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Why are security..........

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LurkioIconWhy are security..........17-10-2009 @ 10:32 
as deep as his fat little body will allow
Member 265, 4173 posts
SQ 222.5, BP 142.5, DL 235
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...guards jobsworth ar****les?
FatpeteIcon...17-10-2009 @ 10:37 
Hyper obese Pete
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Cos they're on six quid an hour and it's their way of getting their own back
NamonsterIcon...17-10-2009 @ 11:03 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
When you say security to you mean doormen/bouncers? I have my gripes with them.
LurkioIcon...17-10-2009 @ 11:34 
as deep as his fat little body will allow
Member 265, 4173 posts
SQ 222.5, BP 142.5, DL 235
600.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 17.10.2009 @ 11:35 AM by Lurkio
Nah mate, I shouldn't really tar all with the same brush, but one bloke got me so f**king wound up this morning, I lost it.

I tried to deliver a parcel to a distribution place locally yesterday, no they said, ther'e on lunch break. I went back last night about 8ish, and the police stopped me driving round there??? Said none of the factories were open.(wtf) I went back this morning, and I asked the Security guard, explaining first I'd attempted twice previously - his answer: "No f**king chance".

So I threw the parcel at him, said thanks for your help now you have it, job done = delivered. I wouldn't mind going back normally, but its 4.5 miles away, I'd been there 3 times altogether, and I get 75pence for it. c**ts.
NamonsterIcon...17-10-2009 @ 11:59 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
I see. It must be soul destroying for them though. We've got a temporary guard outside our office building and he just stands there from 8am to 6pm and that's it. No desk phone, no radio and no computer.
brynevansIcon...17-10-2009 @ 12:09 
Scotbasher - forever
Member 59, 2115 posts
Namonster said:When you say security to you mean doormen/bouncers? I have my gripes with them.

As with all jobs (including teachers) some people are good at it some are not so good. Having worked in various bars and clubs for years(I've now hung up my bow tie and retired) and at one point employed over 20 members of staff at 4 venues I've seen my fair share of both. On the whole I would say most people that have serious gripes with door staff think the following is acceptable:
To verbally/physically abuse members of staff at a licenced premises.
To be involved in major incident the week before and then expect to be allowed back in as if nothing happened.
To be involved in major incident elsewhere in town that night then be offended that nowhere will let you in as description has been circulated by radio to all pubs/clubs.
Take or distribute class A drugs on premises.
You vaguely know town hard man so can go /do as you please.
To feel offended because you have to pay the same as everyone else to get in a club.
To turn up pissed along with an underage friend then insult door staff for asking for his ID.
Swagger accross road to pub in striped hacket sweater throwing WKD bottle in gutter.
Believing that scruffy work clothes are suitable attire for high end club whilst being pissed and abusive to staff.
Following a female member of barstaff home and trying to attacked her then being offended you were banned from the pub.
To believe that YOU join a queue at the front not the back.
Vomit all over carpet/seats then attack staff as they politely ask you to leave.
Assist sick man in attacking staff on the basis he'd done "nowt wrong".

The list is endless
NamonsterIcon...17-10-2009 @ 12:31 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Bryn I agree with you completely but s**t on the whole I'm generally ok. What I don't like, and before anyone tells me it doesn't happen, is the fact that wearing a turban is a barring factor from me getting into a club.
DavidIcon...17-10-2009 @ 13:10 
I ♥ Dr. Gillian McKeith
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Namonster said:Bryn I agree with you completely but s**t on the whole I'm generally ok. What I don't like, and before anyone tells me it doesn't happen, is the fact that wearing a turban is a barring factor from me getting into a club.

But if others have to take off hats etc why should they make an exception for you?
NamonsterIcon...17-10-2009 @ 13:15 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
It's not a hat though. Not something I can just pop on and off.
RobboIcon...17-10-2009 @ 13:54 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
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Namonster said:It's not a hat though. Not something I can just pop on and off.

No but it is somewhere where weapons/drugs can be hidden. Yet we cant search you as its holy to you, and classed as an offence if we do so
MrSmallIcon...17-10-2009 @ 14:09 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
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Robbo said:
No but it is somewhere where weapons/drugs can be hidden. Yet we cant search you as its holy to you, and classed as an offence if we do so

NamonsterIcon...17-10-2009 @ 14:18 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Robbo said:
No but it is somewhere where weapons/drugs can be hidden. Yet we cant search you as its holy to you, and classed as an offence if we do so

Robbo, I agree with you, however, I can walk through an airport security centre and don't get asked to prove whether I'm hiding weapons/drugs or a bomb lol!
Beard_Of_IronIcon...17-10-2009 @ 14:27 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
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Namonster said:
Robbo, I agree with you, however, I can walk through an airport security centre and don't get asked to prove whether I'm hiding weapons/drugs or a bomb lol!

you get x-rayed at airport security though.
NamonsterIcon...17-10-2009 @ 14:29 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
Beard_Of_Iron said:
you get x-rayed at airport security though.

Lol I know. Just had that pointed out.

Either way, the way I see it is that the club is losing out on me spending some hard earned money. Although I miss out on the woman, my social skills have become so inept that I wouldn't have got anywhere anyway!
ozzieIcon...17-10-2009 @ 15:01 
in the RAF not black sabbath
Member 595, 516 posts
SQ 170, BP 132.5, DL 230
532.5 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
wow this could turn into a massive debate. i agree with security guards tho, bouncers i have respect for but not rent a cops. as for the turban.. i agree with if we have to take head wear off so do you, just as i agree with so many that women should NOT be aloud to wear the burka inside the UK


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