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The Road to the Student Championships

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LukeCIconThe Road to the Student Championships13-08-2008 @ 21:55 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
I have decided to set up my new journal here, keep Sugden well represented!

My current PBs are:
Squat 145kg (for 3 reps)
Bench Press 72.5kg (for 2 reps)
Deadlit 182.5 (for 1 rep), 145kg (for 5 reps)
Which gives a total of 400kg, Un-equipped-belt only.

I am going to compete in the Student Championships which are going to held at the same time as the UK Open in October. ( Im hoping for a 400kg+ total which would nicely place me ahead of by brothers first comp total of 397.5kg.

I have been using the Mad Cow 5x5 program ( but Im going to switch to a Upper/Lower body split in the run up to my comp.

After pulling 400lbs on Saturday at Adlington Im feeling good and the proper build-up for October starts here.
LukeCIcon...13-08-2008 @ 22:01 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Wednesday 13/08/08 at Fitness First, Leeds

60kg x 2
70kg x 5
90kg x 5
120kg x 5
130kg x 5

60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 3
115kg x 3
130kg x 3

Not too bad a return to the gym, my back was feeling pretty dead after the deadlift so I dropped the volume on squats.
AlexIcon...13-08-2008 @ 22:13 
Picca Boo
Member 16, 1204 posts
SQ 140, BP 130, DL 200
470.0 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Good to see your log here Luke.
LukeCIcon...14-08-2008 @ 00:36 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Cheers Alex, I have kept an online journal before, but I thought where better to keep it than here?

I reckon Im after your Strongest man at Sugden Sports Centre pound for pound title. Tongue
AlexIcon...14-08-2008 @ 00:51 
Picca Boo
Member 16, 1204 posts
SQ 140, BP 130, DL 200
470.0 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
You can have it, I'm now Adlington's Weakest Man (pound for pound)
BazIcon...17-08-2008 @ 22:07 
Weak training is still training.
Member 63, 260 posts
SQ 135, BP 110, DL 195
440.0 kgs @ 78kgs UnEq
Hmmm your putting me to shame since i dont have a log, but then im not doing anyhting worth logging so hey. (closet bbing) and your challenge to Alex is an interesting one we could have a mini relative strength comp at the end of the year? (il have to drop alot of fat and increase my strength to have a chance though)
Also cant get your link to work whats this mad training?
MrSmallIcon...18-08-2008 @ 06:45 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Might have to take part in this, since as of Sept I'll be a student at Manchester.
Need to get the numbers up, however.
LukeCIcon...18-08-2008 @ 18:41 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Post Edited: 18.08.2008 @ 18:49 PM by LukeC
Sounds good Baz, shotgun calling it the Corcoran classic!

The link is the program Ive been on for the last year or so, don't know why the link dosnt work. If you search "bill starr's 5x5" on google its the first link anyways.

Here was my session from Saturday 16/8/08 at Fitness First, Leeds:

30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
72.5kg x 3

60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 3

Good session, getting really psyched about my first comp now!
I had a little trouble hitting depth my first few squat sets but that happens to me sometimes when my legs are feeling a bit tight as they were today, after a few sets they loosened off and my depth was ok.
LukeCIcon...18-08-2008 @ 18:53 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Monday 18/8/08 at Fitness First, Leeds:

So I get to the gym all ready to go, as I was approaching 'Im Broken' by Pantera kicks in and im feeling ready for some big benching then I turn the corner and see a sign on the gate "Fitness First closed by Fire Department".
So no session for me, never thought I would say this but I want to go to the Sugden. UnhappyAngry
mishimaIcon...18-08-2008 @ 19:41 
pink french superstar beard
Member 26, 4030 posts
SQ 190, BP 0, DL 205
395.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Nice squat dude!
Pb around the cornerWink
BazIcon...18-08-2008 @ 21:55 
Weak training is still training.
Member 63, 260 posts
SQ 135, BP 110, DL 195
440.0 kgs @ 78kgs UnEq
Corcoran classic has a ring to it, we will have to think about it in sept. MrSmall get involved would be great to get a little strengh training 'gang' going at sugden, (since all the original guys are gone now.) All be it a pretty weak one haha. Bill stars hey? il take a look. Your squating is goin really well at the moment.
Dont be to quick to want to come back the drinks fountain was broken other day spraying out white spaff!!Confused
LukeCIcon...21-08-2008 @ 19:49 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Hell yeah Mish, 147.5 next week then 150 the week after, BOOM double bodyweight squats. Thats the plan anyway.

Corcoran Classic does fit nicely dosn't it?

Anyway enough bs onto the lifting:

Tuesday 19/8/08 at Fitness First, Leeds

30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
75kg x 3 Failed on third rep. 2 Rep PB

Then various assistance work with dumbells plus some lat pull down.
Bit annoyed with the benching, my left wrist was hurting all through bench and it cost me on my top set. Still a PB though so Im not too down, just have to nail it next week.

Thursday 21/8/08 at Fitness First, Leeds

60kg x 2
70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 5
130kg x 5
145kg x 3

60kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 5
130kg x 5
145kg x 3

Good session today. My back was a bit tired after carting a load of shopping (beer is heavy) home in my backpack so the first few deadlifts were a bit slow before I got going later on. Squats were good, much better depth today as I expected. After my comp I really need to work on speed though Im a crazily slow squatter but for now its all about getting weight on a bar and squatting it. My deadlifting attracted a comment from a random guy in the gym, "Strong that young 'un" which is much better that the usual "Can you make less noise when you are deadlifting?" or "Can you not use chalk please?" I get from the personal trainers.
RickIcon...21-08-2008 @ 20:31 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10039 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Any session in which you rep two out of three of your best singles is a pretty good one!

Obviously, if you want some help on squat technique after you get back to mancs, you know where to visit Happy.
LukeCIcon...27-08-2008 @ 20:18 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Cheers Rick, Im hoping to visit Addlington a few times before my comp, make sure my form is spot on. It would be good to get some 'command practice' as well.

Tuesday 27/08/08 at Fitness First, Leeds

40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
75kg x 3 Failed on third rep.

Followed by messing around with some dumbells and lat pulldown
Really annoyed at my bench. God do I hate benching. I was having no problems with my wrist at all until my top set when I got the worst lift off ever and it hurt all the way through both reps. I think Im going to drop down to 70kg next week and build back up.
AlexIcon...27-08-2008 @ 21:18 
Picca Boo
Member 16, 1204 posts
SQ 140, BP 130, DL 200
470.0 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
If you hate it and don't train it, it won't get any better and you'll hate it more. Happened to me with squats. Bench often and don't be afraid of high reps to put some meat on your pecs/arms. Best gains for me happen when benching often and including high reps.


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