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BenvieIcon...20-08-2016 @ 17:46 
embarrasingly poor bench
Member 2684, 4043 posts
SQ 240, BP 135, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Mikeneto said:Heaviest 1st
2nd heaviest 2nd
3rd heaviest 3rd

Janashia must be next heaviest behind those three as well.
drex50Icon...20-08-2016 @ 17:46 
It's a moonface era now.
Member 5901, 956 posts
Benvie said:
Janashia must be next heaviest behind those three as well.

he is actually
BrenWadIcon...20-08-2016 @ 17:48 
Enough was enough. Banned.
Member 6099, 775 posts
SQ 300, BP 195, DL 310
805.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
drex50 said:"Il be back next year bigger"

edd hall

200 is on the way

He's a maniac.
BrenWadIcon...20-08-2016 @ 17:50 
Enough was enough. Banned.
Member 6099, 775 posts
SQ 300, BP 195, DL 310
805.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
drex50 said:
he is actually

It's becoming pointless for anybody who is sub 6ft 6 to compete unless they are willing to destroy themselves with drugs and cakes.
MikenetoIcon...20-08-2016 @ 17:50 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
drex50 said:
Hall is heavier than Thor
But your point is valid

Thor was about 195kg at the Arnolds
The_Lone_WolfIcon...20-08-2016 @ 18:18 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3000 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Well done to Brian, Thor, and Ed.

The result is the result, and yet again Brian nails it. I honestly think he will keep winning until he decides to quit or gets injured. He is just built for strongman, with no real weak events except maybe log for max. However he is so consistent and so professional that he always get's the job done.

Thor, obviously is also a mutant, but I believe the biggest different between Shaw and Thor, is that Shaw has a far superior work ethic and dedication.

Z and Lalas to come back next year, but questions hang over both on their long term fitness after injuries. Both clearly amazing athletes, but Z is no spring chicken, and Lalas seems to get injured all the time sadly.

As for Ed, it is all if's and buts... He is clearly one of the top strongmen in the world, and genetically he is behind Shaw and Thor, however, it is not impossible for him to win next year. Questions over his health and fitness are at times raised, and with good reason, but the strength is there, so he isn't that far off. The sacrifice for the 500kg dead may have been too much this year, but next year with less on the agenda he may be a more serious threat.

Well done to all, roll on next year.
AdamTIcon...20-08-2016 @ 18:43 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5207 posts
FAT_SAM said:
I do yep.

f**k yeh Sam! Lol
AdamTIcon...20-08-2016 @ 18:48 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5207 posts
Big Ed bulks up to 220 with more slin, he could lift the f**king plane, never mind drag it!!
The_Lone_WolfIcon...20-08-2016 @ 18:53 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3000 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Is Ed down to compete and defend his title at the UK's this year? I'm sure that comp is VERY close... Maybe even next weekend?
Andy_fIcon...20-08-2016 @ 18:55 
Chief Moderator.
Member 2712, 151 posts
I've not seen anything posted about how the dead lift ended up in a draw. Did Ed go for a heavier weight and fail? If he chose not to lift I find that strange.
AdamTIcon...20-08-2016 @ 18:56 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5207 posts
Andy_f said:I've not seen anything posted about how the dead lift ended up in a draw. Did Ed go for a heavier weight and fail? If he chose not to lift I find that strange.

I'd love to hear too. How did stones finish?
bezaIcon...20-08-2016 @ 19:18 
I hit a pb today with a chest infection
Member 3283, 1921 posts
The_Lone_Wolf said:Is Ed down to compete and defend his title at the UK's this year? I'm sure that comp is VERY close... Maybe even next weekend?

Yeh pretty sure next weekend. He won't want to miss out on that
dannyboy73Icon...20-08-2016 @ 19:34 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8166 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
I say sensible not strange

Im sure they made a pact beforehand...why risk injury or burn out the rest of the comp for half a point?

Andy_f said:I've not seen anything posted about how the dead lift ended up in a draw. Did Ed go for a heavier weight and fail? If he chose not to lift I find that strange.
Andy_fIcon...20-08-2016 @ 20:26 
Chief Moderator.
Member 2712, 151 posts
AdamT said:
I'd love to hear too. How did stones finish?

Thor won stones, Shaw 2nd, Ed 3rd
JohnIcon...20-08-2016 @ 20:32 
Member 5263, 3492 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 260
715.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
Am I right in thinking that's the first Podium finish in worlds for Edd ? Fair play as his focus was on that 500.can't wait to catch it on the box.

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