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» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)20-01-2025 @ 00:38 
Farmers / power stairs mimic
62 x30m
82 x20m
102 x15m / 125 x6 stairs
122 x10m / 145 x6 stairs
102 x15m

100 x5 - 42”
120 x3 - 42”
120 x3 - 48”

Left yoke & husa!! Lazy

Stones were horrid and felt ridiculously heavy… Tacky was s**t and had,wasn’t playable at all and was coming off in clumps even tho it was worked in - ish

6 weeks out…strength is good but I need to get fit and better prepared… I know it will be there in 6 weeks!
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)17-01-2025 @ 23:16 
Front squat against 21mm bands
110 x3
125 x3
125 x3

Speed deadlift ,hook grip against 21mm bands
100 x2
120 x2
120 x2
120 x2
120 x2
120 x2

Left it…. No go at all today….

One of those weeks.. or managing time and trying to rush straining around clients!!!

We push on
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)17-01-2025 @ 23:14 
Strict Swiss bar + x2 6kg kettle bells attached to bands
40 x3
50 x3
50 x3
50 x3
50 x3

Incline DB
17 x12
25 x12
30 x8
30 x10

Swiss bar OH ext
30 x12
40 x8
40 x8

Strait bar press downs
27 x25 x2

Some stab work
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)17-01-2025 @ 23:11 
14” block deadlift
Just belt
215 x3
235 x3
255 x3

SSB squat
127 x6
142 x5
152 x5
152 x5

Trap bar 16”
160 x5
180 x5
180 x5

100 x8
120 x8
120 x8
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)11-01-2025 @ 16:35 
Front squats
60 x5
80 x5
100 x5

Yoke 15+15m
170 x30m
210 x30m
210 x30m

60 x15m
80 x15m
100 x15m
100 x15m

Sack over yoke / 50”
80 x5
80 x5
80 x5
80 x5

Just dusting off the cobwebs today… Not done any proper SM training since April…. 7 weeks out !
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)10-01-2025 @ 21:01 
Log 1. Clean EMOM / 90s
90 x2
90 x2
100 x1 *
100 x2
100 x1 *
100 x2
100 x2 *
* last rep held for 5s

Seated wide cable rows
80 x12
100 x10
110 x10
110 x10
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)09-01-2025 @ 22:58 
Post Edited: 10.01.2025 @ 19:57 PM by jones105
Strict log from the rack
70 x3
90 x2
100 x1
110 x1
115 x1

Incline DB press
17.5 x12
25 x12
25 x12
25 x12

Swiss bar overhead extension
30 x12
40 x10
40 x10

Side lateral raises
10 x12
12.5 x12
12.5 x12

Ez cable press downs
31 x25
31 x25
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)09-01-2025 @ 22:56 
14” block pulls
165 x5
205 x3
245 x3

142 x6
142 x6
142 x6

60 x12
80 x10
90 x10

Reverse hyper
Empty x20
10 x15
10 x15
10 x15

Cable crunches
59 x20
71 x15
77 x12
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)09-01-2025 @ 22:53 
Log 1 clean
70 x3
80 x3
85 x3
85 x3
90 x3
90 x3

Seated wide cable rows
80 x12
90 x10
100 x10
100 x10
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)04-01-2025 @ 01:27 
Box Squat,above parallel against 32mm bands
160 x3
160 x3
160 x3
180 x3
180 x3
180 x3
180 x3
180 x3

Dead hangs
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)04-01-2025 @ 01:21 
Paused against 32mm bands 22X1
60 x3
60 x3
80 x2
80 x2
100 x2
100 x2
100 x2
100 x2

Cable overhead tries - side lateral raise
36 x15 - 10 x12
40 x12 - 10 x12
45 x12 - 10 x12
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)31-12-2024 @ 21:52 
Floor plus 24kg chains
189 x2
189 x2
199 x2
199 x2
199 x2
199 x2
199 x2
199 x5

Back extension + 10kg - cable crunches
x12 / 2s pause - 54 x25
x12 / 2s pause - 71 x15
x1 30s pause /BW x10 - 77 x15
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)31-12-2024 @ 21:44 
Strict log from the rack against 21mm bands
50 x5
60 x3
60 x3
60 x3
60 x3
60 x5

Seated wide cable rows
80 x12
90 x12
100 x12
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)31-12-2024 @ 20:58 
Squat warm ups
70 x5
120 x3
165 x2
Sleeves / Pioneer 7mm
210 x2
220 x2
230 x1
250 x1

Leg press
200 x12
250 x10
250 x10

Seated calf’s - hip adductor machine
30 x20 - 36 x12
40 x15 - 43 x12
40 x14 - 43 x12
» TRAINIG LOG (Go to post)26-12-2024 @ 18:37 
Flat against 32mm bands / paused
60 x3
60 x3
80 x3
80 x3
80 x3
80 x3
80 x3
80 x3

Tricep giant set to finish up
Ez push downs - 36 x12
Over head rope - 27 x12
Ez push down - 40 x12
Over head rope - 27 x10/x2 forced

Planned a bit more but Xmas is more important…
Hopefully next week I can start to get more consistency ,short volume phase and start adding in more SM lifts ready for march

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