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Who's going to win WSM 2015?

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MarinaMandzukIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:00 
Member 5567, 23 posts
Post Edited: 24.04.2015 @ 18:03 PM by MarinaMandzuk
WSM 2015. Events of The Final
Final will being held in two days: April, 25-26.
DAY 1 (April, 25):
1. Yoke: 490kg (with people), 25m distance, time-limit 60sec.
2. Circus Barbell Deadlift (the height of the barbell will be above 2 cm lower, than usual): 370kg for reps, time-limit 60sec.
3. Bus Pull (like in Qualification): 25m distance, time-limit 60sec.
DAY 2:
1. Power Stairs: 3 implements, 225kg each, 5 stairs, time-limit 60sec.
2. Log lift (athletes go for each weight): 170-185-201-212-220-228kg (last weight is the WR attempt).
3. Atlas Stones: 150-160-180-200-210kg, height of the thumbs is 145cm.

Anthropometry of the finalists (height is in centimeters, weight is in kilograms):
1. Mikhail Shivlyakov (Russia) - height 186 centimeters, weight 132 kilograms – the lightest competitor
2. Žydrūnas Savickas (Lithuania) – height 191, weight 185
3. Michael Burke (USA) – height 198, weight 160
4. Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (Iceland) - height 205, weight 170
5. Brian Shaw (USA) - height 203, weight 190
6. Dimitar Savatinov (Bulgaria) – height 178, weight 147
7. Eddie Hall (GB) - height 189, weight 170
8. Jean-Francois Caron (Canada) - height 189, weight 141
9. Jerry Pritchett (USA) - height 193, weight 154
10. Mark Felix (GB) - height 193, weight 144
LaTutaIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:07 
I am from Germany so i know what i talk about.
Member 5171, 1049 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 160, DL 233.5
611.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
You guys really think Z hasnt improved on his deadlift since 2011???
Yes 2013 he failed because of back problems.-at least thats what he said.
After that he was in no max deadlift competition apart from the 2014 deadlift at the arnold which he dominated clearly with his easy world record.
On reps he beat everyone.At the fibo he beat eddie hall with the 350kg deadlift.And at the arnold brazil he beat shaw at the 360kg deadlift.

But we just have to wait and see what happensGrin
HeavyFuelIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:13 
Member 4760, 203 posts
LaTuta said:You guys really think Z hasnt improved on his deadlift since 2011???
Yes 2013 he failed because of back problems.-at least thats what he said.
After that he was in no max deadlift competition apart from the 2014 deadlift at the arnold which he dominated clearly with his easy world record.
On reps he beat everyone.At the fibo he beat eddie hall with the 350kg deadlift.And at the arnold brazil he beat shaw at the 360kg deadlift.

But we just have to wait and see what happensGrin

Eddie's deadlift seems to have come a long way since then.

Brian did not train for Arnold Brazil as he didn't get an invite until the last minute.
LaTutaIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:16 
I am from Germany so i know what i talk about.
Member 5171, 1049 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 160, DL 233.5
611.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
yeah maybe you are right.But when you see how piss easy z deadlifted the 360kg for 10 reps..i only believe that eddie hall comes close to this or draw
PaulSavageIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:22 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
With the power stairs only being 225kg it must surely be a high step one or really long power stairs so i can only see that favouring shaw. Can't see thor doing too well if he's only 170kg.
lukiIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:24 
Member 5517, 1538 posts
SQ 160, BP 165, DL 201
526.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
I can get the youtube link, bit this is a video of the superyoke. Its going to be quite unstable with people sitting on it. Hope no injuries.
donnieIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:38 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts

Shaw 190kg ??
AdamTIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:47 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
donnie said:haha

Shaw 190kg ??

205 would be more like it. Or has he leaned out some?
donnieIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:51 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts
AdamT said:
205 would be more like it. Or has he leaned out some?

hes leaner but the face is blown

insulina power
AdamTIcon...24-04-2015 @ 18:58 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
Post Edited: 24.04.2015 @ 19:04 PM by AdamT
donnie said:
hes leaner but the face is blown
insulina power

is he diabetic?

I am obviously being sarcastic with the above statement.

Anyhow, great set of final events.
donnieIcon...24-04-2015 @ 19:29 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts
what time it starts ?
rian1987Icon...24-04-2015 @ 20:31 
not stating facts.
Member 3100, 502 posts
PaulSavage said:
Pretty rediculous statement, holds the world strongman deadlift record at 462kg, which also happens to be the most anyone has ever done in any deadlift competition, 300kg raw bencher and it would seem he can squat 400kg without even a belt, has won the squat over all heats at worlds doing it raw in the past. If this is only top 10, where are the 600kg raw squats and deads and 400kg raw bench vids from the #1? It's obvious ed is up there with anyone statically, he just hasnt been with other events.

he holds the hitched deadlift record yes and is very strong. But malchinev has squatted 460 raw and has the world record total.. Benni did an easy 460 without straps.. ed is extremely strong but in a powerlifting meet would probably dead around 420 raw with no straps and hitch..
grantyIcon...24-04-2015 @ 21:16 
hernia returning due to hobby of patient
Member 1306, 1907 posts
SQ 270, BP 202.5, DL 340
812.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
rian1987 said:
he holds the hitched deadlift record yes and is very strong. But malchinev has squatted 460 raw and has the world record total.. Benni did an easy 460 without straps.. ed is extremely strong but in a powerlifting meet would probably dead around 420 raw with no straps and hitch..

420 lmao.. Get real
unit94Icon...24-04-2015 @ 21:20 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
Malan squatted 460 high lol Sorry but you cant talk s**t about Eds pull, it was just barely hithced and it was straps down.
PaulSavageIcon...24-04-2015 @ 21:40 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
rian1987 said:
he holds the hitched deadlift record yes and is very strong. But malchinev has squatted 460 raw and has the world record total.. Benni did an easy 460 without straps.. ed is extremely strong but in a powerlifting meet would probably dead around 420 raw with no straps and hitch..

I disagree and being some what of a grip expert id imagine i'm probably right in thinking he can hold onto more than 420, hitching is no issue. I reckon he would pull at least 440kg in a powerlifting meet, i also think he would squat a similar weight with wraps and belt, and bench at least 280kg paused. This would put his total at almost 100lb more than andrey and i feel this is the bare minimum he would do.

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