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» When should i get a belt for squats? (Go to post)23-06-2011 @ 19:58 
Scott Yard on elitefts squats plenty and pretty deep and is very much an exponent of using a belt, insomuch as he advised against someone insisting on NOT using one.

Some people belt up from 100kg upwards. Some from 70 - 80% of their 1RM. Some for their heaviest set(s).

Try one and see how you feel.
» Lanky Streak's log of (cough) POWER. (Go to post)23-06-2011 @ 17:57 
Nice lifting. Solid weights that I can only dream of at the moment.

You may well have solved my dilemma - I keep getting a really bad pain in my neck and traps since I started doing push presses with a bar. I will be using the log from here on in. Being freakishly tall, I actually find it easier to press as well.
» WSM 2011 (Go to post)23-06-2011 @ 17:39 
I remember that Strongman comp from being a kid and Kaz t**tting about. Haha. Grin
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)23-06-2011 @ 11:43 
Miltary Press (3s Wave)

Miltary Press - 8 x 47.5kg

Push Press 2 x 67.5kg

Miltary Press - 5 x 10 x 32.5kg

Horrible pain in neck and trap stopped me there. Back from last week. Angry
» Dmitry Klokov training (Go to post)22-06-2011 @ 18:06 
I think we have found Tom Martin's deadlift music in that second video.
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)22-06-2011 @ 12:22 

5 x 52.5kg

5 x 3 x 60kg Hang Cleans

5 x 10 x 40kg Front Squats

5 x 10 x Back Extensions

5 x 20 x Lat Machine Abs
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)21-06-2011 @ 11:51 
Bench (3s Wave)

Worked up to 7 x 75kg

BB Row 10 x 75kg

Bench 5 x 10 x 50kg (Various Grips)

BB Row 5 x 10 x 50kg.

Dips 5 x 10
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)20-06-2011 @ 13:58 

Decided to drop my depth to Pat Mendes levels and then squat three times a week. Just because I want to do more squatting. Started far too light and gonna add 2.5kg a session.

5 x 50kg

Cleans - Worked up to 3 x 70kg

Front Squats - 5 x 10 x 40kg

Hanging Leg Raises - 5 x 10

Swiss ball abs - 3 x 20

Most enjoyable.
» Strong is the new skinny (Go to post)20-06-2011 @ 09:55 
Good job.

Solid lifting.

Well done on getting your weight up, from what was a perilously low amount. It takes real determination to break those sorts of habits.
» Board again.. ten strongmen al time. (Go to post)19-06-2011 @ 13:28 
Koklayev, as I feel he has been pretty special in olympic, strongman and powerlifting. Not sure of many/anyone else who has done that.
» Life without Sugden Barbell (Go to post)17-06-2011 @ 19:49 
Yeah Wayne,

I remember a certain 6 million dollar man for whom you were the target of his ire and the butt of many a joke...
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)17-06-2011 @ 13:29 
Deadlift (5s Wave)

Worked up to 1 x 145kg (should of done 5+ at 165kg) and called it a day due to feeling a bit off key and a trapped nerve in my upper back.


I did this instead:

5 x 80yds x Prowler w / 40kg with 5 x 40 Sledgehammer swings as active recovery
» Can't squat. Can't bench. Can deadlift....a little. (Go to post)16-06-2011 @ 12:12 
Bench (5s Wave)

Moved my grip in to thumbs length from smooth and it seemed to work okay.

Worked up to 10 x 72.5 kg

Bent Over Rows 10 x 72.5kg

Bench (various grips) 5 x 10 x 50kg

CSR 4 x 6 x 55kg

Dips 3 x 10 w/ Chain

Neck and traps
» resistance bands (Go to post)16-06-2011 @ 09:26 
I would recommend that you deadlift "against" bands/chains rather than reverse band lift if you want to break through a sticking point. You can set the tension/chains to come in around the sticking point much easier.
» Life without Sugden Barbell (Go to post)15-06-2011 @ 17:42 
I come and go as I please since I started a journal. I'm probably not on here more than 10 - 15 times a day.

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