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» SCL - Limerick - 2010 - Eurosport 19:15 Tonight (Go to post)02-07-2010 @ 15:30 
Also eurosport 2 8pm giants live from Norway.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)01-07-2010 @ 22:03 
Post Edited: 07.07.2010 @ 05:00 AM by Simon_T
Thursday 01/07

Axle clean & Press
65 x 5
75 x 5
85 x 8

Bench Press
60 x 8
75 x 5
85 x 5
97.5 x 9

Sinlge DB Clean & Press
50 x 3 each arm
50 x 3 each arm
50 x 3 each arm

Side Raises (nice and slow with hold at top)
15 x 10
15 x 10
15 x 10

Side plank
2 x 40s

1k run in about 4mins

Bloody typical when i train inside its boiling, when i've got to train outside (haven't got height in garage) it pisses down. Not a bad session though axle felt tough, but otherwise pleased.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)29-06-2010 @ 21:48 
Thanks lads got a feeling my legs are gonna be hurting tomorrow after those GHR's.Happy
» Wendler 5/3/1 inc' strongman lifts? (Go to post)29-06-2010 @ 21:27 
Thanks for the advise fellas, i've started my first journal so we'll see how it goes?
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)29-06-2010 @ 21:20 
Post Edited: 15.08.2011 @ 19:54 PM by Simon_T
Right a quick intro :-

Name - Simon Thomas
Age - 33
Weight - 102kg
Strongman experience - 2 months


Squat - 190kg
BPress - 130kg
D.Lift - 240kg
P.Press - 115kg
P.CLean - 115kg
Log Press - 100kg

I've started this thread because i'm eager to get into strongman and by posting up my training journal some of the more experienced lads on here will push me in the right direction.

I'm starting with Wendlers 5/3/1 adapted for strongman, with some help from 'smallsy' and 'chester' via the training forum. All of my training is carried out in my garage/garden/driveway, i've made some strongman equipment so this is basically what i'm limited to.

Right first session

Tuesday 29th


Front squat

3x12 first time doing these, hammys were screaming.



Sled pull (harness no rope)
45kg x 30m
70kg x 30m
70kg x 30m

Not a bad session, too hot to do anything else, should have done more on fronties maybe, but put a new polycarb garage roof on last autumn and its like a greenhouse in there during summer, will have to start training outside more.
» Wendler 5/3/1 inc' strongman lifts? (Go to post)28-06-2010 @ 21:18 
Well i'll give it a try and see how it goes!

Thanks for the help guys
» Wendler 5/3/1 inc' strongman lifts? (Go to post)28-06-2010 @ 21:01 
MrSmall said:I think you should do a lot less than that, find what is your best "bang for buck" events and exercises and do them, limit the session to 3-4 overall.

Like you have, press 531 bench 531 cgbp in the same day, bit overkill.

ok what about this

Squat 5/3/1
front squat
sled pull/ yoke

axle press 5/3/1
Bench press 5/3/1
db press

d. Lift 5/3/1
power clean
bo rows

log 5/3/1
Inc log
sack loading
sled pull hand/hand
» Wendler 5/3/1 inc' strongman lifts? (Go to post)28-06-2010 @ 20:16 
What about this-
Squat 5/3/1
front squat
sled pull/ yoke

axle press 5/3/1
Bench press 5/3/1
db press

d. Lift 5/3/1
power clean
bo rows
back ext

log 5/3/1
Inc log
sack loading
sled pull hand/hand
» Wendler 5/3/1 inc' strongman lifts? (Go to post)28-06-2010 @ 18:15 
I've just checked out floor presses, why do these instead of bench press?
» Wendler 5/3/1 inc' strongman lifts? (Go to post)27-06-2010 @ 22:00 
MrSmall said:A friend of mine does:

Axle strict press 5/3/1
Floor press

Box squat 5/3/1
Front squat

Deadlift 5/3/1
Log 5/3/1
anything else

Whats floor press, and what accessory lifts would u recommend?
» My diet to be (Go to post)27-06-2010 @ 21:50 
Matspence said:
Is that the same kind of thing as mase stuff basically carbs In powder form?

If ur talking about waxy maize starch then yes, although that is better post w/o than pre w/o.
» Wendler 5/3/1 inc' strongman lifts? (Go to post)27-06-2010 @ 21:43 
I've been thinking about doing something like this

squat 5/3/1
front squat 3x6
bb lunge 3x10
chins 3xf
sled pull with harness

BP 5/3/1
Inc log press 3x5
NBP 3x5
Jerk 3x8
Atlas stone

DL 5/3/1
BO Row 3x6
P.clean 3x6
B.ext 3x10
Sled pull arm over arm

Press 5/3/1
Log press 5/3/1
Dips 3xf
Single DB press 3x3
Farmers/Frame walk

Not sure if jerk is on right day or wether two lots of pressing 5/3/1 is too much, I'm new to strongman so any advice is more than welcome.
» My diet to be (Go to post)27-06-2010 @ 10:48 
Can't beat a scoop of protein and half a scoop of dextrose immediately before a workout. The same then straight after.
» My diet to be (Go to post)25-06-2010 @ 23:06 
Hi matt, I would suggest you add some sort of oily fish( mackerel/sardines), loads of veg, the shake b4 bed if whey add some flaxseed oil to slow the release of the protein, use free range eggs ( less cholestorol/ more omegas), use 1% milk( really cheapnin farm foods/tesco). As said b4 see how it goes after a week or two and adjust accordingly.
» The training practices of Strongman Survey (Go to post)25-06-2010 @ 22:58 

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