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» Jordans Beginner Strength training journal (Go to post)26-09-2010 @ 12:37 
cool, i came to the dragons comp as a spectator, it was a good day. Im hoping to compete in a strongman comp next year too so just trying to get stronger all round at the moment Happy
» Jordans Beginner Strength training journal (Go to post)25-09-2010 @ 19:04 
hey, just realised how similar our numbers are on the three powerlifting lifts! what you looking to compete in? or have you competed already?
» 75kg powerlifter got to get stronger (Go to post)24-09-2010 @ 21:30 
hey, nice numbers mate. That thursday squat session you did looks awsome. Happy
» Jordans Beginner Strength training journal (Go to post)23-09-2010 @ 20:56 
hey, I've just had a quick look through your log and your progressing very well Happy
Keep it up mate.
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)23-09-2010 @ 20:44 

below parallel squats

bar for stretching/warming up
60kg x 10
80kg x 8
100kg x 5
110kg x 2
120kg x 1 (pb)
130kg x 1 (pb)
135kg x 1 PB!

100kg x 8

decline sit ups

BW x 12
bw+10kg x 10
bw+15kg x 7

EZ bar strict standing curls

27kg x 12
37kg x 6 (x 3 sets)

strict press (taken from rack)

60kg x 4
60kg x 4

Very happy with today's efforts, my squat PB is up by 20kg.
got my technique pretty much sorted now, every rep is at least a couple of inches below parallel.

Happy Happy
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)23-09-2010 @ 15:48 
Simon_T said:Nice PB there pal, def ditch them straps, it will help your grip out and toughen up your hands.

cheers. yea i found that my technique felt more fluent with chalk too and that the choice of adjusting my grip between reps can be helpfull.
» Well At Least I Tried (Go to post)23-09-2010 @ 13:11 
keep grinding the sessions out mate, the race to 500 is still on! Happy
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)22-09-2010 @ 17:37 


3x4 on this weight is a pb which im happy about.
used chalk for the first time today and am happy to say i may never use straps againHappy
Did a set of light rows and curls before leaving.
Happy days.
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)22-09-2010 @ 15:39 
Post Edited: 22.09.2010 @ 17:29 PM by spam_up
Wiegieboard said:Your sessions look great dude. Well done on all of the PBs you've been getting lately.

thanks mate Happy
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)22-09-2010 @ 13:03 
cheers, i am pretty happy with my bench at the moment but im more concered about my squat, cant wait to squat some bigger weights
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)20-09-2010 @ 20:54 


bar x 12
70kg x 10
90kg x 8
100kg x 5
100kg x 5
100kg x 6

Bench press

bar to warm up and stretch.

60kg x 10
80kg x 8
90kg x 4
100kg x 4
110kg x 1 (current PB)
115kg x fail
85kg x 8

tricep dips

BW x 10
bw+10kg x 8 wide grip
bw+10kg x 8

squats were ok today, feel like they might be getting somewhere.

110kg felt easyish and wanted to try 112.5 but the gym i was at only had 2.5kg plates or higher so i tried 115kg, just missed it so was a bit gutted but i still feel something bigger than 110 will go up in the near future.(hopefully)
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)17-09-2010 @ 19:35 


Ovefhead bar taken from rack

30x10 speenj
50x8 strict
60x6 push
75x1 push presses

Hectic week, just glad to get this sesh in before the gym closed.
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)14-09-2010 @ 18:25 
Simon_T said:A couple of good sessions there pal, keep up the hard work.

cheers mate, really enjoying training at the moment.
» Well At Least I Tried (Go to post)14-09-2010 @ 16:34 
vausie said:todays trainin


60kgx10 speed
100kgx8 speed
130kgx6 speed

left it there as the 190 was a struggle and my back was startin to ache more rest needed before goin heavy

strict press with power clean




happy enough with this as i was trainin alone with no spotter i didnt fancy goin heavyier although the 85 was fairly easy no strugglin or pauses nice and smooth

some work with dumbells overhead and machines



steady away this session kinda let me kno where im at after afew injurys i feel strong overhaed on the strict press, deadlift form needs more work but happy tht i pulled a 190 carryin minor niggles in my back with decent form. happy with bench also never been tht high on my own with confidence to be sure of hittin it gunna take a week off relax and come up with a program tht sees more compund movements something iv lacked and more volume to be included on the scales this mornin weighed in at 73 kilos

a week off while eating like a pig always does me a world of good when i feel like i need one! The trick is to stay keen wthout giving in and going to train Happy
» sam - my first journal (Go to post)14-09-2010 @ 16:25 
cheers lukey+vausie.
Did bench today at lunch time so quick sesh.
Flat bench

40 x 12
60 x 10
70 x 6
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
95 x 4


bench felt good today, trained with siono91. Happy to be repping 90kg, feels like a good training weight at the moment.

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