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» England's Strongest man Southern qualifier under 105 (Go to post)18-11-2013 @ 08:06 
James26 said:Iv heard talk about Craig and rob frampton running a comp specifically for having a go at the records, similar to the log lifting champs but numerous events available. Not sure if anything has been organised though.

Hi James

I think we have all heard this "it was my idea originally" but Craig said he had a better venue with the casino. I have heard nothing since. I even PM'ed Craig with no joy. I haven't even been training so if it suddenly pops up now I will be well ticked off. If nothing happens with it I will talk to some people about putting it on next year.
» England's Strongest man Southern qualifier under 105 (Go to post)17-11-2013 @ 17:38 
and yes I have just read it back and it is better if I just do the events and not lick them....come on everyone's allowed a typo
» England's Strongest man Southern qualifier under 105 (Go to post)17-11-2013 @ 17:24 
Marc can you put me in please mate as I have to do this to qualify, sorry that sounds a bit "I will qualify", that is not how it was meant.....more I don't lick the events. I know this may get a load of people moaning at me but.......

I thought I was doing strongman not crossfit? when did we start doing strongman comps with not a single max lift event in it? Plus all the weight are really low, for god sake some (most) for the weights are heavier in the 90kg class. I know if we set the weights low more people will enter but come on.....

I was hoping for this to be my last year at 105 and I wanted to leave the year with all the max lift records for the log, axle and deadlift. (again I know it sounds a bit big headed those of you that know me know I am not like that)but how am I going to do that if no-one wants to put on max lift events in their comps. I am surprised no one what to do this because it makes their comp memorable, everyone talks about the big lifts or record lifts not the he did 8 reps with the log!

as for qualifying comps like this, if you must do the reps thing, why not do the 2 weights option. 110 log or 130 log, 240 deadlift or 280 deadlift, any reps on the heavy one beats all on the lower one? its not a set up or time issue it would take less than a minute to set up. you would still get guys entering as they could do the lower weight, its a win win??

ok set the abuse begin.

love you all Tongue

» UKs Strongest Man Under 105 2013 Final (Go to post)20-07-2013 @ 17:08 
JC said:
Hopefully not crucifix...that would REALLY f**k my shoulder!

it f**ks all our shoulders....that's the point! but this is strongman, some events you win some you lose, I was up for the stones but a keg toss....exciting, never done one, god knows what will happen, concussion?
car hold? with straps?? we have already had farmers to show up my crap if that's the choice, sorry JC but I would prefer the crucifix hold. good job its not up to you or me mate.
» Britain's Strongestman under 105 final (Go to post)18-07-2013 @ 21:26 
MattF said:All the best to Karl (and everyone competing). I'm predicting a 380kg pull for him.

cheers mate, 380 not sure, there has been so much b**ching about the rules in the deadlift, suits, no suit, hitching, no hitching, that I think we all have to do it stark bo***cks out with a double over handle grip and the bar is not allowed to touch your legs....

not really the best comp for me mate 3 events I will score low in, farmers, yoke and a Conan's wheel, never even touched a wheel before so god knows. but i'll give it a go, besides what else you going to do on a sunday, talk to the wife, f' that!!

good luck to all competing, be good to see the northern crew again.....and continue their education on the English language Tongue ....come on JC you know its true.
» UKs Strongest Man Under 105 2013 Final (Go to post)08-07-2013 @ 09:22 
looks like my work issues are sorted so i'm in.
» UKs Strongest Man Under 105 2013 Final (Go to post)07-07-2013 @ 11:18 
wow a 200 stone, my bicep is already crying....
7 events a lot for an old man but I hope to be there, mixed events for me. overhead and deads good, farmers and yok not so good and the con. idea, never done one.
as I say hope to be in, just a couple of issues to sort out first.
all the best to all
» Englands 105's Strongest Man 2013 (Go to post)26-06-2013 @ 15:33 
hixxy1985 said:
get practicing then Grin

I'm trying mate, yoke is improving but not much I can do about the farmers with my stupid little squirrel pawsRoll-Eyes
» Englands 105's Strongest Man 2013 (Go to post)26-06-2013 @ 10:23 
JC said:Big thanks to Craig for all his efforts yesterday and in prep for the comp

Huge thanks to those guys who gave up their time to ref/help out also

Some phenomenal performances Sunday....Karls block and deadlift, Ben Ks log and generally all round event consistency. Dan Cave who continues to improve every comp

Huge performance from Marsbar...often forgot about, but is one of the best 105s in the country without a doubt

Hopefully Karl or Dan can get a little closer to Ben at BSM...but he's once again worthy champ

I won't mate, not with those events, farmers and yoke! more of your comp than mine!
» Englands 105's Strongest Man 2013 (Go to post)23-06-2013 @ 20:34 
well done to all who competed today, a lot of strong guy and the standard was very high all round. there was a time when a 300 deadlift was outstanding now it seem everyone's doing it or knock on the door of it.
as for me, i had my crap grip exposed again in the farmers, so work required for next year.

well done too, to Craig and all the team for putting on a good comp, venue came good and the events ran very smoothly.

Hope to see you all again soon
» Englands 105's Strongest Man 2013 (Go to post)22-06-2013 @ 08:55 
you feeling a bit picked on ben....

Good luck to everyone tomorrow, be good to meet some new faces for me and test the metal. No Injuries thou please, that's just me, at my age they take so much longer to recover from, you lot can all snap in halfGrin

» Englands 105's Strongest Man 2013 (Go to post)21-06-2013 @ 19:59 
Ben_Something said:
Who let you compete at 105.5?! Dodgy northerners!

second that, if i'm half killing myself to get down so can every other fatty.
» Englands Most Powerful Man Under 105s 2013. (Go to post)10-06-2013 @ 08:46 
Ben_Something said:Another great comp down in Gravesend, Marc, Sean, Martin VOS Cee and co. all contributed to another successful weekend. Thanks to each and everyone of you!

fully agree with that, very well run comp! and well done Ben and Shane.

as for me, I have had a couple of pm's asking what went wrong, simple the stone carry. first time I have done one of these and I didn't wrap my arms up, hence when I picked it up it felt like the mrs was standing on my biceps in her high heels, took about 10 step and though f' this. dead last...never going to recover from that.

that said, not taking anything away from Shane or Chris both very consistent over all the events. Shane expected but if I am honest I was very impressed by Chris, he has clearly worked on his weak points and come good, "well done mate"

I would agree with ben, in that some of the events were a bit light, the arm over arm for example, there was about 6 guys on 20 point something seconds, so 6 places could be split over how fast a thumb presses the stop button?? but as I say the comp was run excellently, so small matter, and no big injuries!! always a big plus for everyone involved.

all the best to all involved and look forward to seeing you at the UK's.

» Englands 105's Strongest Man 2013 (Go to post)07-06-2013 @ 22:20 
ya, confused me too that one Ben
» Englands Most Powerful Man Under 105s 2013. (Go to post)07-06-2013 @ 22:15 
Thanks James

and good luck to everybody tomorrow, no injuries please. weight is under control just weight myself at 105.5 so should be well in tomorrow....and then bring on the chocolate.


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