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» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)14-07-2010 @ 21:04 
Wed 14th July

First bit of cardio for a while, but its a start.

Rowing machine
2 mins warm-up
10 mins (30secs flat out then 30 secs normal)
couple of mins rest
4 mins tabata.

Love doing a workout on the rowing machine, didn't have much time so this was all i could do.
» Dan's First ever journal (Go to post)14-07-2010 @ 10:50 
Alright pal, if your looking at doing your first strongman comp next year I'd def look at competing in the Severn valley first timers comp. It's a bit lighter than novice, well run and a well organised comp. This will then give you a good intro into strongman. I did it this year and have caught the strongman " bug".
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)13-07-2010 @ 21:47 
13th July

60 x 8
90 x 6
128 x 5
145 x 3
162.5 x 6

105 x 6
105 x 6
105 x 6
105 x 6

4 x 12 - last set was a killer


2 x 70secs

Sled pull (no rope)
80 x 30m
80 x 30m
100 x 30m
100 x 30m
80 x 30m
80 x 30m

Good session, didn't expect this today as had bad guts most of the day but turned out a good session, sled pull was a bit easy due to the grass being wet.

Need to up my cardio work, had too many comments in work about my gut growing!
» Weak as Piss (Go to post)12-07-2010 @ 11:09 
Post Edited: 12.07.2010 @ 11:10 AM by Simon_T
Nice pb there pal, tell me did you clean the bar before the push press or was it taken from a rack?
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)11-07-2010 @ 21:56 
I couldn't upload the video on here so its on you-tube using the link below.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)11-07-2010 @ 21:33 
Post Edited: 11.07.2010 @ 21:34 PM by Simon_T
Sun July 11th

Log Press
55 x 4
65 x 3
72 x 3
82 x 9

4 x 10

Yoke and Farmers Medley
130kg yoke 20m (1 turn)then 75kg farmers 30m (1 turn)
250kg yoke 20m (1 turn)then 100kg farmers 30m (1 turn)
250kg yoke 20m (1 turn)then 100kg farmers 30m (1 turn
Thighs were on fire after these, especially after farmers cos last 15m is up a slope)

Atlas stone
115kg stone over 4' yoke
1st attempt - over
2nd attempt - failed (just not enough height)
3rd attempt - over
4th attempt - over
5th attempt - over

These seemed to get easier the more i did them, i think i need to get a 100kg stone and practise my technique, i'm going to try and post a video of my last lift.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)10-07-2010 @ 21:13 
Post Edited: 10.07.2010 @ 21:14 PM by Simon_T
Sat 10th July

90 x 6
120 x 5
150 x 3
172.5 x 3
195 x 8

72.5 x 3
82.5 x 3
92.5 x 10

B.O Rows
85 x 10
85 x 10
85 x 10
85 x 10

Weighted sit-up
15k x 3 x 30

1k run in 4mins

Not a bad session today, my deadlifts weren't touch and go as i normally do but i think i prefer them with the pause at the bottom.

I've began wondering wether i need to do axle clean and press, and power cleans in the same week.
Am i better off dropping the cleans from the axle or dropping power cleans for a different exercise?
» UKS strongest man u105kg 2010 (Go to post)10-07-2010 @ 21:05 
Post Edited: 10.07.2010 @ 21:05 PM by Simon_T
Madcowdrey said:we had to welsh lads do the southern qualifier but they failed to qualifie. owen lewis has moved up to opens now. im proud to have the oppertunity to represent my home and i will do it with the best of my abbility

Simon where in "Gods" country are you from?
» Jamies Imaginativley Titled Log (Go to post)09-07-2010 @ 21:34 
How heavy is your keg mate, i'd like to give this a try but dont know what a good starting weight would be?
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)08-07-2010 @ 20:52 
danton said:Looking awesome matey, I'm too just starting out in the strongman game. Started trainging 6 weeks ago in local gym. My goal is to enter uk north novice 2011,I'll be happy with anything that year, a few PB's would be nice, but got a long way to go!!!!
Good luckTongue Tongue

Cheers pal, i too am aiming for the strongman north novice comp next year after competing in the severn valley first timers comp, and finishing third, i really caught the bug. Have you started a training journal it's def worth doing especially for the advice from the more experienced lifters on here. Also if you haven't lifted in a comp yet it's definately worth entering the severn valley first timers, it's a great place to start.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)08-07-2010 @ 17:55 
Post Edited: 08.07.2010 @ 17:56 PM by Simon_T
Thurs 8th July

22.5kg DB - cleans x 8 , press x 8

Axle press
70 x 3
80 x 3
90 x 7

Bench press
60 x 8
80 x 3
90 x 3
102.5 x 7

DB Press
50 x 4 each arm
50 x 4 each
50 x 4 each (last rep on this set failed twice nailed it third time)

Side raises
15 kg DB 4 x 10 holding on top

Side plank
2 x 45 secs each side

1 mile run (going to build this up every time, need to do more cardio)
» 173kg log press Ross stone (Go to post)07-07-2010 @ 21:07 
Awsome pressing, looking forward to coming down for a session soon.
» New Year, New Thread Same Old Shit (Go to post)06-07-2010 @ 21:47 
I've finally had the ebook, looks a good read.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)06-07-2010 @ 20:25 
JC said:Some good work in here mate

IMO if you want a big log, stick to triples, doubles and singles IMO

Thanks jc, I'm gonna try this new routine for a while, it's early doors at mo so in few weeks maybe I won't be able to rep out on last set and will be doing triples etc. But thanks for the advice it's allways welcome
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)06-07-2010 @ 16:07 
Post Edited: 10.07.2010 @ 21:27 PM by Simon_T
Tues July 6th

60 x 8
90 x 5
120 x 3
137.5 x 3
155 x 7

Front squat
100 x 8
100 x 8
100 x 8

4 x 12

3 x 9

2 x 65 secs

Sled pull ( no rope )
55kg x 30m
80kg x 30m
80kg x 30m

Happy with that session, especially after training straight from waking after nights, should get 3x10 on 100 kg fronties next session.

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