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Western European cup results

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RickIcon...24-09-2008 @ 19:51 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10037 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
What conditions does a lift have to satisfy to qualify for a commonwealth record? I know Joe's gets in because the (bigger) British record predates the commonwealth records being instituted, but that's clearly not all there is to it. Does it need to be a national-level or higher comp or something?
JoeBIcon...24-09-2008 @ 20:02 
social skills of a house brick
Member 35, 316 posts
SQ 320, BP 195, DL 280
795.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Thats it, commonwealth records only came in to play 4 years ago when the first competition was held in the north east, thus establishing new records, from then out going forward these records can be broken at any level of compeition by anyone born in the commonwealth, just like the english competition at the weekend I assume we will now have english records that can only be set by an english lifter at any level of competition, as long as the competition has register for drug testing, which most are, or at least should be, and that there are 3 qualified refs to judge the lift, and then a records form is filled out and sent to the relevant records person.
RickIcon...24-09-2008 @ 20:17 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10037 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
In that case I don't understand how Marian Gibson's squat was a senior 75 record, given Marie Thornton's performance at the Lancs and Cheshire this year.
JoeBIcon...24-09-2008 @ 20:22 
social skills of a house brick
Member 35, 316 posts
SQ 320, BP 195, DL 280
795.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
what did marie squat at that comp?

possibly the record wasn't claimed due to the competition not been register for drug testing? not sure,
RickIcon...24-09-2008 @ 20:31 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10037 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
215kg. It's listed as the British record on, so I think it should be ok...
brynevansIcon...24-09-2008 @ 21:51 
Scotbasher - forever
Member 59, 2115 posts
Post Edited: 24.09.2008 @ 22:00 PM by brynevans
All NW contests are registered for testing, plus Ian Hampson (who is the british records registrar) witnessed Maries lifts at the Lancs and Cheshire.
I'm reliably informed that to set an international record it must be refereed by Three IPF Referees - Cat 1 or Cat 2.


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