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» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)19-07-2010 @ 16:50 
Mon 19th July

2 x 10mins Circuit training (Punch bag,woodchop,25m sprints, skipping, t-press up)

Was going to do 30mins but kids came home from school and didn't have time for the final set.
» Strength Fest 2010 First timers, Novices (Go to post)18-07-2010 @ 20:55 
I've just had a go at the medley and it's a lung buster so definateley going to up the cardio for this one.Eek
» Wiltshires Strongest Man 2010 (Go to post)18-07-2010 @ 20:51 
What catagory will this be, novice/u105/o105/open?
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)18-07-2010 @ 20:47 
Sun 18th July

Log Press (1 clean 2 press = 2 reps)
55 x 8
67.5 x 5
77.5 x 3
85 x 8

+5kg x 3 x 10

Yoke, Farmers + Sled pull medley
250kg x 20m, 110kg x 30m, 65kg x 30m
250kg x 20m, 110kg x 20m, 65kg x 30m

Sack loading
70kg, 80kg, 90kg upto 63" + 100kg upto 58" in 28secs.

The medley is one of the events in my next comp' and boy was it a lung buster, going to keep training this regularly.
I'm going to have to drop the dips and change them for cgbp because my right shoulder hurts when doing them.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)17-07-2010 @ 20:27 
Cheers Neil it's going well at the moment but it's early days yet.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)17-07-2010 @ 19:28 
Sat 17th July

80 x 8
120 x 5
162.5 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 6

Power cleans
60 x 6
77.5 x 5
87.5 x 3
97.5 x 8

BO Rows
90 x 8
90 x 8
90 x 8
90 x 8

Weighted sit up
15kg x 30
15kg x 30

1k run under 4mins

Felt much better than Thursdays session, deadlift was tough but managed to grind out 6, so quite happy.
» What do ya'll do for a living? (Go to post)16-07-2010 @ 23:20 
Maintenance engineer for Timet a titanium manufacturing company.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)16-07-2010 @ 23:09 
Thing said:When you starting the 5/3/1

I started the 5/3/1 at the beginning of this journal, so I'm in my third week now.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)16-07-2010 @ 00:24 
Cheers, didn't feel too good today so hopefully be right for Saturdays session.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)15-07-2010 @ 20:29 
Thurs 15th

Axle clean and press
50 x 5
75 x 5
85 x 3
95 x 6

Bench press
60 x 8
85 x 5
95 x 3
107.5 x 8

Db press

50 x r5 l4, r4 l3, r5 l4

Side raises
15 x 4 x 10

1k run in 4.30

I felt good doing axle and bp, but doing db press felt f**ked and did the run 30 secs slower than last time. Couldn't figure out why, I've had the s**ts since so that could be it, bit of a bug.
Ive got my eye on the comp in oxford for people that have done two comps at most, like the look of the events so that's my next target.
» How Many ............... (Go to post)14-07-2010 @ 22:30 
I'm a mackerel man myself, 1/2 tins/fillets a day
» Strength Fest 2010 First timers, Novices (Go to post)14-07-2010 @ 22:08 
Post Edited: 14.07.2010 @ 22:22 PM by Simon_T
What distance would the yoke,farmers and sled be over?
What height would the axle deadlift be at?
Is there a time limit on the dealift and log for reps?
Also how much is the entry fee?
» Bill's stronger fitter healthier (?) log (Go to post)14-07-2010 @ 21:48 
Good squatting there fella, 180x2 should beat 190pb easily
» Will's Strongman Log (Go to post)14-07-2010 @ 21:22 
Awsome bottom position squats, never seen these before might try them myself, always looking for alternative exercises to help me in my first year in strongman.
» The Log of the Lurking One! (Go to post)14-07-2010 @ 21:18 
I'm not suprised there wasn't much it the tank after the previous monster session, awsome squat 200x2, thats one of my targets, hopefully this year?

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