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buzzIconSugden vs Edinburgh16-10-2006 @ 09:57 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Rumour has it that a virtual glove has been slapped in the face, or thrown on the ground, as a challenge to a duel of the strongman abilities of the edinburgh cult (ie Jonathan) by the Sudgen menace (ie Olly). Come on guys, lets make this one happen. I guess one decision is that do we (the other dudes and ladies) stand back, hold the coats, and watch the crazy boys go head to head, or do we have team s**t? I'm sure Rob and I could busy ourselves with going head to head on making a documentary about it (easier than picking up heavy weights) Happy

Thoughts and suggestions?
RobIcon...16-10-2006 @ 12:20 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Sounds cool to me!
CuddlesIcon...16-10-2006 @ 14:22 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Awesome. Lets make it a team affair!
JoniIcon...16-10-2006 @ 14:30 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
i think it will be mainly Jonathan vs Olly, and then rest of us can go head to head in other categories. Buzz is making great gains with the toys - i would not be suprised if he would beat me by early next year. Alex is a skinny bodybuilder ( Wink ) but a strong one and will probably make leaps and bounds with gains now after moving to live in the strength cult house. he already nailed that 100kg stone didn't he?

Buzz & Jonathan, should Spug be counted in the cult house team since he is kind of scottish Grin If Wayne comes along, he should remain neutral because otherwise we get our arses handed to us...

Jo could take on Kathryn?

So my suggestion:

Jonathan, Buzz and Olly, plan the events and set a date. Go heavy.
buzzIcon...16-10-2006 @ 15:12 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Good stuff! Aye, alex can throw the 100kg badboy about like it's a pebble. He's actually better in a few aspects than me, but hey, I'm giving too much away already.... Happy

Are we talking head to head, like below? (we can get lots of close face to face angry shots for the doco Happy)

jono vs olly
me vs the fat man
spug vs adam
alex vs rob
kathryn vs jo

deckerz - strong f**ker = guest. Unless we get to steal him and you boys bring another character?

the winner takes a point, meaning it can't be tied unless there is a draw, then we have a mofo showdown, some kind of mad f**king event involving lots of kilts, bagpipes and oats... oops, giving away the gameplan again.
littlegirlbunnyIcon...16-10-2006 @ 15:30 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
Oooh! Competition! Grin

So, I take it, as it is a team event, it will have the three powerlifts in it as well then......????? I think it will be a much fairer comp if we do both strongman and powerlifting. And more fun too Grin
buzzIcon...16-10-2006 @ 15:36 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
What is powerlifting? Grin

Thick bar deads for reps then? In reality I reckon it's too much to do both. We can have a deadlift event in there, but that's about all we can manage. The rest of the events will be carefully structured to give great advantage to the edinburgh team (joke).
littlegirlbunnyIcon...16-10-2006 @ 15:41 
Member 7, 621 posts
SQ 80, BP 45, DL 125
250.0 kgs @ 55kgs UnEq
You mean it will have everything to do with grip and nothing to do with squatting?? Wink
CuddlesIcon...16-10-2006 @ 15:46 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 16.10.2006 @ 15:46 PM
How about we pick 4-5 events, and have the same number of competitors from each team, the points will be split so first place takes the same number of points as there are total competitors (so if we have 4 a side first takes 8, last takes 1.) That way it can be both me v Jonathon, Buzz v Joni AND Sugden v Edinburgh.

4-6 events, we pick 2-3, you pick 2-3. That sound fair to everyone??
buzzIcon...16-10-2006 @ 15:54 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Aye, sounds fine to me, though what about jo and kathryn? I guess we could just use relative weights and they could compete with us, or separately and have like 4pts for the winner and 3 for the 2nd place? Would this work, I'mnot sure.

I say keep it to 4 events (coz im lazy and would get sleepy after the 2nd one) though 5 or 6 is fine, if it's logistically doable in the time.
JoniIcon...16-10-2006 @ 15:59 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
all i know i want to see Jonathan & Olly go head to head on farmers, Yoke, log and Stones Grin That will be something to watch and it will be a close call, i'm sure both will push themselves like never before.
CuddlesIcon...16-10-2006 @ 16:02 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Yeah we can just scale down the weights for the ladies. Shouldnt be too hard to workout.

So, when is this thing going to happen? I think us Sugden boys need quite a while to train for it, well, at least I do!
CuddlesIcon...16-10-2006 @ 16:04 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Joni man, dont forget deadlift for reps. I was thinking 250kg in 90 seconds, what does everyone reckon?!!?!Grin Grin
JoniIcon...16-10-2006 @ 16:08 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Olly...
Joni man, dont forget deadlift for reps. I was thinking 250kg in 90 seconds, what does everyone reckon?!!?!Grin Grin

thats sounds like a plan Grin
buzzIcon...16-10-2006 @ 16:15 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Olly...
Joni man, dont forget deadlift for reps. I was thinking 250kg in 90 seconds, what does everyone reckon?!!?!Grin Grin

Tandem deads aye? Yeah, that's fine Happy

As for the dates, and time for training, I was thinking maybe this coming weekend? Tongue Otherwise, maybe mid december?


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