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big daves........ 'DIARY OF A MADMAN'......

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bigdave30Iconbig daves........ 'DIARY OF A MADMAN'......01-05-2013 @ 19:28 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
Post Edited: 02.05.2013 @ 13:50 PM by bigdave30
ok so here's a new journal, the last concentrated mostly on the last few mnths of my novice days, now iv officially moved into the opens, this is the start of my journey with the big boys...

not going to go into my history to much, if you dont know me by now, you should! only going to say my first opens (28/04/13) went really well, started off with a good aggressive attitude, ended up 4th out of 11 or 12??? could have easily made top 3 (3rd) but made some real 'novice errors' which im glad i made, as its all going to be a learning curve...

in 5-6 weeks, i will be competing for my first national title, wales strongest man, iv gained alot of confidence over the last 5-6 mnths, but iv still got a s**t load of blood, sweat, pain and tears to give before i deserve to get anything back from strongman...

the following pages will be my ride to where i want to be, 'the best i can possibly be'.........

Wednesday 1st May 2013

deadlifts and assistance

first session back after the comp, still havent recovered fully, so just a quickie to get back in to it...

15' deads
60k x 8 (3sets)
100k x 5 (3sets)
140k x 3
180k x 3
180k w/ heavy chains x 3 (3sets)

140k x 8 (3sets)

close grip pulldowns
3 x 12reps

alt DB hammer curls
30k x 6 e/a (3sets)

short and sharp, still dont feel 100%, so going to try to get the blood flowing over the next few days for events on sat...
bigdave30IconThursday 2nd May02-05-2013 @ 20:09 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
overhead and assistance

push press (neutral grip bar (log type)
25k x 12 (3sets)
65k x 5 (3sets)
105k x 5
110k x 5
112.5k x 5
115k x 5

strict press (oly bar)
90k x 3 (3sets)

right arm thick handle DB medley
45k, 50k, 55k, 60k, 65k x 1 run through (all lifts had good lockouts and held up for a few secs)

left arm thick handle DB press
30k x 5 (3sets) (no lockouts but holding for few secs)

side lateral cable raise
3 x 15reps

seated rack press (pressing from eye level up)
90k x 3
100k x 3
100k x 2
100k x 1
90k x 3

CG bench w/medium resistance bands (explosive)
60k x 12 (3sets)


no more f**king around with pressing, il never be a brilliant presser but il work at it harder now, my left arm needs work on its own, even if i cant lockout atleast i maybe able to get a bit more strength in it....

Happy Embarassed
bigdave30IconSat 4th May06-05-2013 @ 12:06 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq

160k x 30m
260k x 30m
300k x 15m (concentrated on speed, 3sets, last set just over 7 secs)

log max lift
50k x 3 (3sets)
100k x 1
105k x 1
110k x 1
115k x FAIL made a lift but no better than a pussy bodybuilding lift, no lockout so didnt class as a lift....

duck walk into frame carry
110k - 230k x 15m each (3sets) again working on speed, after the log my head had totally gone just wanted to get out of there...

stone to 50' platform
130k x 3
140k x 3
160k x 3 ready for a 180k now...

couldnt wait to get on the piss and relax - body in bits!!!!

bigdave30IconTue 7th May08-05-2013 @ 08:02 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
deadlift and assistance

spent all day getting ready for my big 300k pull....

deadlift 1RM
60k x 5 (3sets)
100kk x 5
140k x 3
180k x 3
220k x 1
250k x 1
275k x 1 (after 4 attempts)
300k x FAIL

140k x 8 (3sets)

BB shrugs
140k x 5 (3sets)

face pulls
3 x 8reps

BW x 8 (3sets)

picked the wrong day to do it, had a 3 day bender over the weekend so was weak from that, i know its there, maybe do it the week before the welsh, need to concentrate on 18' for the next few weeks...

martinbIcon...08-05-2013 @ 08:37 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
You tried a 300 dead, which would be a 20kg PB after it took you 4 attempts to get 275?

Diary of a madman is right! Happy
bigdave30Icon...08-05-2013 @ 09:10 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
nothing to do with that at all, i tried a 300k dead because i smashed 5 reps out last week on 280k, and also i know theres a no hitch 300k dead in me!! the reason i couldn pull 275k was becuse i was sweating vodka amongst other things, the reason i kept going was because i know its there, just picked the wrong day, like i said!!
martinb said:You tried a 300 dead, which would be a 20kg PB after it took you 4 attempts to get 275?

Diary of a madman is right! Happy
bigdave30IconWed 8th May09-05-2013 @ 09:20 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
overhead and assistance

power cleans
60k x 5 (3sets)
100k x 3
110k x 3
120k x 3 bit if a battle but got the 3, used a hook grip and forearms took a battering...

push press
100k x 5
120k x 3 (3sets) not bad presses tonight

viking press
115k x 8
130k x 5
150k x 2 got lockouts with these, was able to get my body under the lift...

left arm DB press
32.5k x 5 (3sets) no lockouts ended up doing a classic glen ross press

seated rack press (eye level up)
100k x 3 (3sets)

overhead cable extension s.s left arm pressdown
3 x 12reps on each

CG bench
100k x 3
110k x 3
120k x 3
bigdave30Iconwales strongest man 201304-06-2013 @ 22:47 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
Post Edited: 05.06.2013 @ 08:52 AM by bigdave30
wasnt really gonna do a write up for the welsh but why not, the novalty hasnt wore off yet so still buzzing....

had a terrible day before, argued constantly with the misses, didnt arrive to the hotel until 10.45pm so not ideal...

before the event i was standing around looking at the competitors and there was an atmosphere there, i havnt had the feeling since i had a cap for my country, but you know when your in a room with men who are the best at what they do, i knew i was up against it and i felt terrible thinking i wouldnt even get past the first event....

