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» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)06-06-2012 @ 18:26 
Post Edited: 06.06.2012 @ 18:57 PM by Sawyers
No training today. Shoulder feels great, although my bicep is aching enough for me to take some pain killers. 2 days till the first main exam and caffeine pro is becoming a great friend of mine... Also.. Decent appetite today, and I've actually got for in for a change!
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)05-06-2012 @ 17:50 
The BBQ the other day got cancelled and moved to yesterday, I ate probably enough for a small country..

Today I didn't intend to train, but got that bored of revising so I went anyway. Got there and didn't really want to go back home and continue working... First exam is on Friday morning so will try and fit in squats and another upper body session before then even if it means combining the two.

Military press
(Warm up)
1 x 3 @40kg
1 x 3 @45kg
1 x 11 @50kg (3+ set) - Happy with this!!

Overhand shoulder width grip pullups
2 x 6 @BW

Neutral grip pullups
1 x 6 @BW
1 x 5 @BW - with straps to see if its any easier on my bicep, felt worse then without them.

Db rows + lateral raises
2 x 20 @25kg + 2 x 10 @10kg

Standing db shoulder press
2 x 8 @17.5kg - shoulder starting to drift upwards

Back squats bar holds/trying shoulder out. Conclusion.. Still can't back squat.

Rear delt flys
3 x 12 @15kg

Bench press
1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 10 @40kg
1 x 5 @45kg
1 x 10 @40kg
1 x 30, 10, 10 @30kg - 5sec rest between each set.

Some stuff with the prowler, kegs and farmers. Just testing my shoulder out.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)02-06-2012 @ 15:53 
Post Edited: 05.06.2012 @ 17:51 PM by Sawyers
Medicine ball rolling
Rotator cuff stuff

Deadlifts (hook grip, dead stop)
(warm up)
1 x 5 @105kg
1 x 5 @120kg
1 x 5 @135kg (belt) (5+ set, legs still sore so just did the 5)

Stiff leg deadlifts - stood on a slight platform
5 x 10 @80kg

Bench press
1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 10 @25kg
3 x 10 @30kg (yes, this is a huge weight...)
1 x 10 @35kg
1 x 8 @40kg - HUGE PB. Yesterday was first time benching since the injury so today went well, il stick at 40 for a few weeks now I think.

Hanging leg raises
1 x 10 @BW - first 6, full reps, last 4, 3/4 of the way up

Over the last 6days my food averages to 193/186/84, which is probably to little, il will make it closer to 190/300/60 next week. Tomorrow I'm at a family BBQ so will be over indulging..
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)01-06-2012 @ 11:26 
Post Edited: 01.06.2012 @ 22:47 PM by Sawyers
Rotator cuff stuff
Military press
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 5 @40kg
1 x 11,3,1 @45kg (5+ set)
1 x 10 @35kg

1 x 7 @BW

Bench Press
5 x 15 @20kg - first time post op, feels ok.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)31-05-2012 @ 20:04 
Post Edited: 01.06.2012 @ 11:24 AM by Sawyers
No training today. Shoulder feels ok, getting stiff from writing all day. Quads are stupidly sore considering how light yesterday was. Better man up.. Pressing tomorrow! Grin I did, however have a decent appetite.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)30-05-2012 @ 22:05 
Post Edited: 30.05.2012 @ 22:08 PM by Sawyers
Shoulder wasnt feeling particularly good today, but i figured its a light squat day so it will be fine...

Rotator cuff stuff
Foam rolling
Safety bar squats deep & no belt
(warm up)
1 x 5 @75kg
1 x 5 @85kg
1 x 10 @95kg (5+ set - shoulder was niggling so stopped, should've really got 20+ reps..)
5 x 10 @65kg (15 sec rest between sets, legs were on fire...)

15' rack pulls (hook grip, no belt)
1 x 3 @60kg
1 x 3 @100kg
1 x 1 @140kg
1 x 1 @160kg
1 x 1 @180kg
1 x F @200kg - shoulder felt painful at I lifted off the rack so stopped.
1 x 1 @190kg
1 x 5 @150kg

Hanging leg raises - full range, shoulder started not feeling great around the 8th rep so stopped at 10
1 x 10 @BW

10min 'core' stuff

Some light stretching.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 21:33 
Post Edited: 29.05.2012 @ 21:34 PM by Sawyers
No gym today, just stretching etc. Didn't have very much to eat, mainly due to running out of food and leaving it to late to get to any shops.
There are 10days till main exams start so will see how training goes.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 13:34 
Rotator cuff stuff

Military press
(warmed up)
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 5 @40kg
1 x 10 @45kg (5+ set)
5 x 10 @ 30kg (Paused reps)

Neutral grip pullups
2 x 6 @BW
3 x 4 @BW

Incline DB press
2 x 10 @15kg

Rear delt db rows - not sure why, but my shoulder feels good after doing these.
2 x 10 @25kg

Light stretching and foam rolling to finish. Today was the last day at uni, just placement on Tuesday then 4weeks worth of exams.. Fun!
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)27-05-2012 @ 18:47 
Lots of foam rolling and rotator cuff stuff pre session.

