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The 2017 Arnold Sports Festival

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vigor5IconThe 2017 Arnold Sports Festival19-01-2017 @ 07:29 
Member 2492, 78 posts
The 2017 Arnold Sports Festival, which takes place annually in Columbus, Ohio, will feature a Dinnie Stone “lift and hold” competition when it is held from March 2 to 5.
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...19-01-2017 @ 08:17 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
I'm really looking forward to the PL at the Arnold this year - as I understand it the IPF might be taking away it's designation as an "International Meet", so this could be the last year World Records can be set here.
MikenetoIcon...19-01-2017 @ 12:25 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
So it isn't part of the main strongman events it is just a circus show side piece?

Needed to subscribe so couldn't read all of the article.
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...19-01-2017 @ 12:41 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
Mikeneto said:So it isn't part of the main strongman events it is just a circus show side piece?

Needed to subscribe so couldn't read all of the article.

The Arnold seems to like doing extra individual events, especially involving Grip.
vigor5Icon...19-01-2017 @ 13:09 
Member 2492, 78 posts
Mikeneto said:So it isn't part of the main strongman events it is just a circus show side piece?

Needed to subscribe so couldn't read all of the article.

It hasn't been announced yet.

We will see whether it will be a part of official strongman contest or part of "record breakers", as it was called last year:
MJGIcon...19-01-2017 @ 14:10 
Member 5560, 769 posts
It will be part of the record breakers side show. They won't target grip in the main contest. Wish they would.
unit94Icon...19-01-2017 @ 14:35 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
MJG said:It will be part of the record breakers side show. They won't target grip in the main contest. Wish they would.

Oh brother preach
unit94Icon...19-01-2017 @ 14:36 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
People in here might know actually, has anyone ever clean and pressed 2 inch Dumbbells?
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...19-01-2017 @ 14:48 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
unit94 said:People in here might know actually, has anyone ever clean and pressed 2 inch Dumbbells?

I will check but I believe not, no.
Robbo91Icon...19-01-2017 @ 16:07 
Doesn't like tall people very much.
Member 5708, 391 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 275
730.0 kgs @ 137.5kgs UnEq
unit94 said:People in here might know actually, has anyone ever clean and pressed 2 inch Dumbbells?

I think Mike Burke had the best attempt, but no I don't think so.
MikenetoIcon...19-01-2017 @ 19:05 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
Post Edited: 19.01.2017 @ 19:06 PM by Mikeneto
Mike Burke attempted it..Was on YouTube ..He did fail, but it was a good effort. Not really a grip or a strength issue... Probably more coordination.

Well he attempted to clean them and failed...Press shouldn't be a problem for him at the time.
MikenetoIcon...19-01-2017 @ 19:07 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
Hopefully this link works
scruffmcbuffIcon...19-01-2017 @ 19:31 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
What is an "Inch" dumbell in real terms. im assuming the grip isnt literally an inch as isnt 25mm an average bar?
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...19-01-2017 @ 19:49 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
The handle is 2.38" in diameter - I believe it could actually be 2.375".

"Inch" is Thomas Inch, the great British Strongman.
scruffmcbuffIcon...19-01-2017 @ 19:56 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 19.01.2017 @ 19:56 PM by scruffmcbuff

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