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PaulSavageIconUK's Strongest Man02-10-2020 @ 17:51 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
Updates anyone??
PaulSavageIcon...02-10-2020 @ 19:46 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
All very hush hush this one?
SparrowIcon...02-10-2020 @ 21:07 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
I blame Smalls.
BigMaccaIcon...02-10-2020 @ 21:54 
understanding of the sport, little he has.
Member 798, 9947 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 272.5
682.5 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Sparrow said:I blame Smalls.

f**king Smalls!

Worst updates ever
jtIcon...03-10-2020 @ 12:05 
old age traveller
Member 332, 7915 posts
It seems even smalls no longer cares about 2nd division strongman comps.
PaulSavageIcon...04-10-2020 @ 10:08 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
BigMacca said:
f**king Smalls!
Worst updates ever

what updates?
WILLSANIcon...04-10-2020 @ 10:15 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
PaulSavage said:
what updates?

small's updates.
PaulSavageIcon...04-10-2020 @ 11:09 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
Post Edited: 04.10.2020 @ 11:13 AM by PaulSavage
small's updates.

None f**king existent

Could at least make some s**t up or say people lifted stuff
jtIcon...04-10-2020 @ 11:51 
old age traveller
Member 332, 7915 posts
Nobody turned up because they were all too strong.
andy_shawIcon...05-10-2020 @ 21:28 
Member 3486, 246 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 250
640.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Gav Bilton won.
Not sure of the name of the bloke who came in 2nd.
Mark Jeanes 3rd
Paul Smith 4th
Phil Roberts 5th (what a comeback that is!)
The_Lone_WolfIcon...05-10-2020 @ 21:53 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3007 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Does anyone know more about why Paul Benton pulled out?

All sounds very dodgy and he was getting shafted.
andy_shawIcon...05-10-2020 @ 21:57 
Member 3486, 246 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 250
640.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
I said:Gav Bilton won.
Not sure of the name of the bloke who came in 2nd.
Mark Jeanes 3rd
Paul Smith 4th
Phil Roberts 5th (what a comeback that is!)

Mark Felix came 2nd!!
WILLSANIcon...05-10-2020 @ 21:59 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
The_Lone_Wolf said:Does anyone know more about why Paul Benton pulled out?

All sounds very dodgy and he was getting shafted.

loz covers it here from 2:30.
LessThanLukeIcon...06-10-2020 @ 09:34 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
The_Lone_Wolf said:Does anyone know more about why Paul Benton pulled out?

All sounds very dodgy and he was getting shafted.

Not what I heard. Multiple who were in his group said he was just acting like a child.
BigMaccaIcon...06-10-2020 @ 10:21 
understanding of the sport, little he has.
Member 798, 9947 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 272.5
682.5 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
The_Lone_Wolf said:Does anyone know more about why Paul Benton pulled out?

All sounds very dodgy and he was getting shafted.

paul_benton_strongman Update on UK's Strong man - disappointing way to end my competition on day 1. After 3 events, points were released and showed I had qualified to day 2. Packed all my gear up and ready to head out when I'm told there is a dispute going on about times. When I head across to find out what's happening, im told that the times have been re done and the points are now restructured and I'm in the eliminator, not the arguing party. I told them how is that even fair, nobody even told me times were being re taken and points re structured and all that's been done without me even knowing about it to defend my case. The times were also re taken by the head referee on a 3rd party mobile device not the professional TV equipment on site. A bunch of people in a group all trying to be herd over one an another chipping in their 2 pence. Completely unprofessional and because I'm not there the arguement gets brushed under the carpet and I'm given an ultimatum. I told the organiser, that is dirty as f**k, how can you re structure points against the returning champion and not let me know what's going or even give me an explanation now so I said if it's not sorted properly I'm leaving! Got no response. So the ultimatum, stay and take the s**t or leave. So i walked out.

Im nobody's dancing monkey, I don't dance to someone's tune when they just decide to please themselves and their mates. I'm there to compete in a fair comp, not a pissing contest little cry baby b**ches. @officialultimatestrongman I am disappointed in you! There are many more details to this but this is the easy version. That's my side, but ultimately it's my fault I'm out of the competition. I left it to close that it became opinion and not fact. I'm happy with what I did as it was enough to do the minimum and get through to day 2 but can't help people complaining all day trying to question your lifts. Control the things you can, forget about the rest. I train to lift and compete, not look left and right and blame others for my mistakes. I have learned a few valuable lessons.


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