Deficit deadlifts, hook grip, all paused reps
(Warmed up)
1 x 5 @95kg
1 x 5 @110kg (belt)
1 x 6 @120kg

Stiff leg deadlifts
5 x 10 @70kg

Good mornings(safety bar)
2 x 10 @45kg

Weighted situps
5 x 10 @10kg

About 20mins of stretching.

I've not trained the past 5days because my pec/bicep being sore, I feel better for training with it. Il see how it is over the next few weeks, no longer on any pain meds which doesn't help with the revision for exams.. Il have to get some 'man up pills instead..
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)23-05-2012 @ 13:15 
Thanks Paul, but I won't have chance to get there with exams etc. il send you a message on Friday if I can get to Vulcan on Saturday.

Military press
1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 1 @40kg
1 x 5 @45kg
1 x 3 @50kg
1 x 1 @55kg
2 x 5 @50kg
1 x 10 @40kg

Rear delt db rows (slow)
2 x 10 @30kg

Db rows (slow)
2 x 5 @38kg

Incline db press
1 x 10 @16kg
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)19-05-2012 @ 18:42 
Haven't trained properly, did some deadlifts, went up to 170kg for a double, safety bar is broke so can't use that and pressing is out of the question at the min. My body feels awful, especially my shoulder. The pain is getting worse which is defiantly not good! Hopefully these few days of rest and il be able to train on Monday. If not il have to grow a pair and just go do some cycle sprints or something.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)16-05-2012 @ 20:44 
Military press
1 x 6 @20kg
1 x 5 @30kg
1 x 5 @40kg
1 x 10 @45kg
1 x 7 @45kg
1 x 10 @40kg

Smith machine bb rows - feels a lot easier on my bicep, not sure how much the bar weighs but il writs as if standard one.
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 12 @60kg
1 x 10 @80kg
2 x 15 @60kg

Rear delt db rows - both arms at same time
2 x 10 @16kg

Db rows
1 x 5 @36kg (super slow)
3 x 8 @36kg

Incline DB press
3 x 10 @12kg

Hanging leg raises
5 x 5 @BW
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)13-05-2012 @ 14:52 
Todays session:

Deadlifts - hook grip
1 x 2 @50kg
1 x 3 @90kg
1 x 3 @110kg
1 x 3 @115kg
1 x10 @130kg (belt) - bounced to much
1 x 1 @150kg
1 x 1 @170kg
1 x 1 @180kg - mixed grip, not good form

Military press
1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 5 @40kg
1 x 5 @50kg
1 x 2 @55kg
1 x 2 @60kg
1 x F @65kg

1 x 5 @bw shoulder width overhand
1 x 2 @bw double underhand
1 x 2 @bw wide double overhand

Incline db press
1 x 20 @10kg
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)12-05-2012 @ 17:39 
Post Edited: 12.05.2012 @ 17:40 PM by Sawyers
Military press
Thanks Jordan, slowly getting more confident with lifting decent weights again!

1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 10 @40kg
1 x 7 @45kg
1 x 3 @50kg
2 x 10 @40kg
1 x 6,3,1 @40kg
1 x 20 @20kg

Rear delay db rows
3 x 10 @26kg

Db rows
1 x 10 @32kg
1 x 5 @40kg (not great form so stopped at 5)
2 x 10 @32kg

Some lateral raises/reverse flys/rotator cuff stuff etc.
» Pec tear recovery and beyond! (Go to post)11-05-2012 @ 15:10 
it is slowly going up, although the strength isn't to bad, it's more when my pec starts feeling uneasy I stop ask don't want to risk anything!

Thurs - off

Fri -
Only had about 3 hours sleep the previous night & havemt been able to eat the past 2days so didn't feel great.

Deadlifts (hook grip)
1 x 3 @50kg
1 x 5 @95kg
1 x 5 @110kg
1 x 10 @120kg (belt)
1 x 1 @130kg
1 x 1 @160kg
1 x 1 @170kg
1 x 1 @175kg (mixed grip)

Didn't turn out to be so bad considering what I expected the session to be like.

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