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» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)10-06-2011 @ 11:47 
10 Minutes Cardio

Stretching and rolling

5 x 20 x Swiss Ball Crunches

5 x 10 x Hanging Leg Raises
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)09-06-2011 @ 14:56 
Yeah, I mucked the assistance weights up and only realised when I left the gym it should have been 32.5kg. I remember thinking in the gym how heavy it felt and wondering why I couldn't do 10s.

Push presses felt so much heavier than using a log with the same weight. But I suppose much of that comes from a greater ROM, which in the end means gretaer gains, I hope.
» More evidence the world is going to hell... (Go to post)09-06-2011 @ 12:05 
There is no way in God's green earth he will be in general population.
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)09-06-2011 @ 12:02 
Military (1s wave)

Worked up to 7 x 47.5kg strict

Then did (3 x 2 x) 1 Clean and 2 push presses with 62.5kg

3 x 8 x 37.5kg strict

4 x 8 x 12 plates lat pulldown

3 x 10 x 17.5kg OH EZ Bar French Press

3 x 50 x 20kg Neck Harness
» One lift a day - useful exercises needed (Go to post)08-06-2011 @ 20:30 
1. Squats
2. Overhead Press (Strict)
3. Squat
4. Push Press
5. Stones
6. Clean & Jerk
7. Deadlift
» David Mills 3 x 200 squat x 2 Lee Gates 260kg deadlift (Go to post)08-06-2011 @ 20:00 
Some solid lifting there men. Like it a lot.
» Huge assistance lifts (Go to post)08-06-2011 @ 13:23 
I saw a video on youtube of Kirk Kaworski doing 100kg overhead EZ bar French Presses. That is pretty hardcore.
» Help my pick entrance music for the Worlds... (Go to post)08-06-2011 @ 13:08 
Post Edited: 08.06.2011 @ 13:12 PM by danbaseley

Or for the reall gangstas...

» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)08-06-2011 @ 13:01 
30 minute programme on the treadmill, getting progressively harder:

0 - 5 minutes @ 5mph.
5 - 10 minutes @ 6mph.
10 – 15 minutes @ 7mph.
15 – 20 minutes @ 8 mph.
20 – 25 minutes @ 9 mph.
25 – 30 minutes @ 10 mph.

Get off and go for a walk outside and think about collapsing. They did it on the first ultimate fighter season. It doesn't sound very hard, but it feels so much quicker on a treadmill once you get to 9mph and above.
» Music to get fired up!! (Go to post)08-06-2011 @ 12:08 
Post Edited: 08.06.2011 @ 12:12 PM by danbaseley

» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)08-06-2011 @ 11:51 
Completed The Ultimate Fighter treadmill workout.

60 Crunches on fit ball. Hadn't done these in years and they seemed to hurt my back at first, but once I got in the groove I really felt these in my abdominals.
» Your favourite Britain's Got Talent act (Go to post)07-06-2011 @ 19:13 
"What next? Someone dangling spit out of their mouth and sucking it back in (to music)?"

I will eat my hat if that doesn't appear in the next series of auditions (if it hasn't already) for this competition that essentially says "We Are Britain - We Have Little Or No Discernible Talent; Hate Us Now".

The most upsetting part is the genuine dross that people really get behind a la Stavros Flatley or that crazy old bint hammering a keyboard as if she was beating a piece of leather. It is one great big example (quite fittingly) of the pavlovian dog walking on it's hind legs; it is not that it is done well, but the fact it is done at all that makes you sit up and look.
» Has anyone heard of maxiRAW? (Go to post)07-06-2011 @ 17:03 
PM sent. Woo-woo!! All abord the Maxi Train. Happy
» More evidence the world is going to hell... (Go to post)07-06-2011 @ 16:18 
I just thought there was a very unpleasant air to the story, with the guilty party cutting a horrible, almost tragic figure.

But you only have to look at the legacy of the Catholic church, Hindu priests in India, etc. to see this has been going on for years.
» More evidence the world is going to hell... (Go to post)07-06-2011 @ 15:54 
I concur. It actually made me feel distinctly off-key after reading that.

I'm no proponent of capital punishment, but I actually thought I don't now if I'd be able to control myself around someone like that.

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