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Well At Least I Tried

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DomRedshawIcon...13-10-2012 @ 21:17 
Uk limbo dancing champion
Member 2666, 6551 posts
SQ 202, BP 170, DL 255
627.0 kgs @ 88kgs UnEq
JackRevans said:not bad! especially since it was snowing

thats not snow, its magic pixie dust that he sprinkles on the weights so they move faster
vausieIcon...20-10-2012 @ 16:51 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
15" deadlift

90kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 3
180kg x 1
210kg x 1
220kg x 1
240kg x 1 belt on from here
260kg x 1
220kg x 1

power shrugs

180kg x 3
140kg x 3
140kg x 3


60kg x 5
80kg x 5
110kg x 1
120kg x 1
120kg x 1
130kg x 1
140kg x 1 paused

all of the above were ok facing facts its been since dragons i havnt trained properly the tendon is still sore but if this u80 qual goes ahead in jan i want to be consistantly training from now till then because i feel that if im in top form im more than a handful for anyone @u80 and could defiantly be there or thereabouts the end working away hasnt helped up at 6 and not back in til 8 is very demanding and finding the time to train has been nearly impossible i went to the gym once last week to find it was closed Angry gunna start a new 5/3/1 next week even if i have to get taxi's to and from the gym with quite light weights so i dont stress myself out its very depressing to go from ur best ever form in sept to probably the worst iv ever felt training wise i may start a new journal to erase this one the last few months have been embarrassing and quite frankly down right depressing Unhappy
spam_upIcon...20-10-2012 @ 17:00 
Glorious spam
Member 1563, 3961 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 260
570.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Hey Mr V, don't stress mate!
s**t when training goes down hill but a few weeks of big eating once your injury clears up and you'll be back to your best and beyond Happy

Whts this u80kg qualifier your going on about btw?...
vausieIcon...20-10-2012 @ 17:15 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
spam_up said:Hey Mr V, don't stress mate!
s**t when training goes down hill but a few weeks of big eating once your injury clears up and you'll be back to your best and beyond Happy

Whts this u80kg qualifier your going on about btw?...

its rumored that there is going to be an u80 arnolds qualifier not sure if its goin to happen for 100% yet tho but hopefully it will
fctilidieIcon...20-10-2012 @ 17:19 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Good to see you back at it goats. Keep your head up, your strength will come back faster than you think.
spam_upIcon...20-10-2012 @ 17:19 
Glorious spam
Member 1563, 3961 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 260
570.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 20.10.2012 @ 17:21 PM by spam_up
vausie said:
its rumored that there is going to be an u80 arnolds qualifier not sure if its goin to happen for 100% yet tho but hopefully it will

might be interested in that...any idea how many places are up for grabs?
vausieIcon...20-10-2012 @ 17:27 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
spam_up said:
might be interested in that...any idea how many places are up for grabs?

i belive it to be one mate if it goes ahead
spam_upIcon...20-10-2012 @ 17:31 
Glorious spam
Member 1563, 3961 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 260
570.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
vausie said:
i belive it to be one mate if it goes ahead

Ahh reet, f**k losing more weight for like a 0.1% chance of qualifying! Tongue
DomRedshawIcon...20-10-2012 @ 17:36 
Uk limbo dancing champion
Member 2666, 6551 posts
SQ 202, BP 170, DL 255
627.0 kgs @ 88kgs UnEq
nice to see u managed to get another session done. wudnt worry too much bout the lack of training mate we all have s**tty times and at least the crappy work pattern and s**t has come the same time as injury still healing up. could all be a blessing disguise
vausieIcon...20-10-2012 @ 18:23 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq


GingyIcon...20-10-2012 @ 19:04 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Looking STRONG mate! Great noises too Happy
vausieIcon...20-10-2012 @ 20:31 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
Gingy said:Looking STRONG mate! Great noises too Happy

lol cheers mate but strong isnt the word id use
shortandmightyIcon...20-10-2012 @ 20:35 
Aiming for a 250 squat by the end of 2012
Member 1989, 3168 posts
SQ 240, BP 140, DL 270
650.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
It doesn't look so bad V. Just be careful with the hyperextension.

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