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Sugden`s Top 20 Action Movies (1980-2000)

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davidhowarthIcon...02-12-2012 @ 14:27 
Americans 'win' with cheese
Member 2293, 1493 posts
sexymikehowarth said:
Very popular and wil get many votes due to the humour and the fact it's only £3 in Asda, great story line and varied pace
Excellent blend of cultures, bad guys, tricky situations and above all comedy
Is it not more of a comedy than an action film though? I dunno... But the fight scenes were funny and also very well corriographed

I think it is more action than comedy but not by much, sugden has all kinds of strength athletes so the list can be loose abit without being bogged down on pure action movies imo, Dusk till dawn can be looked at changing.

Lets see what rick says on the matter. It can be action based but it does not have to be pure action.

One film per year only and action based.
deleted2_20210523Icon...02-12-2012 @ 14:35 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
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PAGANIcon...02-12-2012 @ 14:37 
I took about £4 out of Sooty's bottom
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kirkynick said:I'm still saying Highlander over Aliens lol

davidhowarthIcon...02-12-2012 @ 14:45 
Americans 'win' with cheese
Member 2293, 1493 posts
Post Edited: 02.12.2012 @ 14:55 PM by davidhowarth
kirkynick said:I'm still saying Highlander over Aliens lol

It`s the closest thing to knock aliens of the list I think, ive not put my vote in on this as I dont know where I stand on the two tbh. ill check how many votes aliens is winning by.

Aliens 4 - Highlander 3

edit, can no longer post as ive hit my 50 posts in 24 hours, I can still update the first page.
deleted2_20210523Icon...02-12-2012 @ 14:50 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
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Daws87Icon...02-12-2012 @ 15:39 
Member 3634, 2381 posts
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I vote Highlander over Aliens
WILLSANIcon...02-12-2012 @ 15:43 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
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sexymikehowarth said:
Starship troopers was a good laugh and a very different type of film which was comical and yet action packed
Con Air is and always will be a household favourite and I think quite rightly so... Excellent drama, sound tracks (same as broken arrow) and a overall well thought through and gripping narrative
I love everything Starship Troopers but Con Air is in my all time Top Ten Action Films

I think the thing that gives starship troopers the edge for me is that initially it seems like a gung ho 'america ho!' action fest but then turns out to be a sharp political satire mocking those very values. its a really clever film, with alot more to it than con air.
unit94Icon...02-12-2012 @ 15:50 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
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I think the thing that gives starship troopers the edge for me is that initially it seems like a gung ho 'america ho!' action fest but then turns out to be a sharp political satire mocking those very values. its a really clever film, with alot more to it than con air.

I really enjoyed starship troopers but con air is an absolute classic, watched it so many times
ben66Icon...02-12-2012 @ 15:57 
Why get fat to look big?
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Starship Troopers over Con Air for me.
WILLSANIcon...02-12-2012 @ 15:58 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
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although its not perfect id put desperado over judge dredd in '95.
vausieIcon...02-12-2012 @ 15:59 
in real life im massive like big fridge
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WILLSAN said:although its not perfect id put desperado over judge dredd in '95.

no Grin Tongue
WILLSANIcon...02-12-2012 @ 16:03 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
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lol one word disagreements are null and void! Wink

my judgement may be tainted by the fact they did an awful job of adapting the comics, which I was a fan of.
SteveIcon...02-12-2012 @ 16:31 
nothing to hide, please follow my life on webcam
Member 255, 3732 posts
Surprised not to see Indiana Jones mentioned. 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark and 1989 the lat Crusade
deleted2_20210523Icon...02-12-2012 @ 16:42 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
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PAGANIcon...02-12-2012 @ 16:52 
I took about £4 out of Sooty's bottom
Member 685, 8719 posts
SQ 225, BP 150, DL 290
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Another vote for Starship Troopers here.


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