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» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)09-05-2012 @ 13:15 
8th - 4mile run

Incline db press
3 x 15 @10kg
2 x 20 @10kg

Military press
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 5 @30kg
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 7 @40kg

Military press supersetted pullups
3 x 10 @30kg + 3 x 5 @BW

Some lateral raises/reverse flys etc.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)07-05-2012 @ 13:21 
Safety bar squats
1 x 10 @25kg
1 x 5 @85kg
1 x 5 @95kg
1 x 6 @110kg (belt)
3 x 10 @85kg

Fast deadlifts (hook grip)
5 x 3 @100kg

Stiff leg deadlifts
5 x 10 @60kg
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)04-05-2012 @ 20:02 
fctilidie said:Looks like a decent plan to me. How are the injuries at the moment?

Pec feels fantastic, still don't want to push it to far. Pressing is becoming a lot more comfortable, just the strength in my right shoulder needs to catch up. Doing pullups/pulling movements feel fine on my shoulder, just get difficult depending on the movement with my bicep. The 8kg dumbbells felt really light, but I would rather progress slowly any make sure everything is ok.

The bicep is no longer painful, but it's still weak and misshaped. I'm waiting on an MRI for it now but the DR isn't sure if they can do that with there being the metal anchor in my arm. Just been told to train around it and do my own physio etc for it for now untill they know what's going on properly.

How's the knee holding up?
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)04-05-2012 @ 19:52 
Don't remember everything I've done this week, and don't have my journal to hand.

Over the week, I've military pressed, done pullups, squats, deadlifts etc.

This morning I did 3 x 15 @8kg for incline dumbbell presses, as I don't wanna go straight to any flat work just yet.

Il look through my notes later and update everything.

As of Monday, the plan until further notice (hopefully) will be.

M - Safety bar squats(5/3/1) + Lower body
T - Military press(5/3/1) + Upper body
W - Run, active rest etc
T - Deficit Deadlift(5/3/1) + Lower body
F - HIIT - Stationary bike
S - Military press(5/3/1) + Upper body
S - Any missed sessions from the week

Sunday will be any missed sessions due to exams/revision/life getting in the way.
Everyday il be doing mobility work, stretching, rotator cuff stuff etc.

In terms of food, il probably stick around 200/200/50. At the min just need to concentrate on recovery and get through my exams.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)29-04-2012 @ 15:53 
Last 10 miles of the week. 70miles ran in 7 days!

Military press
1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 10 @30kg
1 x 10 @40kg
1 x 5 @45kg
1 x 10 @35kg

Neutral grip pullups
2 x 6 @BW
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)27-04-2012 @ 22:53 
Saw the second Dr today. He basically said he isn't sure, to quote him 'the distal tendon is mushy, and the proximal tendon is completeky gone'. I'm not waiting to find out if I can get an MRI scan. Apparently it's a hassle because of the metal rod now in my shoulder. So I'm looking at another 8weeks minimum before anything happens. Which I guess is kind of a good thing as I can get my exams dne&out the way. Il keep training but just avoid anything that causes pain or puts to much stress on my bicep.

Am - ran 10 miles

Military press
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 5 @40kg
1 x 1 @50kg
1 x 10 @30kg
1 x 10 @35kg
1 x 10 @37.5kg
1 x 8 @40kg
1 x 10 @20kg

Neutral grip pullups
2 x 5 @bw
1 x 4 @bw

Also - saw the avengers movie, would recommend it!
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)26-04-2012 @ 23:26 
First day properly back at uni. - ran 10miles.

Got a call this afternoon from the surgeons secretary. He wants me to see another specialist as what would usually be a straightforward surgery has become a lot more complicated due to recently having my pec done. Hopefully get it sorted ASAP. Meeting the new guy tomorrow morning to discuss what options I've got.

I think il probably be out even longer then previously thought, but I guess I still have age on my side! If I do have surgery again, I'm going to either request a phisio or see my own, to reduce the chance of anything else like this happening again.

- on another note, 4days, 40miles ran.. Doing 70miles in 7days, really just to see if I can, and it's something to do whilst I can't lift/fight. Also adds something different to training as I have very little motivation whilst being soon this situation! -.-
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)25-04-2012 @ 12:09 
Thanks Jordan!

Went to the hospital this morning, had an ultra sound scan on my shoulder/arm. The pec has healed virtually perfect so far from what I'm told. However, I've completely ruptured the long head of my bicep(same arm) at the shoulder end. I'm not sure what will happen with this as I don't know if the surgeon will want to open my shoulder up again.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)24-04-2012 @ 23:32 
Am - 6mile run

Military press
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 5 @40kg
1 x 3 @45kg
1 x 1 @50kg
1 x 1 @55kg - Left side pressed easier then right, so stopped there.
1 x 10 @30kg

Shoulder width neutral grip pull ups
3 x 4 @BW
Ran out of time but still got pressing & pulling done.

4mile run

» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)23-04-2012 @ 18:21 
Cheers Paul!

Am - 5mile run

Deficit deadlifts, hook grip, no belt (160max)
1 x 5 @50kg
1 x 5 @95kg
1 x 5 @110kg
1 x 6 @120kg
2 x 10 @80kg

5 mile run

» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)22-04-2012 @ 22:36 
Thought I would give deadlifts a shot

Deficit deadlifts hook grip no belt
1 x 10 @50kg
1 x 5 @90kg
1 x 1 @130kg
1 x 1 @140kg
1 x 1 @150kg
1 x 1 @160kg (straps)
1 x F @ 170kg - as soon as started the lift, pec started being painful so abandoned lift.

Just rotator cuff/mobility stuff etc.

» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)21-04-2012 @ 08:54 
Front squats (testing)
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 2 @60kg

Military press
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 5 @30kg
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 6 @40kg
5 x 10 @25kg

Shoulder width neutral grip pull ups
4 x 3 @BW - started to feel uncomfortable so didn't do 5th set.

Rack pushups
2 x 15 @Pin 3 

Bent reverse flys
1 x 10 @8kg
4 x 10 @10kg

Rope push downs
3 x 10 @7
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)15-04-2012 @ 19:44 
Post Edited: 15.04.2012 @ 19:45 PM by Sawyers
Leg press
5 x 10
Leg extensions
5 x 10
Hamstring curls
5 x 10
Calf raises
5 x 10
Military press
1 x 10 @20kg
2 x 5 @40kg
1 x 3 @45kg

15min cross trainer
45min run

» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)15-04-2012 @ 19:42 
Sbs (no belt)
1 x 3 @25kg
1 x 3 @65kg
1 x 3 @90kg
1 x 3 @100kg
1 x 3 @115kg
1 x 3 @125kg
1 x 1 @135kg
1 x 1 @140kg
1 x 3 @105kg
1 x 3 @65kg

Military press
1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 10 @30kg
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 5 @40kg

Close grip pull downs
2 x 15 @full stack

Rack pushups
Pin 4 x 20

30min cycling, 15min cross trainer.


Went out in the night again, had a few drinks
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)14-04-2012 @ 11:38 
Post Edited: 14.04.2012 @ 11:39 AM by Sawyers
Deadlifts (double overhand hook grip)
1 x 10 @20kg
2 x 5 @60kg
1 x 5 @80kg
2 x 5 @100kg

Close grip pulls downs
4 x 10

Dumbbell rows
4 x 10 @20kg


No training, went out on the night, didn't drink any alcohol but had a little to much caffeine during the day!

My pec is feeling great now, still dont want to rush anything though. I've got a scan in 3weeks to get a definitive answer about my bicep.

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