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drex50Icon...20-08-2016 @ 15:30 
It's a moonface era now.
Member 5901, 956 posts
Benvie said:

Those scores also show the difference between the top two and everyone else, they are in a class of their own at the moment.

yes huge difference

even if Hall performed good on frame couldnt have catched them
BrenWadIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:31 
Enough was enough. Banned.
Member 6099, 775 posts
SQ 300, BP 195, DL 310
805.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Benvie said:
Well done to Hall, I didn't think he'd make it after his disaster on the frame and looking so ropey at the end of the press but he pulled it back well.
Can't help but feel a bit sorry for janashia for doing so well right through but missing out in the podium. Must be weird for him as I'm sure if he got offered fourth place at the start of the comp he'd have been over the moon but now has to be disappointed to miss out on the podium.
Those scores also show the difference between the top two and everyone else, they are in a class of their own at the moment.

Was a two man comp this year.
Next year we'll hopefully see Z and Lalas back to make it more of a comp.
BrenWadIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:32 
Enough was enough. Banned.
Member 6099, 775 posts
SQ 300, BP 195, DL 310
805.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
drex50 said:
yes huge difference
even if Hall performed good on frame couldnt have catched them

A class down from the top 2 in a weak year for WSM
FAT_SAMIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:34 
more like 'FAT TROLL'
Member 984, 6331 posts
SQ 420, BP 260, DL 335
1015.0 kgs @ 165kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 20.08.2016 @ 15:35 PM by FAT_SAM
Hall was injured tbf
2 broken fingers says on strength asylum page on fb
Still got 3rd
Next year Shaw is history
AdamTIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:35 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
FAT_SAM said:Hall was injured tbf
2 brokem fingers says on strength asylum page on fb
Still got 3rd
Next year Shaw is history

drex50Icon...20-08-2016 @ 15:38 
It's a moonface era now.
Member 5901, 956 posts
AdamT said:

AdamTIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:38 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
Was on strength asylum. Confirmed Ed was injured.

Still came third with injury. He will win easy next year!!! Lol
Andy_fIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:40 
Chief Moderator.
Member 2712, 151 posts
drex50 said:
yes huge difference
even if Hall performed good on frame couldnt have catched them

If Hall won frame carry I believe he would have been joint first with Shaw on 52 points so that event did cost him.
BrenWadIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:41 
Enough was enough. Banned.
Member 6099, 775 posts
SQ 300, BP 195, DL 310
805.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Andy_f said:
If Hall won frame carry I believe he would have been joint first with Shaw on 52 points so that event did cost him.

Hall winning a carry us as likely as Thor not screaming like a madman after each event.
AdamTIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:42 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
Andy_f said:
If Hall won frame carry I believe he would have been joint first with Shaw on 52 points so that event did cost him.

How many events did Ed beat Shaw in this year? One??
drex50Icon...20-08-2016 @ 15:44 
It's a moonface era now.
Member 5901, 956 posts
Andy_f said:
If Hall won frame carry I believe he would have been joint first with Shaw on 52 points so that event did cost him.

dannyboy73Icon...20-08-2016 @ 15:47 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8167 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 20.08.2016 @ 15:49 PM by dannyboy73

FAT_SAM said:f**k

At least Hall made the podium. and no one seriously injured (my understanding is that Sharli is not completely kerput)

Well done Hall Happy
Andy_fIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:48 
Chief Moderator.
Member 2712, 151 posts
AdamT said:
How many events did Ed beat Shaw in this year? One??

Yes just one. I was trying to make to the point that the frame cost him. Yes even a good performance on it wouldn't have been good enough though.

Shaw only won 1 event outright and shared the other win with Ed.

Thor has to be most annoyed, so close again. He won 3 events (1 shares with Ed) and still didn't win.

Ed 2 event wins but both shared.
Andy_fIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:50 
Chief Moderator.
Member 2712, 151 posts
drex50 said:

People were saying even with a good frame carry Hall still wouldn't have been close to Shaw. My post proves he would have been close.
AdamTIcon...20-08-2016 @ 15:50 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
Andy_f said:
Yes just one. I was trying to make to the point that the frame cost him. Yes even a good performance on it wouldn't have been good enough though.
Shaw only won 1 event outright and shared the other win with Ed.
Thor has to be most annoyed, so close again. He won 3 events (1 shares with Ed) and still didn't win.
Ed 2 event wins but both shared.

Consistency is the key. Thor is a beast. He will win next year, if he stays hungry.

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