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Who's going to win WSM 2015?

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lukiIcon...21-04-2015 @ 17:20 
Member 5517, 1538 posts
SQ 160, BP 165, DL 201
526.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Hixxy are there many spectators at the events?
billynomatesIcon...21-04-2015 @ 17:23 
Member 4923, 1795 posts
What weight was dumbell?
dannyboy73Icon...21-04-2015 @ 17:38 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8167 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
Has he been poisoned or something???

hixxy1985 said:I will be gobsmacked if thor finishes above third place.....
donnieIcon...21-04-2015 @ 17:54 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts
thor lacks power this year
donnieIcon...21-04-2015 @ 17:54 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts
billynomates said:What weight was dumbell?

100 kg
BenvieIcon...21-04-2015 @ 18:25 
embarrasingly poor bench
Member 2684, 4043 posts
SQ 240, BP 135, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
MJG said:
I still think he will lose points on deadlift.
Looks like Looks like Caron, Shaw, Savatinov, Savickas, Felix and Hall will all make the final and all could very well beat Thor on deadlift reps. That puts him down in 7th on an event Shaw could very well win. Unless Shaw makes a mistake I just don't see where he is going to make those points up.

It is not outwith the realms of possibility that caron and felix could beat Shaw and Z on a deadlift for reps. I think this is thors only real chance of winning barring an injury from Shaw or Z as he stands to lose out big time on the deadlift and lose a few points on log as well if savatinov and Hall both make it through.

I would back Shaw for the win now, it will be a fair battle whoever comes out in top though.
Miky111Icon...21-04-2015 @ 19:12 
Member 5729, 138 posts
SQ 350, BP 240, DL 360
950.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
MJG said:
So that puts
Hall 19
Burke 19
Belsak 16.5
Szemanski 16
Ed Really has to beat Belsak on Truck pull or he is out IMO.

i think Belsak has 17.5 points

he was equal with Caruso on the barbell which would give them both 2.5 points, not 1.5 like in the spreadsheet
i could be wrong, but Ed got 6 points on that event, Szymanski 5, Burke 4 and that should put these two at 2.5 each
MJGIcon...21-04-2015 @ 19:30 
Member 5560, 769 posts
Miky111 said:
i think Belsak has 17.5 points
he was equal with Caruso on the barbell which would give them both 2.5 points, not 1.5 like in the spreadsheet
i could be wrong, but Ed got 6 points on that event, Szymanski 5, Burke 4 and that should put these two at 2.5 each

Yeah you are right actually. Although that extra point doesn't really change things.
Miky111Icon...21-04-2015 @ 19:36 
Member 5729, 138 posts
SQ 350, BP 240, DL 360
950.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
MJG said:
Yeah you are right actually. Although that extra point doesn't really change things.

there are a few scenarios in the next 2 events where it could make all of the difference
since the last event will probably be 12,10,8,... points instead of 12,11,10,...
LessThanLukeIcon...21-04-2015 @ 19:57 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
luki said:Whats with all the Shaw hating. Its WSM, not powerlifting.
Most of the guys hitch the deadlift too and I don't see half as much powerlifting angst directed towards them.

Can someone post the poster of the German guy saying if you pull Sumo its not a deadlift please?Happy

Shaw is awesome. Hope he wins.
MCMIcon...21-04-2015 @ 20:52 
Member 2252, 256 posts
SQ 210, BP 140, DL 250
600.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Shame that there are so many injuries, and I´m sure Hixxy would have got through without them. Gutted after making so much progress so quickly.

Hoping Ed gets through and podiums.... want Z to win, but will be difficult given the events and who is likely to not be there.
GaryOdinGymIcon...21-04-2015 @ 20:58 
Member 5744, 1 posts
A few people have mentioned location as a problem and that they should bring it to Europe which I agree with. What people may not realise is IMG charge thousands to host it yes you pay them plus you supply hotels, flights etc which adds up to over €300K plus and you don't own the tv rights or sponsorship they do which makes them the big money so unless someone in Europe is willing to pay that it will never happen.
All the countries that do host it do so for the tourism if you think about it its actually very good tourism promo.
Going forward surely they have to change it as now with social media we all know the results and even see whats happening its loosing its appeal, it would be great to see it in a decent location.
I have seen the IMG proposal for WSM and its crazy
HeavyFuelIcon...21-04-2015 @ 21:02 
Member 4760, 203 posts
MCM said:Shame that there are so many injuries, and I´m sure Hixxy would have got through without them. Gutted after making so much progress so quickly.

Hoping Ed gets through and podiums.... want Z to win, but will be difficult given the events and who is likely to not be there.

One thing I have learned after watching the competitions for years........, never count out Z.
BoarIcon...21-04-2015 @ 21:08 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
The winner really only gets to celebrate being champ from Christmas untill April.... 4 months of the year

How long has it been in April and why is it in April ?

Live at Christmas I say !

Like Odin says, there is not a chance of keeping anything under wraps these days
Robbo91Icon...21-04-2015 @ 21:13 
Doesn't like tall people very much.
Member 5708, 391 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 275
730.0 kgs @ 137.5kgs UnEq
Boar said:The winner really only gets to celebrate being champ from Christmas untill April.... 4 months of the year

How long has it been in April and why is it in April ?

Live at Christmas I say !

Like Odin says, there is not a chance of keeping anything under wraps these days

It only got moved to April last year, caught a lot of guys out as no one was expecting it. The year before it was the very end of August into the beginning of September. I think that was fairly standard for the years prior.
Not a clue why it is April though, it is ridiculous considering it isn't aired for 9 months, at the Europes last summer everyone was wishing the guys good luck at WSM and they were politely saying that it had happened but they couldn't discuss the results.

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