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Sugden`s Top 20 Action Movies (1980-2000)

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ThingIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:43 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
'83 is a toughie!

Blue thunder
davidhowarthIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:43 
Americans 'win' with cheese
Member 2293, 1493 posts
Thing said:
Right turn Clyde

WILLSANIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:44 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Tremors for '90 over total recall maybe?
jamieaIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:44 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
bruce said:Not sure on dates but

Over the top
Road house
Blood sport

Road house and bloodsport definate, got to get AWOL in there too
mrbeigeIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:47 
I was being a spaz!
Member 2961, 1580 posts
SQ 195, BP 120, DL 255
570.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Thing said:
Blue thunder

Agreed. Anything is better than Krull!
unit94Icon...01-12-2012 @ 21:48 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
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jamiea said:
Road house and bloodsport definate, got to get AWOL in there too

Bloodsport over diehard?
davidhowarthIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:48 
Americans 'win' with cheese
Member 2293, 1493 posts
Post Edited: 01.12.2012 @ 21:48 PM by davidhowarth
WILLSAN said:Tremors for '90 over total recall maybe?

I watch Termors when ever it is on (it`s on alot) but does that beat three tit`s

im going for temors until someone says it`s not action!
WILLSANIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:50 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
I loved total recall when it came out but I think tremors has aged better. It's close though.
ThingIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:51 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
davidhowarth said:

It's in both films I think
luke00Icon...01-12-2012 @ 21:51 
either Im a penis or Im not a penis
Member 722, 2977 posts
SQ 300, BP 220, DL 350
870.0 kgs @ 123kgs UnEq
Point break is a chicks film.
davidhowarthIcon...01-12-2012 @ 21:54 
Americans 'win' with cheese
Member 2293, 1493 posts
Post Edited: 01.12.2012 @ 22:04 PM by davidhowarth
The list so far...

1980 - Any way which you can
1981 - Mad Max II
1982 - Rambo first blood
1983 - Blue thunder
1984 - Terminator
1985 - commando
1986 - aliens
1987 - Predator
1988 - Die Hard
1989 - Tango and Cash
1990 - Total Recall
1991 - Point break
1992 - Universal Soldier
1993 - Demolition Man
1994 - LEON.
1995 - Judge Dredd
1996 - Dusk Till Dawn
1997 - Con Air
1998 - Blade
1999 - The Matrix
2000 - Gladiator

need to check what will pass as a action film tomorrow but there is only 4 films in that list that I would change for my top 20.
SparrowIcon...01-12-2012 @ 22:04 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
^ this line alone elevates predator over robocop! Grin

Upon further consideration, Predator gets my vote! I loved Robocop as a kid, but thinking about them both now I know I'd enjoy Predator much more than Robocop
davidhowarthIcon...01-12-2012 @ 22:06 
Americans 'win' with cheese
Member 2293, 1493 posts
Sparrow said:
Upon further consideration, Predator gets my vote! I loved Robocop as a kid, but thinking about them both now I know I'd enjoy Predator much more than Robocop

Predator has got far more vote`s than robocop. I need to check the list is right, if anyone spots something wrong then point it out.
SparrowIcon...01-12-2012 @ 22:09 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
ben66 said:AWOL (1990) and Kickboxer (1989)

X 2 for these 2.
davidhowarthIcon...01-12-2012 @ 22:14 
Americans 'win' with cheese
Member 2293, 1493 posts
Termors has been add for now, dont think it classed as a action film tho.

Think some may get kicked off the list.


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