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u80kg strongman tries to suck less in 2014

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MotorbikerIconu80kg strongman tries to suck less in 201409-11-2013 @ 13:56 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Been lifting 2.5 years ish.

Did Starting Strength and then Texas method then a weird mix of things.

Entered Bigger, Faster, Stronger u75kg at 72kg competition last summer and came 12th out of 14. I just entered for fun and had never done any events training. Only did well on the deadlift.

Then in last October, injured back deadlifting and was out from squatting/deadlifting for 6 months. Grade 2 muscle tear Doctor said.

Started lifting properly again in March this year, entered a fun powerlifting comp with gym friends in June and hit 165/107.5/185 at 77kg. Just a gym comp, not a real comp.

Then Entered Bigger Faster Stronger again at 77.49kg for 77.5kg weight limit. Came about halfway through. Think 11th/22. First time ever doing Yoke and i sucked. And i was a bit slow in the medley so came home nearly lat in that which lost me a load of places.

Entered Sussex and Hastings Strongest man u92.5kg at 77kg, Came equal 17th out of 22.(there was a bunch of us in equal last, Wink ) First time doing stones in a comp and loaded 80/90. Was easy since they were covered in Tacky.

Entered Eastbournes Last man Standing, u92.5kg at 79kg. Came 15h out of 17. Legit beat 2 people. Came 11th in Yoke, 12th in Farmers, 10th in Deadlift but did badly in Medley and Log. Failed 77.5kg on rising bar log and couldn't load the 90kg stone as i was the first to go on the medley and i didn't have tacky so was a very clean stone. Didn't move.

Entering Wrothing's Storngest man u90kg next sunday.

Then Entering an u80kg comp in March in Northhampton(Going to be a bit of a trek there but worth it for competing with people my weight).

That post ended a lot longer than i thought it would. Lol.
MotorbikerIconYesterdays workout.09-11-2013 @ 14:01 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Weigh in 79.0kg, with shoes on

20 * 8, 70*5, 90*4, 110*2,
127*5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
nice and easy,
5*5 pb by 4.5kg.

Strict Press ,
pauses and breaths between reps,
20 * 7, 30 * 5, 40*4, 50*3,
64kg*4, 2

Standing neutral grip DB press
22kg*10, 8, 7
Meh, Just accessory work.

Plate Holds
20kg * crap left hand,
Left thumb being terrible today.

10kg * at least 20 seconds, did phone countdown but left on silent so when i had counted to 30 and arms about to fall off i gave up and saw the countdown had already finished.
. 8kg*20 seconds,

Then i was just bored so did a bit of pissing about.

one arm curl
oly bar*1/1, lol.

Ez bar curlz
+25*3, 2,
+20kg*8, 5
for lulz, Never done EZ bar curls before ever i think.
MotorbikerIcon...09-11-2013 @ 14:04 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Few Videos

Me at powerlifting fun comp in June

Me doing some paused squats at 133kg on monday.
dannyboy73Icon...09-11-2013 @ 14:07 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8167 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
where are you based?

Come and have a strongman session with me at like2lift Redhill if its local.Happy
MotorbikerIcon...09-11-2013 @ 14:42 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
dannyboy73 said:where are you based?

Come and have a strongman session with me at like2lift Redhill if its local.Happy

Based in Brighton. Thanks for the offer but is a bit far.

My one events session I've done outside of competition is at Max strength in Worthing as it's a £4 train away and they have everything inside so will be nice over winter.

Planning on going every other Saturday morning after Xmas in the run up to March competition.
vausieIcon...09-11-2013 @ 14:52 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
good to see another lightweight guy jumping in make those gains and take a look at bsm u80 for next year mate it will be fun
MotorbikerIcon...09-11-2013 @ 15:06 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
vausie said:good to see another lightweight guy jumping in make those gains and take a look at bsm u80 for next year mate it will be fun

What weight events roughly?

Think i looked at this years and it was all way too heavy.

I do have a good time to get stronger but not that much stronger. Tongue
vausieIcon...09-11-2013 @ 15:08 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
Motorbiker said:
What weight events roughly?
Think i looked at this years and it was all way too heavy.
I do have a good time to get stronger but not that much stronger. Tongue

not sure mate i think afew event may change otherwise its staying the same last i heard
MotorbikerIcon...09-11-2013 @ 15:12 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
vausie said:
not sure mate i think afew event may change otherwise its staying the same last i heard

"Events will be:

110kg Log for reps in 75 secs

Truck pull (rope and harness)

Keg toss

Fingals fingers (reps of single finger in 75secs)

Max deadlift (oly bar - suits and straps allowed)

140kg Husafelt stone carry

Atlas stones"