yes, believe it or not i had a game plan going into the comp, try my best on the deads, white wash the log, comp starts on the third event and there onwards to get good points.....


event 1 - silver dollar deads

going into it i had a 330k 1RM out of a rack, but had heard this was slightly easier, 300k went up really easy and i lost the butterflies, 330k came up, again easy lift and 360kg was the same, over the moon how good it was going... but i started getting cocky, skipped 380kg to try 400kg, straps were on gave a scream and nothing, couldnt even budge it, first error of the day, should have gone for 380k... happy because my goal was 350kg, joint 6th (i think) PB

event 2 - 140kg log c&p

i wasnt even going to do the event, but then i decided just to go out and clean it just to not look like a t**t, didnt even warm up for it but i went out with redwood i think and gripped the bar pulled it to my knees and couldnt believe how light it felt, straight up to my shoulders and the gave a little half press, didnt get the lift and gave up, the ref was quite shocked but later i told him that even if i had pressed it i wouldn have locked out due to my elbow, so why waste the energy... not sure of my placing now...

event 3 - 440kg super yoke

my event, but with big boys weights was it still gonna be my event?? iv done 420k for 10m in training so no reason that i couldnt do this, was well up for it, got it moving steady but made a few nasty drops, i knew i had to cross the line otherwise my comp was over there and then... i made it, lost my voice through screaming and buckled my knees but i got there in 30 secs.. this was the first time in the day that i said 'jesus that was heavy' my whole body was in bits and it took me a while to get back to normal.. brutal.. starting to go up the ladder now and get the crowd behind me... PB

event 4 - 250kg conans wheel

only done this once in si t's place, im good at moving and carrying so was confident... started to move, did 1 rev and then had the crazy idea of screaming f**king easy over and over, must have made me go that much further, got 2 and half revs, pat on the back by the boys so was happy... 1st place and now upto 5th

event 5 - 180kg duck walk into 320kg frame carry

2 very good events for me, again really aggressive going into this one, chalked the handles up, left back up chalk by the frame and was good to go.. the duck was super light, i couldnt believe it, did it in no time, now to the dreaded frame, and again, thank god, it felt like paper in my hands, i literally couldv sprinted with it.. even mr glen ross got off his seat to give me a clap.. think it was 20 odd secs, took first but simon was on my tail, bloody .5 of a sec behind me..... 3rd place half a point behind was kelv...

event 6 - stones run

extremely confident with this, iv been throwing a 160kg around so was confident id get the 184kg up... totally f**ked my tacky up, used training tacky for a start which was weak from the heat, but put it on way to early and my sweat had turned it to mush, even the ref said that tacky doesnt look good, anyway, struggled to get the first stone up, composed myself and managed to get them moving, first 3 were quite easy actually, the fourth, i lapped it, got ready for the lift but couldn budge it, im not saying it was the tacky, maybe just a little out of my reach, il work at it... the 3 must have gone up quick, 16 secs i think, stayed at 3rd.... done and dusted...

wasnt expecting that at all, went into it looking for top 6, and that happened, im not a world beater over night, i know there was boys there more than capable of beating me, but iv got a year to get even better, one thing iv always done is made sure i pay my dues!! weather it was rugby or strongman, i work hard and graft, il be back next year for another go!!!

one thing i know is, i met a great bunch of boys, that i hope will become very good friends of mine over the next few years, see you all next year!!!!!
RickFIcon...06-06-2013 @ 15:42 
Member 3090, 174 posts
SQ 230, BP 195, DL 290
715.0 kgs @ 115kgs Eq
Great write up mate.

Particualy the part about the atmosphere, it was great!
bigdave30IconThurs 6th June06-06-2013 @ 23:15 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
ok, back to it....

nothing stupid 2day, got really bad fluid on my knee's and a twinge in my bicep but no rest for the wicked...

pull session (no deads because of my knees so just upper back and biceps)

lat pulldowns
3 x 15
100kg x 8 (3sets)

1arm hammer machine rows
50kg x 8 e/a (3sets)

prone pull
80kg x 8 (3sets)

BB shrugs
100kg x 12 (3sets)

BB curls
40kg x 15 (3sets)

core and calves

blood flowing, still feel rough though
bigdave30IconFriday 7th June07-06-2013 @ 22:57 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq

strict press
bar x 15 (3sets)
60k x 8 (3sets)

DB seated press
25k x 10 (3sets)

incline smith mach press
80k x 10 (3sets)

reverse cable flye
3 x 12 (3sets)

rope pressdown
27k x 12 (3sets)

tiredness really bad today could sleep for wales...

may skip legs tomorrow for a pool sesh, knees are still swollen...
jones105Icon.....08-06-2013 @ 06:26 
most definatley not an idiot
Member 2731, 3702 posts
SQ 280, BP 152.5, DL 280
712.5 kgs @ 86.5kgs UnEq
Nice wright up bud....good to see U in the local as well ;-)
bigdave30Icon...08-06-2013 @ 07:11 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
haha! yea good little write up that in the express..
jones105Icon.....08-06-2013 @ 08:53 
most definatley not an idiot
Member 2731, 3702 posts
SQ 280, BP 152.5, DL 280
712.5 kgs @ 86.5kgs UnEq
Good to get ur name out there dude.thinks can only get better now;-)
bigdave30Icon...08-06-2013 @ 09:52 
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if I had a hat on I would take it off
Member 3343, 1045 posts
SQ 330, BP 170, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 141.8kgs Eq
hope so butt, gonna slam into training again on monday....

the paper article was for sponsorship mainly ty, u may want 2 have a look at doing that 2..


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