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Who's going to win WSM 2015?

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LaTutaIcon...26-04-2015 @ 23:23 
I am from Germany so i know what i talk about.
Member 5171, 1049 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 160, DL 233.5
611.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Sparrow said:

Z was actually beating Shaw on stones, but then dropped the third stone!

This explains it all...Wink

f**k...thats really bad luck.
But i am glad that he hasn't just gotten weaker, so he can come back next year in full force.
I think strongman without savickas is only half as good
PaulSavageIcon...26-04-2015 @ 23:52 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
donnie said:brian shaw

just doesnt have it in him
natural stentgth genetics, brute power

cant put him in the same category with Z and Kaz

u cant suck in pressing and considered as the strongest overall at the same time

also this attitude "im the best ever, im a legend and so on "... its pathetic

if shaw had injury like Z and couldnt deadlift as normally the whole f**kin world would have known, the man just likes excuses

no doubt he was the most prepared anyway

Brian always comes across very humble but if he said something like that its probably due to idiots like you giving him no credit after he wins the worlds strongest man contest. He's done a 200kg log for a double and is better at axle, 124kg dumbbell for 6. If this is sucking at pressing, why do you not easily smash all the world records in press events? Surely you could do all the records in a medley to warm up? Or not since brian is strong as f**k in pressing and your a cock.
NimbleIcon...27-04-2015 @ 04:59 
woefully weak
Member 4748, 1513 posts
SQ 157, BP 133, DL 260
550.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Donnie, you understand that strength doesn't scale linearly with weight, right? So the "can't log bodyweight" thing doesn't really mean anything.

If an 80kg guy can put bodyweight overhead, is anyone impressed? No. I can push press about 110% of my bodyweight and my total would embarrass some u60kg girls. But a 200kg+ guy? Putting 200kg overhead is impressive no matter how much you weigh.
MikenetoIcon...27-04-2015 @ 07:35 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
LaTuta said:
f**k...thats really bad luck.
But i am glad that he hasn't just gotten weaker, so he can come back next year in full force.
I think strongman without savickas is only half as good

He didn't even do all 5 stones. That slight fumble meant nothing.
AdamTIcon...27-04-2015 @ 10:07 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Brian has never won WSM. Z lost them years.
little_aIcon...27-04-2015 @ 10:11 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
AdamT said:Brian has never won WSM. Z lost them years.
BigMaccaIcon...27-04-2015 @ 10:20 
understanding of the sport, little he has.
Member 798, 9947 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 272.5
682.5 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
I think I'm going over to muscletalk for a while.

Oh wait, I'm already here
bezaIcon...27-04-2015 @ 10:40 
I hit a pb today with a chest infection
Member 3283, 1921 posts
Lol anyone would think z is 5ft 7 and 110k.
He's f**king huge
AdamTIcon...27-04-2015 @ 11:57 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
BigMacca said:I think I'm going over to muscletalk for a while.

Oh wait, I'm already here

You would get more sense in
IainKendrickIcon...27-04-2015 @ 13:35 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
BigMacca said:I think I'm going over to muscletalk for a while.

Oh wait, I'm already here


Littler; I am out of popcorn. Mind sharing?
CuddlesIcon...27-04-2015 @ 13:50 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
You want sweet or salty?

If salty, Littler's your man.
IainKendrickIcon...27-04-2015 @ 14:05 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Cuddles said:You want sweet or salty?

If salty, Littler's your man.

Quite a 'tang' he has for sure.
BigMaccaIcon...27-04-2015 @ 14:07 
understanding of the sport, little he has.
Member 798, 9947 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 272.5
682.5 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
From Big Z on FB

"I had big problems with back this year. It cost me lot. I will come back next year with stronger deadlift"

f**king lying t**t! - He clearly has just lost loads of strength and is no longer up to it.

Shaw is amazing and Z didn't stand a chance!

or should that be

Big Z has 3 broken vertebra but pushed through the pain and still nearly beat Shaw.

Shaw is s**t, he should be wiping the floor with Z at his BW and size but he can only just beat a crippled version of Z
little_aIcon...27-04-2015 @ 14:09 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
BigMacca said:f**king lying t**t! - He clearly has just lost loads of strength and is no longer up to it.

Say what you think Mac Grin
little_aIcon...27-04-2015 @ 14:15 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
IainKendrick said:
Littler; I am out of popcorn. Mind sharing?

Is that like a Mind Meld?

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