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WSM CH5 schedule

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scruffmcbuffIconWSM CH5 schedule18-12-2016 @ 18:14 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq

Time to find out who would win in a fist fight!
Who takes the most insulina?
Who has the most Roid Moles?
scruffmcbuffIcon...20-12-2016 @ 19:30 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
Its on! This is the best bit about Christmas. THIS is what jesus gave us!
BenvieIcon...20-12-2016 @ 23:00 
embarrasingly poor bench
Member 2684, 4043 posts
SQ 240, BP 135, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
I enjoyed the Swedish show. Not sure why they let thor speak though, he genuinely sounds like he has some form of serious retardation.
unit94Icon...20-12-2016 @ 23:14 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
He has a really funny sense of humour when he's not competing, have you seen his heavy bubble videos?
FAT_SAMIcon...21-12-2016 @ 01:36 
more like 'FAT TROLL'
Member 984, 6331 posts
SQ 420, BP 260, DL 335
1015.0 kgs @ 165kgs UnEq
Benvie said:I enjoyed the Swedish show. Not sure why they let thor speak though, he genuinely sounds like he has some form of serious retardation.

ELIA MARTELL!!!! I beat her, raped her then I smashed her skull in... LIKE THIS!!!!!

I love Thor!
scruffmcbuffIcon...21-12-2016 @ 07:13 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
Benvie said:I enjoyed the Swedish show. Not sure why they let thor speak though, he genuinely sounds like he has some form of serious retardation.

Bryce starts laughing before Thor even has a chance to respond.
Icelandics seem to have a thing for shouting and dancing at Strongman shows
1369philIcon...21-12-2016 @ 07:34 
doesnt work hard enough in the gym
Member 1492, 2138 posts
SQ 170, BP 145, DL 195
510.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
As a bald man I have to comment on the tragedy that was Thors hair on the telly last night, it distracted me from his levels of awesome
chalkIcon...21-12-2016 @ 08:00 
Member 5929, 29 posts
When the daily showings of strongest man start, I can't help but bellow, Slade-style, "IT'S CHRIIIIIIIIISSSTMAAAAAAS!"
The_Lone_WolfIcon...21-12-2016 @ 09:22 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3007 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
I bet his missus wears ear defenders when he talks at home. He just shouts absolute guff into the mic.

His hair is the biggest example of living a lie I've seen in recent years.
billynomatesIcon...22-12-2016 @ 19:19 
Member 4923, 1795 posts
Oberst seems a pleasant man!! Hope Savatinov kicks his ass
scruffmcbuffIcon...22-12-2016 @ 19:29 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
billynomates said:Oberst seems a pleasant man!! Hope Savatinov kicks his ass

I like oberst. Ive never quite understood why hes always invited....
chalkIcon...22-12-2016 @ 19:58 
Member 5929, 29 posts
is Colin Bryce's face getting bigger or is there something wrong with the aspect ratio on my telly?
MikenetoIcon...22-12-2016 @ 20:12 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
Literally reminded me of Val Kilmer...but currently rather than top gun
billynomatesIcon...22-12-2016 @ 21:07 
Member 4923, 1795 posts
Insulina bloat?
scruffmcbuffIcon...23-12-2016 @ 19:44 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
Eddies 420 and 465 took the piss.... i couldnt pull half the weight that fast.

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