It seems it didn't happen this year due to people pulling out but Log that heavy would kick my ass. May get some reps on some events though. Will keep an eye out for when the thread for next years comes up.
vausieIcon...09-11-2013 @ 15:19 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
Motorbiker said:
"Events will be:
110kg Log for reps in 75 secs
Truck pull (rope and harness)
Keg toss
Fingals fingers (reps of single finger in 75secs)
Max deadlift (oly bar - suits and straps allowed)
140kg Husafelt stone carry
Atlas stones"
It seems it didn't happen this year due to people pulling out but Log that heavy would kick my ass. May get some reps on some events though. Will keep an eye out for when the thread for next years comes up.

yeah mate we had
and someone else thts it Unhappy
MotorbikerIcon...09-11-2013 @ 15:31 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
vausie said:
yeah mate we had
and someone else thts it Unhappy

Maybe it's too heavy for a lot of people?

A few comps have different weight logs etc and 1 rep at heavier one beats any at lighter weight. That could help get a few weaker people in to make up the numbers.
MotorbikerIconLast mondays workout09-11-2013 @ 15:34 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
To show what a rough week looks like for me here is the workouts i did on Monday and WEdnesday.


20*8, 60*4, 80 *3, 100 * 2, 120 *1,
133*3, paused pb 3RM
( normal back squat 133*3 as well, )

Threw the non paused set in for fun. Felt harder than paused. Lol. Afterwards though.

press,(on a deload atm to work on technique, pb 60*5*5)
20*8, 30*5, 40*4,
50*5, 5, 5, 5, 5
lot harder, helps technique though.

Wsm one arm press.
38*3/2+1, 3/1+f 3RM
first set video'd on right arm.
lefty balance sucks today.
Will max out my right arm for a single then repeat this weight next week.

Fg deads
70*5, 100*3, 125*2,
140*4+1, 3rm.
Had to readjust slightly after four reps due to lowering bar a bit fast.

Fg deads had been sucking lately but this was nice.

+20kg * 5, 3,3, 5rm.

Happy with that.


3 3RM in a session and a 5RM.

Tbh i would probably call the FG Deads a 5RM since i often readjust between deadlift reps. I normally only do the 4+1 thing on chin ups.


Weigh in 78.0kg,

20 * 8, 50*5, 70*3, 90*2, 110*1,
124*f, 3,
I think I sometimes just give up at the bottom. Partly technique issue and breathing etc.
Had to ditch first set of 124 down instantly as was suffocating. Grinded out the third a bit which is rare for me on frotnies as i struggle to grind. 128 was not even close.

60*6, 80*2,
87*5, 5, 4, 3,
meh, will repeat and get at least 3*5 next week.

Weghts getting back up near my best for bench. I should probably neglect it less but i dont care about it so it doesn't get focus during "competiton" season when overhead is more important.

slingshot bench ,
87*5, easy.
That was good fun. Never used it before. Could probably have smashed out 10 tbh.

60*5, 110*5, 1, 130*2,
155*9 in 75 secs.
Aim was one every 6 seconds. Was tough. I wanted 10. I don't like this tactic. I feel like if I smash out more at the beginning I'll get more overall. 170*7 should be 10+ at this weight. Will go for old tactic at 160 in comp and want 10.

+ 15kg * 5, 5, 5

poundstone curls
20kg * 20, 20
30kg*10(it was there as i was leaving so curled it for lulz)
Bro'ing it up in the squat rack.
JNTIcon...10-11-2013 @ 14:49 
Member 4773, 192 posts
SQ 160, BP 116, DL 215
491.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
Hi Neck
SimeonIcon...10-11-2013 @ 15:10 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Motorbiker said:
poundstone curls

MotorbikerIcon...11-11-2013 @ 18:05 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Pausies, (Paused Back Squats)
20*8, 60*5, 80*3, 100*2, 120*1,
135*3, 3rm video,
120*5, maybe a 5RM paused

These were alright tbh. Easier than the 133 last week.

20*8, 30*4, 40*3,
52*5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
Still on deload, Technique a lot nicer. Working back up.

Wsm Style one arm press.(r/l)
28 * 3/3,
Then using just right arm,
lol, pb,Old 1RM was 40. Want to get the 50s up soon. Biggest DBs in my gym. Would be cool.
38*3/3, 3/3,

Ran out of time at this point so everything else was very rushed.

FG deads.
50*5, 80*5, 100*3, 120*2,
140*f, f
fat grips spinning off today. Was using a different bar which is slightly thicker and less grippy so maybe that. Literally had a few minutes though so just skipped trying to switch bar.

+22.5*4f, 2


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