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» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)28-07-2010 @ 15:15 
Wed 28th July

Axle clean & press
55 x 8 (4cleans)
72.5 x 3
82.5 x 3(strict press)
93 x 8

Bench press
60 x 8
80 x 3
92.5 x 3
105 x 8

DB Press
50 x 4r. 4l
60 x 1r. 1l(f)
65 x 1r
70 x 1r(f) nowhere near

Side plank
2 x 55 secs each side

1k run in 3.49. 8 secs better than last time.

Well happy with how today went, trained early (8.30), and felt a lot fresher, might carry on that trend till it cools down a bit.
» New Year, New Thread Same Old Shit (Go to post)27-07-2010 @ 22:06 
Nice benching pal, wish i could push figures like that.
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)27-07-2010 @ 22:03 
Cheers Neil they're coming on nicely, can't wait for it to cool down a bit so i can push the fronties a bit harder.
» Newport. Never been before, but might chance it now ? (Go to post)27-07-2010 @ 20:40 
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)27-07-2010 @ 20:33 
Tues 27th July

60 x 8
90 x 6
120 x 3
140 x 3
158 x 7

110 x 6
110 x 6
110 x 6
110 x 6

4 x 12

3 x 10

2 x 75secs

Sled Pull
115kg x 30m
130kg x 30m
140kg x 30m

Really struggled with the heat today, couldn't do much more sled work, totally spent.
» FAT SAM 2010!! (Go to post)26-07-2010 @ 22:09 
I had some tendon related elbow forearm pain quite recently and was advised by a physio to ice area for 20mins straight after doing a workout that caused discomfort and also ice for 20mins 2 hours later.
I filled my kitchen sink with cold water, ice cubes and ice blocks and dipped my elbows in for 20mins, instant relief and within a month i was pain free, also found that using elbow sleeves when doing the exercises that caused me the problem (power cleans and presses) also stopped any re-occurence.
Hope this helps.
» New Year, New Thread Same Old Shit (Go to post)26-07-2010 @ 21:03 
Thing said:
cheers simon
Fat man are inverted rows and face pulls are high rows to your face
there all on youtube

Well i've just typed 'fat man exercise' and you can imagine what videos have popped up, shocking. Eek
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)26-07-2010 @ 21:00 
Thing said:crazy conditioning

Its not a bad workout if you're limited on time.
» strongman training locations (Go to post)26-07-2010 @ 20:55 
Anywhere in South wales area, near swansea?
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)26-07-2010 @ 20:46 
Mon 26th July

Just a quick workout on the punch bag, wasn't planned mrs went for a lie down, my youngest went down for a nap and my eldest was with my mother so off i went into the greenhouse (garage).

2mins various punches and knees
2mins rest
10mins tabata (20secs flat out 10secs rest)
2mins rest
2mins various punches and knees
» New Year, New Thread Same Old Shit (Go to post)26-07-2010 @ 20:41 
Nice upper back circuit there pal, what are fatmans and face pulls?
» New Year, New Thread Same Old Shit (Go to post)25-07-2010 @ 21:37 
Thing said:right guys changing the 5/3/1 routine slightly and dropping the bench and military weights by 10kgs as i should be hitting more reps that what the suggested method states. i.e. 5 reps on the final set should be something like 7 of 8, 3 reps should be 5 or 6 and 1 should be 3 or 4,

It's definately worth taking it on the chin and dropping down now rather than stalling too soon and starting all over.
Some good pressing there as well pal.Happy
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)25-07-2010 @ 21:33 
Thanks Neil, i'm enjoying it at the moment and have a short term goal in next months comp, then hols for 11days, and then we'll see what else turns upHappy
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)25-07-2010 @ 20:59 
Sun 25th July

Log Press
62.5 x 6 (1clean 2 press)
70 x 5 (1 clean 2 press)
80 x 8 in 75 secs(each rep cleaned and pressed)

60 x 8
80 x 6
100 x 5
100 x 5

250kg Yoke then 110kg Farmers then 100kg sled pull

Atlas stone
115kg stone over 54" Yoke x 4 times

Not a bad session, would have liked 10reps on the log as this is an event in next months comp, stones was good did 48" last time, used some wax my sis in-law got for me as tacky and its really good, came off easy with wd40 as well.Happy
» Simon_T on the road to nowhere, my first journal. (Go to post)24-07-2010 @ 21:54 
FAT_SAM said:Nice reps on the deads and squats bud. Looking strong.Happy

Cheers pal, just hope they convert in the long run to some nice PB's

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