I reckon you'd have done the 30

It was quite a range i was moving through. Very narrow olympic style squats. I went until my legs were shaking so much that i couldn't move anymore. It was fine until 22, then it hit HARD!

I'd have to limit the range a bit to get 30. Maybe get my sleeves on too, to get a little bounce. Damn it, i wanna try this again now!

There should be rules!

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