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Tips on what I'm doing wrong

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LewisboardIconTips on what I'm doing wrong20-06-2015 @ 21:10 
Member 5721, 9 posts
SQ 325, BP 170, DL 307.5
802.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Come back from competition today set new PB's in squat and deadlift but not quite what I was hoping but it's been a tough week leading up, the main problem is my bench ! I'm stuck at 130, changed training from a westside style to 5x5 then to 8x3 and last time got 105 going easy 8 sets for 3 reps two weeks on the trot. I thought I should have a 130 easy and maybe good for a 140 but I couldn't get the 130 more than an inch off my chest ! Any tips as probably last of the year and really wanna hit a 700 total next year and my bench is holding me back ! Any suggestions welcome
mattrIcon...20-06-2015 @ 22:04 
Member 2355, 16 posts
It sounds like you're only benching once a week?
LewisboardIcon...21-06-2015 @ 07:43 
Member 5721, 9 posts
SQ 325, BP 170, DL 307.5
802.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Twice !! And accessorie work twice a week
DomRedshawIcon...21-06-2015 @ 09:13 
Uk limbo dancing champion
Member 2666, 6551 posts
SQ 202, BP 170, DL 255
627.0 kgs @ 88kgs UnEq
hard to say. personally when working toward a 1rm on bench i like to train it quite heavy in the few weeks before, either upto 3rm or a few singles around 90%+ or both.

for example if i was going to go for say 130 max on week 3 id do something like this

week 1 upto 115x3 + comfier sets of 1-3 reps (115x1's or 110x2's ect)
week 2 upto 122.5 x 1 + comfier sets of 1-3 reps (either say 117.5 x 1 or 107.5 x 3)
week 3 130
JonA81Icon...21-06-2015 @ 09:19 
Member 2216, 2243 posts
I'd say you want to be getting up to around 120 for both rep schemes to be pushing for a 140 single.
FazcIcon...21-06-2015 @ 09:27 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
Post Edited: 21.06.2015 @ 09:27 AM by Fazc
Try this and stick with it for a good month. 12 sessions there, train only 3 days a week so it lasts 4 weeks not 3.

Set your max as 125.
AMH_PowerIcon...21-06-2015 @ 11:21 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Lewisboard said:Come back from competition today set new PB's in squat and deadlift but not quite what I was hoping but it's been a tough week leading up, the main problem is my bench ! I'm stuck at 130, changed training from a westside style to 5x5 then to 8x3 and last time got 105 going easy 8 sets for 3 reps two weeks on the trot. I thought I should have a 130 easy and maybe good for a 140 but I couldn't get the 130 more than an inch off my chest ! Any tips as probably last of the year and really wanna hit a 700 total next year and my bench is holding me back ! Any suggestions welcome

This might be a little against the grain; but I've noticed that when I train people with a weak lift in particular, I can't use a set reps or % as the main set, as the load just seems too light to force change. I've always managed to get people to hit a 140 bench (not trained anyone sub 82.5kg though) by following this:


Session 1: Work up to 10kg below your max, then drop it 10% and do 20 more reps in any sets/reps fashion you wish (people have different tolerances, so some may do it in 5-8 and other only able to do it in 2-5's per set)
Session 2: Repeat the back off sets only from session 1, then do some isolation for a WEAKNESS


Session 1: Work up to 5kg below your max, then drop it 10% and do 10 more reps in any sets/reps fashion you wish as before
Session 2: Repeat the back off sets only from session 1, then do a compound lift for a WEAKNESS


Session 1: Work up to your old max, then drop it 10% and do 5 more reps in any sets/reps fashion you wish as before
Session 2: Repeat the back off sets only from session 1, then do a variant for a WEAKNESS


Session 1: New PB (usually around 5kg), then drop 50% and do some speed work to make the session worthwhile; usually a good handful of doubles and triples.
Session 2: Rest, ready for recycle.

I've used this without fail to see people hit 140kg and even more. Beyond this though would need an accumulation first then a taper/intensification.... then further still we have to rely on sneak tactics of tricking the stimulus to prevent stagnation. But once you hit 140, I'm happy to provide a typical template to see a 160; although it's no fairytale, usually takes 4-8 months to go from 140kg to 160kg at a typical middle weight category.

To clarify the back end of session 2; it's basically generic &rt; generic-specific &rt; specific.
So if it was me, and I had weak pectorals; I would do cable cross overs week 1 (not now, but when my bench was weak), wide grip bench week 2, then rack press week 3.
The difference between week 2 and 3, is that the exercise in week 3 must have the same mechanics (follows the same path). Week 2 is a variant/compound that alters the path but stresses the weak muscle.

You don't need to do any other s**t after unless it's for rehab/prehab. I see many, many people doing other s**t....skill/learning only stretches so far and so does biological change. It all has to be relevant; if something you are doing won't absolutely 101% guarantee that it will improve your bench; then don't do it. Well, you can but that's the difference between a decent bench and an astounding one.

Cheers for reading
LewisboardIcon...21-06-2015 @ 13:37 
Member 5721, 9 posts
SQ 325, BP 170, DL 307.5
802.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
AMH_power definitely will give that one a go !! Got all the time in the world for next three months so going to really commit. Fazc will that calculator/program work for squat and deadlift aswell if maybe changed it to two sessions a week and ran for six ?
FazcIcon...21-06-2015 @ 15:27 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
It should do. I've only had experience of it on Bench personally.
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