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» Time to man up.. (Go to post)16-02-2013 @ 15:02 
3 @60kg
3 @80kg
3 @102.5kg
3 @117.5kg
2 x 3 @132.5kg
7 @ 132.5kg (Belt) could've gone on but hips are still rising too fast.

Sumo deadlifts
10 @60kg
10 @100kg
2 x 10 @120kg - then get asked to stop deadlifting as apparently its damaging the floor.. (Which is rubber) clowns..

4 x 5 (small push off at the end of each rep)

5 x 10

Decline sit-ups
4 x 8 @30kg
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)15-02-2013 @ 19:18 
Military press
3 @30, 40, 47.5, 55kg
3 x 3 @62.5kg

Bench press
2 x 8 @62.5kg
3 x 8 @52.5kg

Neutral grip pull-ups
3 x 8 @BW

DB Rows
3 x 5 @42kg

2 x 10 @14kg

Face pulls
3 x 15 @10kg
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)15-02-2013 @ 15:39 
Random session..

Deadlifts trying to keep my back tight still.
4 x 5 @60kg
5 @70kg
5 @80kg
5 @90kg
5 @100kg
3 @110kg
3 @90kg

Sumo Deadlifts
4 x 5 @60kg
5 @70kg
5 @80kg
5 @90kg
5 @100kg
3 @110kg
3 @90kg

Back squats High bar
5 x 5 @60kg

Front squats
2 @60kg
5 x 5 @20kg

Recorded almost everything to check the form, didnt embed as they're lots and pretty boring to see. Was a decent session on form.

And Owen.. I realised afterwards! But thanks Happy
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)13-02-2013 @ 19:11 
Trained at the new gym, definitely need to get used to the equipment..

3 @60kg
3 @100kg
3 @140kg
3 @180kg (Belt) - felt like my back was rounding so recorded next set.
2 @180kg - horrendous bend in my lower back.

3 @167.5kg - again, lower back rounding.

Decided that I need to fix my lower back rounding.
5/6 x 1-2 @140kg no belt

Squats (low bar)
3 @60kg
3 @100kg
1 @140kg
3 @140kg (belt)

Squats (high bar) - trying to get the form for these
5 x 3 @60kg
2 x 3 @100kg (paused)

Glute ham raises
3 x 3 @BW - no assistance

DB rows (loose form)
5 @20kg
5 @40kg
5 @47.5kg
2 x 5 @55kg

Definitely need to sort out my deadlifts, I think I'm very hamstring weak, so will make sorting them a priority. Along with trying to just keep as tight as possible.
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)12-02-2013 @ 21:36 
Bench (3+)
10 @20kg
5 @40kg
3 @62.5kg
3 @70kg
4 x 3 @80kg

DB shoulder press
10 @10kg
5 x 8 @24kg

Neutral grip pull-ups
5 @BW
5 @5kg
5 @10kg
5 @15kg
3 @20kg
1 @25kg
1 @30kg (PB)

Lat pull downs
4 x 6

Bb curls
3 x 6 @40kg

T,u,y/rehab etc
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)10-02-2013 @ 16:32 
Incline DB press
5 @15kg
5 @20kg
5 @27.5kg
5 x 5 @32.5kg (PB)

Flat bench - the bench at the new gym is awful
3 x 12 @60kg

Machine flys
4 sets

Alt DB curls
5 @17.5kg
5 @20kg
8 @17.5kg

Hammer curls, some rope Pushdowns, pull-ups, leg raises etc
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)10-02-2013 @ 10:55 
Not that it makes a huge impact but the 8th marks 1year anniversary of surgery..

Been looking after my back and pretty much had a week off/very light stuff.


20 @20kg
5 @60kg
3 @80kg
3 @100kg
1 @120kg
1 @140kg
Belt onwards
1 @150kg

1 @162.5kg (PB) - hips still came up too early

Fail @170kg - think I definitely had 165 in me, but again.. hips rose too quickly. Probably too big of a jump by going straight up to 170.

20 @20kg
5 @40kg
1 @50kg
1 @60kg
1 @65kg
1 @70kg
1 @72.5kg (PB)

20 @20kg
5 @40kg
3 @60kg
1 @80kg
1 @85kh
1 @92.5kg
Fail@100kg - didn't get it purely because I wasn't strong enough, which I'm taking as a good sign as no pain in my shoulder.

Overall happy with today. Resetting my,5/3/1 numbers and going again for a while before attempting any more 1RM's.
» Jack of All Trades, Hopefully I'll Master This One - Owen's Olympic Outing. (Go to post)02-02-2013 @ 17:07 
OwenL said:82/105 Grin write up when I get in x

» Time to man up.. (Go to post)02-02-2013 @ 17:06 
Back still sore...

Went to the gym to spot a friend ended up benching, reps felt fine but had to have the weight handed to me like a girl..
2 x 15 @20kg
4 x 3 @60kg
2 x 3 @70kg
1 x 3 @80kg
1 x 3 @85kg
1 x 2 @90kg (PB) awesome.
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)01-02-2013 @ 14:43 
Post Edited: 04.11.2013 @ 09:47 AM by Sawyers
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)30-01-2013 @ 19:11 
fctilidie said:Some solid training going on in here as I'd expect. Hope it's just a twinge and not an injury.

To be honest I want to do more, but I'm doing the base of smolov and smolov jr for OHP and decided to just stick with the programme then take it from there.

I think it's just a tweak as the more I'm rolling it etc the better its feeling. A week on sat il be coming to Vulcan to test (hopefully) new maxes Happy
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)30-01-2013 @ 18:44 
No food..was not feeling great, non the less..

5 x 7 @130kg, However, on the 3rd set I paused the last rep, from then on my right lumbar region felt like it was on fire. Last set was probably the best in terms or speed etc, didn't pause between any reps and still got them done.

7 x 5 @57.5kg, once I got into the groove these felt easy as per.

Came home, waiting for food. Back is in pieces, hopefully il be able to walk tomorrow..
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)29-01-2013 @ 18:07 
Nothing planned..

Flat DB presses
5 @14, 20, 24, 28kg
3 @ 32kg
2 @36kg - probably a PB, not an exercise I do often.

Supported DB rows
5 @36kg
2 x 5 @44kg

Bench Press Long Pauses
8 @40kg
3 x 8 @60kg
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)28-01-2013 @ 19:29 
vausie said:nice journal mate sensible goals aswell il follow this with interest nice to follow journal with guys similar strength to my own

how come you never had the bicep repaired


Because I tore the long head and the way it attaches its practically impossible to get it back.. And would potentially compromise the repair of my pec. Functionally my bicep feels fine, maybe 95% strength compared to my other arm.

Your deadlift is huge for your weight D:
» Time to man up.. (Go to post)28-01-2013 @ 15:22 
Trained in new gym today.. Place has tons of equipment, but the one thing that matters is useless. The squat rack has safety raises that are fixed and they're too high for me to squat in.which means taking about 4 steps back then squatting without rails. Not happy. However, there is somewhere to do GHR'S and they're not bothered about chalk for deadlifting in future.

4 x 9 @120kg - felt really easy.

6 x 6 @55kg - again, easy.

Then some rehab/general messing around on some of the new stuff.

My lower back is still sore but it's the last week of the base cycle so should be all good when I get the week off squatting.

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