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JoniIconWSM results15-09-2011 @ 13:55 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Since the problems athletes would face if they dared to tell their friends how they are doing, please post anonymised WSM results here.

Do not state who you got the results from. You can also send the info to one of the admins like myself, Carl, Boar etc (whoever is online) and we can post it for you.

Cant wait to hear how thing pan out this year!
craigmancIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:04 
not much fun
Member 374, 3172 posts
This was the same as last year Joni!! But nobody took any notice.

Rob told me at weekend it can jepordise their prize monies if W.S.M find out who told who about results and where thay are put!!

Eg I put a comment about Terrys group, WSM see I am friends with him on some social media groups, WSM put two and two together then they take Terrys money off him!!
JCIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:06 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
craigmanc said:This was the same as last year Joni!! But nobody took any notice.

Rob told me at weekend it can jepordise their prize monies if W.S.M find out who told who about results and where thay are put!!

Eg I put a comment about Terrys group, WSM see I am friends with him on some social media groups, WSM put two and two together then they take Terrys money off him!!

I think thats why Joni has said PM admin...and they will put it on
BodIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:09 
Member 174, 1337 posts
Strossen's Twitter has Rob down as potentially being injured, possibly to be replaced by Ostlund! I hope to f**k it isnt true.
CuddlesIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:11 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
craigmanc said:This was the same as last year Joni!! But nobody took any notice.

Rob told me at weekend it can jepordise their prize monies if W.S.M find out who told who about results and where thay are put!!

Eg I put a comment about Terrys group, WSM see I am friends with him on some social media groups, WSM put two and two together then they take Terrys money off him!!

If the athletes have signed contracts allowing that then HOLY f**k.
martinbIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:13 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Bod said:Strossen's Twitter has Rob down as potentially being injured, possibly to be replaced by Ostlund! I hope to f**k it isnt true.


though it did seem a crying shame Ostlund wasn't there in the first place
JCIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:13 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
craigmanc said:Eg I put a comment about Terrys group, WSM see I am friends with him on some social media groups, WSM put two and two together then they take Terrys money off him!!

Also, this is a very tenous link. They'd have a legal battle on their hands to withold his cash in this situ!
craigmancIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:15 
not much fun
Member 374, 3172 posts
JC said:
Also, this is a very tenous link. They'd have a legal battle on their hands to withold his cash in this situ!

If guys have signed contract with that written into it what can the guys do??
CuddlesIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:15 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
JC said:
Also, this is a very tenous link. They'd have a legal battle on their hands to withold his cash in this situ!

Although it will likely be on of these situations where the legal position isnt really important, as if an athlete were to kick up a fuss, they would then most likely not ever be invited to WSM again. And as they are not 'employees' they would be f**ked.
BodIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:17 
Member 174, 1337 posts
Cuddles said:
Although it will likely be on of these situations where the legal position isnt really important, as if an athlete were to kick up a fuss, they would then most likely not ever be invited to WSM again. And as they are not 'employees' they would be f**ked.

I would say that is the crux of it. It is a closed shop, and you take what you are presented with, rightly or wrongly.
Donut62Icon...15-09-2011 @ 14:18 
a random american that we love (for now)
Member 1915, 21 posts
SQ 256, BP 184, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Cuddles said:
If the athletes have signed contracts allowing that then HOLY f**k.

It's been the same every year. The results leak all the same, they just don't want the athletes doing interviews and going on TV and talking about it before it airs on ESPN. Just keep it anonymous and everything has been fine.
hixxy1985Icon...15-09-2011 @ 14:18 
Member 994, 9594 posts
SQ 330, BP 250, DL 405
985.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
rather than have a long debate now...... leave this thread for the results!!

Does it kick off 2pm today?
MarkCleggIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:21 
knock knock !! who's there ?? OLD SCHOOL SUGDEN
Member 212, 11439 posts
SQ 325, BP 212.5, DL 370
907.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
It`ll be all over Marunde Muscle anyway ..

Tons of Yanks will be going watching too - I bet theres even videos by the end of the comp ... They can`t stop someone filming in the crowd OR even if they can people will still do it .
craigmancIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:30 
not much fun
Member 374, 3172 posts
If there is send it to an admin!! Admin make up a user name and post it!!!

JCIcon...15-09-2011 @ 14:36 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
hixxy1985 said:
Does it kick off 2pm today?

Yes...but they are starting late

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